"Do you think little Jack and Qingzi look alike?" Bai Ye asked back.

Aozaki Chengzi paused slightly when he heard this, then turned his head and looked at little Jack carefully.

She looks like a girl of about ten years old. Although from the age point of view, it is possible that she is Aoko's daughter, but her appearance is much different.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that little Jack's silver-white hair is completely different from Hakuno and Aoko, so at least it can be confirmed that little Jack is not the child of Hakuye, Aoko, and Yuzhu.

Moreover, although I was too shocked to notice it before, but now I look closely, it seems that this young girl called Little Jack does not appear to be human.

As a top-ranked puppet master, Aozaki Yuko was even sealed and designated because of her achievements in puppets, which are unrivaled in the contemporary era. She has no right to say whether the opponent's body is human or not.

"Is this child your familiar?"

Aosaki 18 Orange looked at Bai Ye and Little Jack with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Of course, the contract between Bai Ye and Little Jack cannot be seen, but this does not prevent Orange from seeing the fact that Little Jack is a spirit. This is the same as most magicians can see the etheric body of heroic spirits.

Under normal circumstances, a spirit body cannot appear alone in this world, unless it signs a contract with someone, and someone else gives it the magic power to exist in the world.

In this way, Aozaki Orange can naturally guess that little Jack is Hakuno's familiar.

"Strictly speaking, it should actually be subordinate to God. However, in the absence of the Great Holy Grail, it can only be said that it is a familiar. You are right."

If the Great Holy Grail was still there in the past, the relationship formed through the [Hall of Valor] in the Great Holy Grail was of course the relationship between the main god and the subordinate god.

However, because he has moved out of the Great Holy Grail and returned to the Seventh Holy Scripture as a possession, Little Jack can really only be regarded as Hakuno's familiar.

After hearing this, not only Aozaki Orange suddenly realized, but even Asakami Fujino also showed a look of relief.

Although they had been living together for two months, Asakami Fujino had actually never seen little Jack. He was shocked when he heard that the two of them were called father and daughter. He was secretly relieved when he heard that they were familiars. Take a breath.

"Speaking of which, what do you plan to do when you come to my place?"

Bai Ye looked directly at Cheng Zi and asked the question straight to the point. However, compared with Cheng Zi's attitude that although it could not be said that he was familiar with her, he could at least be said to be acquaintance, Bai Ye's expression seemed a bit cold and unfamiliar.

After all, to be honest, even if he met the Aozaki sisters in the past of this world, Hakuno has never experienced that kind of thing now. The Aozaki sisters are naturally like strangers to him. Same as people.

"Hmph, it's nothing. I just came to see if you were dead."

A sneer curled up at the corner of Aozaki Orange's lips, and her eyes were filled with annoyance towards Hakuno. This feeling of unhappiness as if she had met her nemesis was still felt by Aoko.

"If a guy like you doesn't die, I won't be able to eat for a day."

It even seemed like he was expecting the news of Hakuno's death every day.

Bai Ye scratched his cheek speechlessly and sighed slightly.

"How did I offend you two sisters ten years ago? Why do you all want to kill me? Could you please tell me?"

"You don't remember?"

Aozaki Chengzi frowned slightly and looked at Bai Ye up and down in surprise.

"I can't say I don't remember, I just haven't experienced it yet."

Bai Ye didn't hide any thoughts, "For you, it may have happened ten years ago, but for me, it is something that may only happen in the future."

"Basically, I can wander between worlds, so there will be some dislocations and differences in time, not following the normal timeline."

In other words, we may still be in 1998 now, but we may be in 1989 in a few months.


Aozaki Orange's eyes immediately narrowed slightly, and an unpredictable smile began to appear on his face.

She did not question Hakuno's statement. Just like Aozaki Aoko immediately believed Hakuno's words, in fact, the Aozaki family's fifth magic can achieve similar time travel, so it is not worth it. strangeness.

The key lies in the news that Aozaki Orange received that it was the future Hakuno who met their sisters.

Aozaki Orange smiled lightly, 437, with a gleam of unknown plans flowing in his eyes, and his eyes vaguely swept over Bai Ye's body.

"That is, the intersection of the future and the past?"

Little Jack nodded in understanding, and then raised his head as if his eyes were shining brightly, and looked at Aozaki Orange with hopeful eyes.

"So, Miss Aosaki, can you tell me and my father what happened ten years ago?"

For little Jack, she is not only very interested in who Bai Ye will meet and what he will do in the future, but she is also very curious about how many mothers he may have in the future.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Fujino, even Hakuno turned his attention to Aozaki Orange aside with great interest.

"If it were before, I would be happy to recount that guy's bad behavior to you, but now..."

With a mysterious smile on Aozaki's face, he took out his glasses again from his shoulder bag, and his whole temperament suddenly became gentle again.

"Allow me to keep it a secret now!"

This mature woman smiled at Bai Ye and the other three with an intellectual smile. .

Chapter 1483: Work part-time, Fujino

+A -A

Although the arrival of Aozaki Orange was unexpected, it did not cause any waves after all, and the days remained calm.

If there is the only change, it is that there is an extra woman who comes to visit from time to time.

I don’t know what kind of psychology it was out of, but since that day, Aozaki Orange would come to Shirono’s apartment from time to time to visit, and even revealed the idea of ​​​​settling nearby.

“Are there any apartments for rent in this building?”

This is what Aozaki Orange asked Hakuno and Asakami Fujino at that time.

"Who knows, I don't pay attention to this kind of thing. If you want to rent a house, you might as well ask a real estate agent."

Bai Ye responded so plainly at that time, and then asked: "Why are you asking about this? Do you plan to live here for a few more years? Do you have enough funds? The most important thing is, why do you still want to live here?" Did you come all the way here to buy it?”

"Of course I don't plan to stay for a long time. We in the Aozaki family are all people like the wind. We can't stay in one place for a long time."

Aozaki Orange wears her glasses on her face, so she is used to deal with outsiders at the moment, and she always has a smiling face to welcome people.

This is not to say that Aozaki Orange has multiple personalities. This is just a hint at best. By wearing or not wearing glasses, he can switch between work and private states. It is not so much multiple personalities as multiple personalities.

Wearing glasses indicates a mature, sleek and sophisticated working state.

Taking off her glasses reveals her cold, cold and inhuman nature.

"However, after all, I just came to this city. I have to find a base and build my magic workshop. Otherwise, when I get commissioned in the future, people won't believe how good a magician I am~ .?"

Aozaki Orange smiled and said: "Although funds are tight, there is nothing I can do for the sake of the workshop. Speaking of which, you seem to have a gift that can easily take out a lot of treasures, right? If you are worried about my financial situation If so, why don’t you generously lend me some money?”

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