
Within a second, the space within the temple shattered like the most fragile glass, and scattered space fragments shot out like glass shards.

The fire on the right instantly rose on alert.

The almost substantial third hand on his right shoulder waved again as if without thinking. While slapping away all the sputtering space debris, it also caused a vortex of light filled with light explosions. It appeared again and spun towards Bai Ye.

Different from the previous vortexes of light, the scale of this vortex of light was obviously higher. It expanded in the wind. In an instant, it burst the entire temple and reached the level of a building.

This time it was the full force of the right fire, which was powerful enough to shatter the earth beneath their feet and endanger the surrounding space.

Logically speaking, if a strong man of the Demon God's level does not emerge, no one in the world can stop him.

Even the quasi-demon Orelus, based on Bai Ye's judgment, might not be able to suppress the fire on the right in front of him.

——However, Hakuno once defeated the quasi-demon Ourels.

At the moment when the huge vortex of light hit him head-on, Bai Ye's indifferent golden eyes shone with a piercing golden luster.


For some reason, the hole in the space blocking the two people showed no signs of being repaired by the world at all. Instead, it suddenly expanded in the next moment.

The dark space hole blocked Bai Ye's face, and its size also expanded.

At the same time, a suction force that seemed to be able to absorb even light was released from the hole in the space.

The masonry and rubble were easily absorbed, and the surrounding air flowed into it like thousands of rivers returning to the sea. Steel, soil, earth... everything was flying uncontrollably towards the hole in the space, and disappeared forever. Among them.

It seems that all the mass cannot satisfy its appetite, and even the light pouring down from the sun is sucked into it, making it appear completely unobservable 'pitch black'.

"Black... hole...".

Chapter 1447 The sudden appearance of uninvited guests

+A -A


The fire on the right stared at the dark hole in front of Bai Ye. The previous calmness and smile on his face had disappeared. The corners of his eyes and mouth were stretched to the widest angle, making his face look inexplicably ferocious. stand up.

Isn't it a black hole with a huge suction force that even light cannot escape?

The miniature black hole in front of Bai Ye was only as tall as a person, but the power it exuded seemed to come from the world itself, making the fire on the right tremble involuntarily.

The whirlpool of light that rivaled the building was completely stopped in its progress after arriving in front of this miniature black hole.

Not only that, the vortex of light itself was also rapidly disintegrating, turning into torrents of light and being absorbed into the miniature black hole.

In less than a second, the vortex of light that could shatter the planet completely disappeared.

After completely absorbing the vortex of light, the miniature black hole is still not satisfied, greedily absorbing everything in this space. No matter how small, how thick, or how invisible the material is, it cannot escape its suction.


Bai Ye stretched out his hand and gently snapped his fingers.

Immediately, as if following his will, the power of the world itself began to operate, gradually repairing the black hole completely, allowing the terrifying pitch-black hole to disappear in front of the two of them.

However, the rubble and bricks that were sucked away cannot come back. Even if the Star of Bethlehem has the function of automatic repair, it cannot build a large temple out of nothing - as if to declare that the fire on the right is coming to the earth as a god. The situation is generally over.


The fire on the right stared at Bai Ye with criss-crossed bloodshot eyes, revealing deep shock, unwillingness, and resentment.

Even a force powerful enough to crush a planet cannot break through the black hole.

Let alone a planet, even a star-destroying force might not be able to defeat the current Bai Ye.

"It's not over yet... As long as I redefine the Holy Right and define Kanzaki Hakuno as an enemy——"

The Fire of the Right struggled to stabilize its emotions and tried to change the settings of the Holy Right.

However, what the fire on the right did not expect——

Setup failed.

The fire on the right suddenly looked shocked.

"how come……"

Under normal circumstances, as long as the existence that he can define as an 'enemy' actually appears in front of him and is not an imaginary enemy, he can set up the Holy Right.

And if Bai Ye can be defined as his enemy, the power of the Holy Right is theoretically powerful enough to destroy a miniature black hole.

But the result was a failure.

"——Of course you can't."

The air became solid in an instant.

A voice that could make people doubt their own cognition sounded from the Star of Bethlehem.

It looks like both a man and a woman, an adult and a child, a saint and a prisoner... It's like a mixture of all the sounds of life in the world, or a superposition of countless possibilities of its own voice.

That was too mysterious a sound.

Although there was no fluctuation in his tone, it made people subconsciously feel creepy.

The moment the sound rang out, the fire on the right was completely stunned.

As for Bai Ye, the moment he heard this voice, his eyes and expression suddenly became extremely sharp.

There was a chill in the air that seemed to freeze time and space.

After the sound sounded, the owner of the sound gradually appeared in front of the two people.

He is tall and slender, wearing a green surgical suit, and has silver hair that reaches his ankles. His appearance lacks obvious features, but there is one thing that leaves an overly deep impression. His whole person seems to be filled with all kinds of huge things. Contradiction in general.

"...Aleister, why are you here?"

Bai Ye asked in a deep voice.

Aleister's eyes turned and stopped on Bai Ye for a moment, then moved away and landed on the fire on the right.

··········Request flowers 0·······

"Because there was a situation where I had to come out."

Aleister answered Bai Ye's question so indifferently, and then turned to look at the fire on the right.

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