"Huh? You mean this?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his brows and shook the hardcover book in his hand, with a subtle smile on his face. "I don't know which idiot is trying to hide this book in the arena. I saw it." Then I took it out easily.”

Although Hakuno was confident that he could find the book hidden in the hidden passage even though he did not see the scene where Matou Shinji collected the book, but since he was lucky enough to see it, there was no reason why he should not take it out.

""The Female Pirate in the Age of Discovery - The Legend of Drances Fleck""

Bai Ye casually glanced at the hardcover book in his hand, and then said with understanding, "I see, the 'fleet' you mentioned before refers to the sea that defeated the Spanish Armada and overturned the legend of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. A pirate fleet owned by thieves."

"Your actions really make me don't know what to say."

Hakuno sighed as if he was very tired of Matou Shinji, and then threw the hardcover book in his hand directly towards the other party, allowing Matou Shinji to catch it in a hurry.

"I'll give this back to you - if this is something very important to you, don't hide it casually, it can be easily lost."

After waving his hand, Bai Ye left the teleportation point in front of the storage room one step ahead of Kiri Shinji and walked toward the lobby on the first floor.

Only Shinji Matou was left, holding a hardcover book with a pale face and standing there stiffly. .

Chapter 1564 Homework piled up on hand

+A -A

On the ground floor, there is a canteen.


It was still the female clerk NPC from last time, who was looking at Bai Ye's arrival with a smile.

As soon as Bai Ye left the arena, he came here and saw the other party again, "Miss store manager, good evening, how is the completion of my commission?"

“It’s perfectly fine to trade now as long as you can afford the fees.”

The female clerk smiled like this and showed a string of codes in her hand, "The tree is about three hundred years old, as thick as two people can hug each other, and about three meters in length. I don't know if such an ash tree trunk talisman meets your requirements. ?”

"Is the tree three hundred years old?"

Bai Ye lowered his head and pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "If there is no better ash tree trunk, then the three hundred-year-old tree will have to make do with it."

In this world of Xingyue, age itself is a kind of mystery. As long as it has something beyond the ordinary age, it basically has some special abilities, such as fantasy species. Originally, fantasy species are not specifically dragon species. , the existence of golden wolves, but refers to species that only exist in fantasy, but basically, even if a cat or a dog lives for a thousand years, it is enough to be called a fantasy species, because The "one thousand years" they possess is enough for them to be called legends.

In view of this, even ordinary trees will become different in size from other trees of the same species once they have passed a certain age.

As for this kind of 'age', of course, the longer the time, the stronger the mystery and specifications it possesses.

It is precisely for this reason that Bai Ye wants to find the older the better ash tree - because if the magic gun is made from the older ash tree, its mystery and power will inevitably be stronger.

"Chenghui, the ash tree itself plus the entrustment fee and interest fee, minus the fraction, I will give you 3300 QP points."

The female clerk had a smile on her face, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"3300 QP points...most of my results from the day have been lost in an instant."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly. Although he felt a little painful, he still made the transaction with the clerk happily. After delivering 3300 QP points, the clerk handed the string of codes to Bai Ye.

"By the way, give me some more potions to restore magic power."

After the incident came to a head, Bai Ye simply spent all his QP, and used the remaining 1,000 points to buy five bottles of small MP potions.

Speaking of which, the mechanisms built by Mooncell are really in the style of RPG games. There are many elements such as mazes, potions, shops, etc., which makes people wonder whether Mooncell is based on RPGs on the earth. This fictional world of spirit children is constructed by the game.

Before leaving, Bai Ye glanced at the products placed on the counter.

Large MP potion: 10,000 QP points per piece; Large HP potion: 10,000 QP points per piece; Acceleration gift: 8,900 QP points...

Of course there are a lot of cheap things, such as fried noodles and bread, which basically only cost about 10 QP points, but if it involves things used by the Master, the cost will increase tenfold or a hundredfold... Merchants in the world are generally black.

“Welcome to come back in the future, and all products will be sold at a 10% discount in the future!”

The female clerk was very happy and kept selling to Bai Ye's back... What a little devil, she squeezed out all his day's wages.


From the room.

Hakuno decoded the ash tree trunk in his hand, turning it into a physical entity and falling on the ground of his room.

The trunk is straight, and under the nutritious gray skin, there are white branches with a green color. As the clerk said, it is at least three meters long and cannot be hugged by two people.

"Although the trees are not very old, the quality is indeed high."

When night came, Bai Ye used computer skills to peel off the outer surface of the tree trunk, and used magic power and flames to roast the trunk, consuming the water in it.

·· 0Request flowers0 ·····

As expected, Nero cast a resentful look at Bai Ye again, and then went to bed alone.

When there are things to do at hand, Bai Ye always relaxes a little after finishing them all. But now, because he needs to make a lot of preparations, he now has more than four or five homework piles on his hands. I won't sleep for at least ten days and a half.

"It's a pity that the magic power is still not enough, otherwise it should be completed within five days."

Bai Ye couldn't help but murmur in his heart as he drank a small MP potion worth 200 QP per bottle.

..... ...

His 'Wisdom of Roots: A' skill can imitate the creation of EX-level props. As long as there are enough materials and sufficient magic power, even immortal grass and noble phantoms can be made by hand.

It's a pity that the magical power of his spiritual body is only about four or five times that of Tohsaka Rin. Not to mention compared with the God of Disobedience, even compared with the followers, it is still far behind.

Therefore, if he wanted to complete the same task, the time he needed to spend would more than double, which was why he replaced all the remaining QP with MP potions.

the next morning.

After finishing all five bottles of small MP potions, Hakuno and Nero rushed into the Ichinoyuki Kaikai Arena. Like locusts crossing the border, within an hour, the enemy program was refreshed inside. After clearing them all, I earned close to 5,000 QP points again. Then I bought a bunch of MP potions at the canteen and retreated into the room, making Nero feel melancholy.

Matou Shinji, who came to look for the password key, was once again shocked by the empty state of the Tsukisōkai. Basically, he entered the depths of the Ichinoyukisakai without any hindrance, obtained the password key, and gained the opportunity to participate in the first round of the battle. Qualification for finals.

Soon, the six days of preparation time passed quickly, and the first battle of the Holy Grail War also came to the decisive moment on the seventh day. five.

Chapter 1565 The final of the round is coming

+A -A

The morning of the seventh day.

In the lobby on the first floor.

In the usually empty corner, there was an elevator today, covered with a silver-white data lock, as if it was announcing 'Usage Prohibited'.

A man wearing a black priest's uniform was standing at the door of the elevator, with a calm and indifferent expression on his face.

In the early morning of this day, there was almost no NPC wandering around outside. The entire teaching building was eerily silent, and it was difficult for even the Master to see one.

Today is the final date of the first round of the battle, and the NPCs are strictly prohibited from going out so as not to cause trouble to the Masters.

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