Tohsaka Rin finally couldn't hold back his anger and shouted loudly to Hakuno, "Listen to me, even if I am really not Leo's opponent, lose this victory or die in Leo's hands, I I will never ask you for help!"

Under such a final words, which were like swearing, Tohsaka Rin turned around angrily and left, walking towards the arena. The high heels on her feet made an unusually clear and powerful sound on the floor.

Bai Ye scratched his cheek. A helpless smile appeared on his face.

"Minghahahahahahahaha! I'm laughing so hard! If you had been a little more tactful just now, you might have been able to get Tohsaka Rin to fall in love with you, but I didn't expect you to be so ruthless, haha..."

Bai Ye rolled his eyes, ignoring Nero's wanton ridicule in his heart... and walked towards the second floor of the teaching building.

'If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. ’

Although Bai Ye did indeed say that. But in fact, Hakuno himself still has some problems that he has not yet solved. The data wall that Rani set up deep in the labyrinth of Six Moon Dreams has already troubled Hakuno a lot.

"Currently, there are only two ways to deal with that data wall. If that doesn't work, then just let me on the ground intervene in the outcome."

Let the main body on the ground intervene. This does not mean that the main body personally enters the fictional world of spirit children, unless Bai Ye gets control of Mooncell and opens the channel to the maximum extent, so that the huge data of the main body can come in. .

However, although the main body cannot come in, it relies on the memory connection between the main body and the spiritual body. It is still possible to let the main body provide some backup assistance on the ground.

For example, let the ontology find a few quantum computers, and use the computing power of these quantum computers to confront Rani and crack the data wall she set up.

But in this case, it seems a bit like cheating and bullying.

.....Although the main body is also part of Hakuno's ability, if you can defeat the opponent with only the mental body, it is better to use the mental body. Unless you have no choice but to use the power of the main body, it will make Hakuno feel uncomfortable. Winning is less than honorable.

"Wait, cheating one by one?"

Speaking of cheating, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Bai Ye's mind. He accurately grasped this flash of inspiration and thought about it carefully.

_"Speaking of which, Julius's computer skills are completely average, but he can use several cheating methods and even invade Mooncell's did he do it?"

To do this, it is not only possible to do it with only resources, but also powerful computing power that Mooncell cannot notice. After all, if the computing power is even less, and Mooncell notices the trace, I am afraid that it will be immediately detected. Mooncell has been abandoned.

Only when the county has strong computing power and sufficient resources can Julius use those cheating methods.

But how did Julius obtain that computing power?

Bai Ye was so thoughtful. He took out a badge from his pocket, with Harvey's English letters engraved on it.

"Speaking of which, why does Leo call this badge a 'key'... This may be worth studying."

Chapter 1622 - The Five Soldiers of the Military God!

It took Bai Ye a whole night to finally analyze the secret of the badge.

"It turns out... No wonder Julius wants to throw away this badge. It turns out that it is far more than a 'key'. But Leo would be so considerate in giving it to me casually." Dog’s.”

In the morning, when the sun gradually raised its head, Bai Ye showed a relieved smile in his room as he solved all the mysteries.

In fact, this badge is indeed a 'key', but it is not just used to open the multimedia classroom. Opening the multimedia classroom is at best only one of the divergences of its basic functions.

This badge is actually in contact with a supercomputer on the ground. ,

The supercomputer should have been prepared by the Harvey family. Julius connected the computer with his badge. He remotely controlled the supercomputer through the badge, thus gaining powerful computing power support.

in short. This badge is actually the 'key' to a supercomputer. As long as you have this badge, you can have the computing power of that supercomputer.

Julius, an average spirit hacker, was able to create a different space covering the spirit world. He relied on this badge to get support from the computing power on the ground through the badge.

That computer was probably used by the Harvey family to support Leo, so Julius would not want to hand over the badge to Leo before the quick battle with Hakuno, otherwise it would be just a multimedia classroom. Leo still looks down on it from afar.

But he didn't expect that Leo didn't want it, so he could only throw it into Sakura's health room. Unexpectedly, Hakuno got the advantage in the end.

"My luck is really good. After all, I have the skill of 'root protection'."

With the protection from the source, Bai Ye is like the biological son of this world in the entire Xingyue world. He gets protagonist-level treatment. He can pick up good things when he goes out, and things tend to develop in the direction of... in his favor.

"In this way, Harvey's computer can be used by me, and the data wall installed by Lani will not be a threat."

Without further ado, after getting up and washing up and eating breakfast, Hakuno and Nero entered the arena together.

After clearing out all the enemy programs along the way, the two came to the core of the maze again.

The scarlet data wall is still erected there, and behind the data wall is the secret key placed in the rhombus crystal. Only by obtaining the secret key can Baiye participate in the six-round finals.

Bai Ye walked to the data wall, took out Julius' badge, and put it on the data wall. The Harvey family's supercomputing power immediately started working, trying to break through the data wall as quickly as possible.

The Harvey family is indeed the Harvey family. The resources they have allocated to support Leo are top-notch in the world. Its computing power is vaguely superior to that of quantum computers.

"It only takes about half a minute to break through this data wall—huh!?"

Bai Ye suddenly frowned slightly, and Nero beside him became alert at the same time, turning around to face the other end of the passage.

From there came violent hostility and murderous intent.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

"Ho ho ho ho!"

At the same time, the rumbling sound of the giant body stepping on the ground was getting closer and closer to the ears of the two people, as well as Berserker's iconic deafening roar.

"Attached here at this time!? That's not good. This is a one-way passage, there is no way to avoid it!" Nero's expression was very solemn, and his little face was almost wrinkled.

In the straight end is blocked by a data wall that is 'death if touched'. It couldn't be broken open in less than half a minute, which turned this passage into a dead end in an instant... There was no possibility of avoiding the battle.

"I actually decided to attack at this time..."

Hakuno's face was not relaxed either. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to defeat Hakuno and Nero within three rounds. Rani knows this very well, so he will never randomly send followers to attack. In other words, at this moment, the opponent is probably sure of defeating them. It doesn't matter how big it is, but it is indeed possible. .

".____ ------! . ! !"

Accompanied by a roar of unknown meaning, Lu Bu's oppressive giant body soon appeared in front of the passage as if teleporting, and he raised the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand without hesitation. .

A strong light bloomed from Fang Tian's painted halberd, and huge magic power fluctuations swept over like a tidal wave.

In the blink of an eye, a large-caliber wave cannon like a laser cannon was launched from Fang Tian's painted halberd, raging in the passage... and rushing toward Bai Ye and Nero!

The wave cannon has a huge caliber. Almost the entire passage is occupied, making it completely impossible to avoid.

If it were in the outside world, this kind of face-to-face attack would be easy to deal with, but at this moment, Bai Ye, who was in a dead end, had lost all other countermeasures.

Can't retreat, can't dodge.

You can only carry it from the front!

This is Rani's plan - to lock Bai Ye and Nero in the passage one by one, and then use Lu Bu's Noble Phantasm to determine the outcome.

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