Asagami Yasuzo couldn't help but made a questioning sound, and intuitively felt something was wrong.

Opposite him.

Aozaki Orange stretched out his hand, pinched the center of his eyebrows, and then gently took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"."——Mr. Asagami. "

If Aozaki Orange was like a gentle spring breeze when she wore glasses before, then she is closer to a chilling autumn breeze when she takes off her glasses now.

She opened her eyes, and her whole demeanor changed dramatically.

The smoothness he had as a businessman completely disappeared. Instead, he became extremely sharp like a lion, and his eyes were like swords about to be unsheathed.

"I can roughly estimate the power of this treaty. This should be a contract signed after connecting with a certain demon. If you choose to break the contract, the essence in your body will be gradually sucked away by the demon. , gradually became frail and sickly, but not so sick that he died, and he will probably die of old age in the hospital bed in the end. I really don’t know whether I should call him kind or cruel."

"But, unfortunately (for Nord), I cannot break this treaty."

"Please don't doubt my ability. In this world, there is only one person who can use runes that even I can't identify, except for people who don't exist in this world. But you are very unlucky to meet me. Fucked him..."

After taking off his glasses, when Aozaki Kiyoko spoke, he seemed to have completely lost his humanity and became indifferent, which caught Asakami Yasuzo off guard.

"I said, you should have information about the other party, right? For example, their appearance and address..."

A sharp smile appeared on Aozaki Orange's face.

"Give me that, I'm going to meet an old friend."

PS: I went out to Shanghai today and was a bit busy, so I’ll just update it once. Sorry, I’ll try to make up for it later. Woolen cloth.

Chapter 1480 Asakami Fujino vs Cat-shaped Monster

+A -A

Night falls.

The blood-red halo released a glow like sunset in the sky, dyeing the earth orange-red. Coupled with the constant flashing of neon lights, the whole city looked colorful.

After Asakami Fujino said good night to Hakuno, he walked into the room and prepared to rest.

However, the moment she lay down, a knock on the door suddenly came from the entrance, causing her closed eyes to open again.

"It's so late, why are there still guests?"

Asakami Fujino thought so as he put on his clothes, got out of bed, walked out of the room, and walked towards the entrance.

When night comes, Hakuno always disappears without a trace. This is a fact Asagami Fujino learned after living together for nearly two months.

Therefore, in this case, Asagami Fujino is needed to entertain the arriving guests.

With a click, Asakami Fujino opened the door.

However, unexpectedly, there was no figure outside the door.

Only a suitcase that didn't look too big or too small was placed flat on the ground.

There was silence outside, without a single sound, as if even the sounds on the street outside were blocked.

Asakami Fujino frowned slightly. Although her perception was not very sensitive, she still subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

And just when she was secretly on guard, the suitcase on the ground not far away was suddenly opened. It didn't look like someone took the initiative to open it, but it seemed like something was inside and ejected the suitcase. Come to normal.

"It's scary————"

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black monster sprang out from the suitcase, and shot towards Asakami Fujino's direction at a speed as fast as lightning.

Its speed was so fast that it completely surpassed Asagami Fujino's vision, so that she could barely see a black shadow.

Facing the attack of this black shadow, Asagami Fujino subconsciously took a step back and retreated into the room.

The next moment, the black shadow quickly pounced on the door frame, but was blocked by a light curtain that came from nowhere.


The black shadow hit the light screen, and while making a "pop" sound, it was also directly ejected, letting out a painful wail from its mouth.

It was only then that Asakami Fujino came back to his senses, a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he was secretly grateful.

For safety and security reasons, Bai Ye had already set up a rune barrier around the room. It was absolutely impossible for malicious beings to enter the barrier.

Asakami Fujino knew about this a long time ago, so he developed the consciousness to retreat to the room when in danger, and escaped the disaster.

"Is this...a cat?"

After Fujino Asagami breathed a sigh of relief, he looked outside at the dark monster that landed on the suitcase.

It is a monster made entirely of shadows. It has no physical appearance at all. It looks like a cat. But if you look closely, you will find that this monster only has a mouth and no other organs at all. And it looks like It looks quite flat, with no thickness at all.

Shadow monster.

Asagami Fujino immediately felt troubled.

If it were a physical thing, her twisted demonic eyes could tear it apart in an instant, which is totally unreasonable.

But if it is an illusory, incorporeal thing, her magic eye will not work.

In other words, the Demonic Eye of Distortion is a completely physical ability, and it will be confused (biai) when it comes to non-physical things.

"Don't be anxious, think about it carefully, Bai Ye should have said how to deal with this kind of thing..."

Asagami Fujino stood behind the light curtain, looking at the grinning shadow monster outside, frowning and thinking carefully.

After all, they had been living together for two months. Of course, it was impossible for her to master only basic things like how to use the magic eye. Under her active learning, Bai Ye also taught her how to deal with those who were hostile to her. A more difficult enemy.

The so-called difficult enemies are, of course, people who can use magic.

Many of the attacks in magic are energy-based attacks. Even though the Magic Eye of Distortion is a physical power, it is not impossible to deal with these people.

Although magic may have no entity, the magician himself cannot be illusory. Using the Magic Eye of Distortion to deal with the magician himself is a shortcut to defeating the opponent.

However, even if magicians are deviant from common sense, most magicians still cannot blatantly appear in front of the enemy when launching an attack, so this method is difficult to work.

"However, as long as the enemy uses magic to attack, there must be some kind of 'magic foundation'. Although magic itself cannot be twisted, the foundation can be torn into pieces."

In other words, ignore the magic itself and instead deal with the entities of magic seals, magic circles, and techniques.

"Even familiars are no exception, because most of the familiars usually have entities. Even if they are illusory familiars without entities, they must have some kind of possession or a medium to be summoned."

Asagami Fujino turned his attention to the suitcase under the shadow monster.

"It first appeared from that, and now it looks like it's all about protecting that box. If there is an object to hold on to, then nine out of ten it will be that box——!"

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