One is a petite but beautiful Russian adult girl who is wearing a strange formal suit, with golden bangs covering half of her face.

At this moment, the two people were placed on both sides of the high platform, and they all fell into a drowsy state, unconscious.

However, on the surface, both of them appeared to be intact, and their breaths were not sluggish at all. They were just asleep, and there was no sign of any injuries on their bodies.

"Are you worried about these two people?"

Right Fire followed Bai Ye's gaze and looked to his left and right, and then without much hesitation, he picked up the girl Sasha on his left and threw it towards Bai Ye, with a look of complete indifference on his face. look.

"Anyway, after Gabriel appears, this girl has no use value. Since you like this scrapped gear so much, I will give it to you."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and accurately took Sasha into his arms.

After all, this girl is only 4.3 years old. Her body is very light, and her bangs are parted, revealing a hidden cute and delicate face. No wonder her boss 'loves' her so much. This girl does have that capital.

Bai Ye reached out and wrote a rune on Sasha's body. With the blessing of magic power, the girl quickly woke up from her coma.


Sasha groaned softly, then opened her eyes, and immediately met Bai Ye's eyes.

PS: I’m out of touch a little today, I’ll update it three times in the evening, and the remaining chapter will be added tomorrow.

PS2: After entering the Three War Chapter, my subscription dropped dramatically. As expected, writing content that has not yet been aired in the anime is really unpleasant. I cried. How can I put it? Please subscribe in various ways... But after finishing the game on the right, the Three War Chapter is very It will be finished soon, and it is expected to be finished within thirty chapters. .

Chapter 1439 - The huge distortion of the world

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As the two looked at each other, the atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

Sasha's eyes dodge slightly, not daring to look at Bai Ye's deep pupils. It seemed that even she knew how unreasonable her behavior of leaving without saying goodbye was.

"There shouldn't be any injuries on your body, right?"

While Bai Ye asked this, he calmly put Sasha down, and then said: "Tell me the reason why you ignore my advice and leave my side."

Sasha's body trembled slightly, and then her face darkened slightly under her bangs. She turned her head and looked at the right fire above who was free.

"Answer one, that guy caught Vasilisa and used her to threaten me."

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of understanding on his face.

As mentioned before, Vasilisa was the boss who blocked the army that captured Sasha and allowed her to escape from Russia into the Irisalina Independent State Alliance.

Although he is a pervert who likes to force Sasha to wear restraints with his authority, he is also the one who loves Sasha the most.

If Vasilissa is caught by the Right Fire and uses her to threaten Sasha, then Sasha may indeed leave Bai Ye's protection and be captured by the Right Fire.

"In order to achieve your own goals, you really like to do some despicable things, Right Fire."

Bai Ye also looked at the fire on the right, with a familiar chill in his eyes.

Right Fire chuckled, not taking Bai Ye's accusation seriously at all, he just smiled and said: "That's not a big deal, right?"

"You know, I do all these things to save the world. A little pain is just a little pain before the world is saved, and it is not enough."

The fire on the right has no shame at all. He seems to think that with the great ideal of "saving the world", he can do whatever he wants to other lives.

Since my intention is to save the world, there is nothing I can do about doing something despicable.

"Having this kind of idea and doing evil without caring, without even the slightest consciousness of doing evil, is the most frightening thing."

Bai Ye twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a bit of ridicule towards the fire on the right.

"Don't you have the slightest awareness?"

Right Fire sighed, looking a little disappointed at Bai Ye's incomprehension.

"——The world has become distorted."

"Moreover, the distortion has gone deep into the 'foundation' level. The four attributes of fire, water, earth, and wind have long been separated from their original positions, separated from the original 'basic point', and have become different from the original... "

Fire on the Right explained: "The wind in front corresponds to 'front' and 'wind', but the corresponding archangel Uriel has the nature of 'fire of God', but actually corresponds to 'fire' It should be me and Archangel Michael, right? Then why is the 'Fire of God' not Michael?"

Bai Ye listened silently to Right Fire's talk, remained silent, and did not make any comments or refutations.

"No one noticed anything unusual about something that is already at the 'basic' level. Everyone took it for granted that this was the right thing to do...but that's of course."

"After all, who would have thought that this world would be completely distorted from the legal level?"

Right Fire lamented, "The original world should not be like this. The 'normal' world is by no means the 'wrong' world full of environmental destruction, ethnic discrimination, and frequent wars like now. It is A perfect world like the 'Kingdom of Heaven' just like the biblical legend!"

"Perhaps the power of magic is far less powerful than it is now, the so-called devil will never reach that level, and aliens like science will not rise..."

——A huge distortion of the world.

This is what the Right Fire discovered.

There is no evidence for this inference, and even Bai Ye, the companion elf at the root of unity, cannot give an accurate response to this judgment.

The contents on the 'parchment' appeared in Bai Ye's mind.

Although Bai Ye could see that it contained knowledge about 'attributes' and so on, Bai Ye never knew what the purpose of the right fire was.

No, that shouldn’t be said. Bai Ye knew that the purpose of the Right Fire was to create the conditions needed for ‘the coming of the Son of God’, but he didn’t know the reason why the Right Fire did this.

And now, combined with the contents of the parchment and the Star of Bethlehem now rising into the sky, Bai Ye knew it.

"Your purpose is to restore the four major attributes, change the 'basic point' of the world back to its original state, and restore the world to what you think is the 'correct' posture, right?"

Bai Ye speculated: "The way to do this is to use the Archangel Gabriel and the Star of Bethlehem to create an environment where the 'Son of God returns', take away Index's long-distance control spiritual equipment, and kidnap her Kamijou Touma did all 210 to achieve this goal."

In this way, the reason and purpose of Right Fire's actions are all connected.

"It's the same as what you guessed, Kanzaki Hakuno, but there is a little difference."

Right Fire nodded appreciatively at Bai Ye, and then said: "Whether it is carrying out the 'Return of the Son of God' or repairing the distortion of the world, it is all to create something that allows me to exert my full power. It’s just a stage”

"Although my power is very strong, powerful enough to save the world, unfortunately there are many restrictions. I must have enough 'knowledge' and 'environment' to liberate it."

"The purpose of taking away the remote control spiritual equipment is to gain 'knowledge', and everything I have done so far, whether it is inciting the Third World War, building this Star of Bethlehem, or summoning the Archangel Bailie, these are all to create a special 'environment'."

As Right Fire said this, a mass of light like a giant's arm gradually emerged from his right shoulder.

"And now, it's time to enjoy the results!".

Chapter 1440 The severed ‘Fantasy Killer’

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The essence of the power of the Right Fire is actually the most powerful power in Christian mythology - the Holy Right.

How huge is that power? As the right fire said, it is a 'power powerful enough to save the world'.

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