Even ordinary people can guess how harmful nuclear weapons are and how lethal bacteria and viruses are. Just being exposed to them is enough to be afraid of them.

"Doesn't Russia have many nuclear weapons facilities?"

Bai Ye explained: "What if the facility where nuclear weapons are stored is taken away by the enemy? Then use bacteria around the nuclear weapons facility to kill all the enemies and take back the nuclear weapons facility."

The Kremlin Report is basically this kind of thing.

It was a preventive operational report on how to regain nuclear weapons facilities if they were taken away.

"The 'bacteria' mentioned in this report are not friendly poisonous gases, but are spread through the air, can enter the pores, and evaporate all blood vessels and tissues. They are most likely to have murderous intentions. ' of bad bacteria."

It can be said that this kind of bacteria was created just to kill people.

"Just yesterday, the Russian military published this 'Kremlin Report'."

Bai Ye grinned and said: "They finally couldn't bear the huge pressure brought by Academy City's super-era technology, and they were ready to use forbidden weapons."

The sentence "in order to regain the taken away nuclear weapons facilities" in the report can be completely omitted.

The real purpose of the Russian military is, of course, to threaten Academy City by applying "nuclear weapons" and "bacteria" to war.

The so-called ‘Kremlin Report’ is a threatening letter.

And it was a threatening letter that was known to all countries in the world.

"...It's too messy."

Even Sasha, who is Russian, felt shuddering when she heard the true meaning of the 'Kremlin Report' from Bai Ye.

No matter what, 'nuclear weapons' are taboo, and 'bacteria' are anti-humanitarian inventions.

Generally speaking, these two things will not be used in war unless it is an important moment for the survival of the country.

But at this moment, Russia is braving the disapproval of the world and trying to use "nuclear weapons" and "bacteria" in war.

The war only lasted for more than ten days, and it has already developed to this extent?

No matter what, this is too contrary to the normal development process of war.

Ordinary people, even the Russian military, would never have such thoughts.

".'This matter is most likely the work of the Fire of the Right and the Russian cult, who secretly controlled the publication of the Kremlin report."

Bai Ye's voice was calm (Zhao Zhaohao), and he said so calmly: "This also shows that they are getting anxious."

"If it were a truly gradual war, the use of nuclear weapons and bacteria would not be considered a violation, but in this kind of war where someone obviously pulled the trigger forcefully, this kind of thing is not allowed by anyone..."

Really rational people still maintain their rationality and do not completely fall into the war brain.

The too rapid pace of war may ignite the war-weariness of people all over the world in one fell swoop.

"Okay, ten kilometers ahead is the place where Accelerator and I have agreed to meet. We will discuss the Kremlin report later."

Bai Ye touched Sasha's silky hair, and after she repeated 'request one, don't rub my hair' again, the two of them drove to a gas station ten kilometers away. .

Chapter 1426 Attack on Accelerator

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Ten kilometers away.

In a gas station.

Accelerator wore a large white coat, which, combined with his snow-white hair and thin figure, unexpectedly gave people a slender beauty.

At this moment, the white boy was looking at the people a few steps away with an indifferent expression, his eyes showing a coldness without any warmth.

"You have almost been chasing me all the way, right? Is that roll of parchment really that important?"

A few steps away from Accelerator were several people wearing black robes, hiding their appearance under the black robes, holding long staffs in their hands, and they looked like wizards in Western fantasy movies. people.

"...Hand over that roll of parchment, otherwise we won't be polite!"

The leader of several men in black robes stepped forward and shouted threateningly at Accelerator.

"Ha! What a boring line! Do you fallen dogs only speak such third-rate lines? All the way here, every wave of people who chased me I met, they all said the same lines as you."

Accelerator tilted his neck, moved his hands, as if he was flexing his muscles, and the evil smile on his face immediately appeared as expected.

"I hope your skills are not as good as theirs!"

Several Russian adult magicians wrapped in black robes froze when they felt Accelerator's murderous intent, and then without hesitation activated the magic they were good at.

Water arrows, electricity, freezing air, etc. all gathered together and swept towards Accelerator.

In terms of the intensity of these attacks, it may not even be comparable to some level 4 in Academy City. The only advantage that can be said is that the movements are agile enough. After all, he is a magician who has experienced war, not the hothouses of Academy City. Students below can compare.

However, this level of power is not painful at all for a monster like Accelerator.


Accelerator suddenly stamped his foot, and the snowflakes around him gathered from the ground and the air, forming a white curtain that directly covered up the magic of several magicians.

Even these (bieg) magicians were crushed under the snowdrifts by the incoming micro avalanches.

"Hey, what's so special about this roll of parchment? Please explain it to me."

Accelerator stepped on the head of a magician that emerged from under the snowdrift, and rubbed his face with the sole of his leather shoe unceremoniously. At the same time, he also used an extremely ferocious expression to question the other person. .

"...I...I don't know...this is an order from above..."

Accelerator stopped what he was doing and let out an unhappy 'tsk' sound. He gave up the idea of ​​getting news from these magicians and turned around and walked into the gas station.

It's not like he hasn't encountered interceptions from other magicians along the way.

Rather, compared to the army, he encountered more magicians. That must be because the parchment he recycled was something related to magic.

However, even when facing those magicians, Accelerator defeated them without exception.

Although he is not used to fighting magicians, and the laws that are completely different from science are difficult for him to reflect, but he does not rely solely on reflection to make a living, and his hard power still surpasses Russia. The adult magician army.

After defeating those magicians, Accelerator once tried to ask them about the special features of the parchment, but without exception, no one knew it.

This roll of parchment seems to be quite secretive among the Russian adult religion, and ordinary magicians may not know the existence of this thing at all.

These magicians said that they did not know, which must be true. In view of this, Accelerator simply gave up the idea of ​​questioning.

Inside the gas station, there is a small supermarket with a heater on.

But there was no one in the supermarket... After all, no one would dare to stay in the face of such a monster after seeing the micro-avalanche caused by Accelerator, right?

The empty supermarket was just what he wanted. After walking into the supermarket, Accelerator started rummaging around on the counter, but he couldn't find his target for a long time.

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