When Bai Ye heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, with a trace of doubt subconsciously showing on his face.

"Actually, I originally planned to wait until the sapphire platform that symbolizes 'creation' is almost repaired, and then I will tell you when your mental strength is enough to control that power."

Mo Na's little face was tangled together, with a look on his face that he was very repulsed by handing over this power to Bai Ye now.

"However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the current situation does not allow it to proceed so slowly... There is no way. Although it is a bit reluctant, it is still possible to manage it."

Under Bai Ye's puzzled expression, Mana sighed melancholy, then stretched out his white jade-like wrist and pointed it slightly towards somewhere in the sky.

"Okay, stop being naughty and come here quickly."

It was as if he was speaking to some inexperienced child, his tone full of helplessness and resentment.

Bai Ye looked towards the sky with curious eyes.

What caught the eye was a golden light filled with a chilling aura.


·· 0Request flowers····· ·····

After the golden light flickered in the sky, it cut through the space with a crisp sound like steel clashing, and came in front of the two of them at such a speed that Bai Ye could not react.

It was an object whose entire body was wrapped in bright golden light.

It looks like a——


Bai Ye looked at this golden light in confusion. Even if he only looked at its faint outline, he could tell that it was a spear.

"That's right."

Mana nodded, "It does look like a magic gun. Haven't you always wondered why your talent in marksmanship is so high? It was given to you."

....... 0

Bai Ye's eyes suddenly widened.

Both Luo Hao and Scathach once praised Bai Ye's talent in marksmanship. They believed that Bai Ye could surpass them in a short time as long as he concentrated on practicing marksmanship.

Bai Ye has always wondered how his talent could be so powerful. Unexpectedly, he suddenly got the answer now.

"Is this the magic gun that gave me the talent for marksmanship?"

Bai Ye looked up and down at the magic gun hidden in the golden light.

Although the gun body within the light could not be seen clearly, this did not prevent Bai Ye from sensing that what was released from this magic gun seemed to be able to freeze even consciousness - a murderous intention without any ripples.

"I told you a long time ago, right?"

Mana explained to Bai Ye: "The power of the unified root is divided into two parts: creation and killing, symbolizing the goodwill and malice towards countless fantasy worlds."

"But all this time, you only have the power of 'imagination of fantasy' that corresponds to creation, and cannot use the power that corresponds to killing."

"That's because the power of killing is too powerful. It's so powerful that one bad move can destroy countless worlds. It's too powerful and difficult to control. In the past, it was impossible for you to control this power of killing, but now you It is already much stronger than before, maybe it is already possible..."

Volume Thirteen The Realm of the Sky

Chapter 1458 The power called fantasy obliteration

+A -A

The power of the unified root is divided into two parts: creation and killing.

However, all this time, Bai Ye has only possessed the power of 'imagination of dreams', but the other part of the power has not been seen at all.

It's not that Bai Ye has not speculated on what the power of killing is. After all, all signs indicate that his body, or the power given to him by the source of integration, does contain the nature of killing.

It had been discovered a long time ago that Bai Ye was indifferent to the act of 'killing', and that his eyes would turn abnormally golden when he had murderous intentions in his heart... These were not the characteristics he should have originally.

But now, this power has finally unveiled its mystery in Bai Ye, allowing Bai Ye to get to the bottom of it.

"The embodiment of the source of integration is actually not just the 'Sapphire Platform'."

Mana explained to Bai Ye: "In fact, this 'sapphire platform' is just the embodiment of the 'creation' side of the root of unity, and the power of your 'imagination of fantasy' comes from it."

"The manifestation of the 'killing' aspect of the root of unity is this divine spear - I don't know 21 things about why it looks like a gun - the sapphire platform and this golden divine spear are both integrated It is part of the root, and this golden gun, which is the symbol of the unified root killing, can give you another kind of power that is different from the manifestation of fantasy."

As the sapphire platform that symbolizes creation, what is given to Hakuno is the ‘dream embodiment’ that represents creation.

As a symbol of killing, the golden spear gives Bai Ye another kind of power that represents killing.

——But the problem is that this killing power is too powerful.

Too much power is difficult to control.

Hakuno has seen countless examples of this so far. Not to mention, just like Carissa. As a human, even if she is holding a Kati that gives the holder the power of the Archangel Michael, Yes, but it is still very difficult to use that power. Once used improperly and beyond one's control, it is likely to cause the power to go wild.

"The power of 'Utopia Obliteration' is too powerful, powerful enough to destroy the entire world within sight."

Mana shook his head and said solemnly: "Once you can't control it and your power goes wild, it will probably lead to the demise of one or even several fantasy worlds!"

This is the reason why Mana has never given this power to Bai Ye.

It is certainly a good thing to have strong power, but if the power is too strong, it will only lead to a series of tragedies.

If Bai Ye was really careless and his power went rampant, thereby destroying a world, then he would inevitably fall into heavy self-blame and be unable to extricate himself.

"However, this is a special period, and we must give you new and powerful enough power."

Mana said helplessly: "Otherwise, I will wait until your mental power is strong enough to control it before I let you gain its power."

The conditions for "controlling the erasure of fantasy" are the same as the conditions for "fully exerting the power of ultimate fantasy manifestation". They must possess mental power that is strong enough to be in tune with the source of unity, and must reach the state of omniscience and omnipotence.

At first glance, the conditions for using Fantasy Obliteration are much more stringent than Fantasy Realization.

That's natural. Although the power of fantasy manifestation is powerful, it is also 'gentle' enough. It is not as 'violent' as fantasy erasure. The difference between the two is like the difference between a tame horse and a fierce horse. The distance they can run It's not necessarily much different, but the difficulty of taming them is vastly different.

"With your mental power that has now reached the ultimate fantasy realization level and is still growing, it may be possible to tame it."

Mana looked at Bai Ye, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"How about it? Do you want to try it?"

"Of course I have to try."

Bai Ye answered almost without hesitation.

If things have come to this, there is no reason not to try, and the current situation does not allow him to back down. What's more, it is just a try, and it is not asking him to die again. He has even experienced death several times. Could it be Are you still afraid of such a small thing?

"I knew you would say that."

The smile on Mana's face overflowed from the corners of her eyes, "In that case, let's get started!"

The first step is to find a suitable environment.

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