Not only has the level of the enemy program reached level 70 or 80, requiring Nero to spend a lot of effort to solve it, but the terrain of the maze itself has become extremely complex, with countless hidden passages. You may get lost if you are not careful, and there is even a data wall created by the maze itself to prevent visitors from moving forward.

Fortunately, although the enemy program is much more powerful, it is not Nero's opponent after all. It only takes three or four rounds to solve the rule that only three rounds can be used in the arena. It is only valid between masters. There is no such restriction on fighting with enemy programs.

As for the data wall, Julius' badge can be solved, so it's not a problem at all. The only problem is the maze terrain.

But as long as you are patient enough and spend a little time, this kind of maze can be conquered.

So, two days later, Hakuno and Nero went to the depths of the Seven Eyes Sea Labyrinth, took out the code key hidden in the rhombus crystal, and qualified to participate in the finals of the Earth Kaiba.

It is worth mentioning that Leo has not appeared once in the past two days.

Tohsaka Rin was waiting in the multimedia classroom around the clock, monitoring the arena in all directions. However, he still found no trace of Leo... so it can be concluded that Leo did not enter the arena at all.

"It seems that the injuries you caused them during the six-round final were a little more serious than imagined."

Tohsaka Rin then guessed this to Bai Ye.

This could only be the case. After all, even such an important matter as obtaining the password key was suppressed, which could only mean that Leo. Or Gawain's injury had not fully recovered, making Leo feel unsure.

Then, on the third and fourth days, Leo and Gawain still didn't show up.

Hakuye and Nero have swept through the Seven Moons Sea Arena four times and killed the enemy programs four times. They have earned as much as 200,000 0P, but they still haven't seen Leo. traces.

On the fifth day, Leo finally appeared.

The moment Leo appeared in the arena, Tohsaka Rin informed Hakuno through the mobile terminal that Leo and Gawain had fully recovered from their injuries.

"How about it? Do you need to stop them?"

Tohsaka Rin suggested to Hakuno... but Hakuno saved his life. Moreover, Hakuno is still fighting her old enemy. In this case, Tohsaka Rin has completely stood on the same front as Hakuno, and has thoroughly thought up tactics for Hakuno and helped Hakuye win.

"There's no need for that. With Leo's strength, the difficulty of the mere arena level can't stop him at all. Even if you build a few data walls, it's impossible to stop him. In this case, it's better to put all your efforts into it. Let’s make it to the finals.”

With Gawain's strength, even if Rani is still alive and personally builds the 'death on touch' type data wall used by Hakuno, it may still be violently blasted open by Gawain with his Noble Phantasm - Nero cannot blast it open. Purely It's because the type of Noble Phantasm is not suitable.

In view of this, Hakuno had no intention of stumbling on Leo in the maze. Although Tohsaka Rin was not willing to let Leo conquer the arena so easily, after all, what Hakuno said did make sense, and in the end, it was He gave up the idea of ​​obstructing Leo.

Therefore, Leo and Gawain also obtained the secret key within two days.

At this time, the preparation time for the seventh battle has reached the sixth day, and there is only the last day left before the final battle.

Day six, afternoon.

Hakuno walked out of the arena again.

Of course, he wasn't going to stumble Leo, he was just going to clear out the hostile programs. If nothing else happened, today would be the last time he would enter the arena.

"The total remaining QP is more than 500, can buy some more magic potions and reserve them. You should also buy some magic gifts as much as possible."

After all, it's time for the final battle. There's no use in keeping QP. It's better to use them all and buy some potions and gifts that are beneficial to the battle.

"Mr. Karna! How many times have I told you that Coke is the drink! And iced Coke is the best! Why do you always buy me some sports drinks? Are you laughing at me for being too fat!?"

In the storage room, Ginak's frantic voice came unexpectedly. It seemed that she was scolding her servant for not being able to run errands well.

This kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice. Bai Ye has to pass the storage room every day when he enters the arena. There are always a few times where he hears Ms. Ginak's self-deprecating and decadent otaku speech.

Chapter 1636 Unexplained ‘Change’ (Please subscribe for the third update!)

However, even though he heard it, Bai Ye had no intention of talking to him.

After all, he and Ginako only met each other once, and there was no friendship between them at all. Moreover, the most important thing is that if Bai Ye wins the seventh round tomorrow - then Miss Ginako will also die tomorrow.

Under such circumstances, it is not appropriate to talk to the other party no matter how hard you think about it. Maybe the other party thinks that Hakuno is here to make fun of him.

After leaving the storage room, Bai Ye passed by the lobby on the first floor but did not stop. Instead, he walked directly to the door of the health room and opened the door. Went in.

"Senior, you are back"

Matou Sakura was sitting on the chair in the health room a little bored at this time. After seeing Bai Ye's arrival, her eyes immediately lit up and a happy smile appeared on her face. He stood up from the chair and received Bai Ye with his usual gentle expression.

The Holy Grail War has reached its final stage. The number of Masters is down to the last 'two'. Matou Sakura, the AI ​​that manages the master's health, gradually lost her job and became more relaxed.

And in this leisurely and even boring time, Hakuno's regular arrival every day is one of Matou Sakura's few pleasures. Every time she sees Hakuno, she will feel unexpectedly happy.

However, Matou Sakura is just an A——she doesn't understand what this "change" in herself that gradually becomes more humane means.

She didn't know why she felt happy when she saw Bai Ye, she just accepted it as a matter of course and was happy about it.

"Well, thank you for the bento Sakura, it tastes great as always."

Hakuno handed the lunch box to Matou Sakura and sat on the chair opposite her without any surprise. Matou Sakura didn't show any hesitation at all, and the two seemed to be quite familiar with each other.

"But... I'm afraid this is the last time I'll eat your food, Sakura~"

When Bai Ye said this, he also sighed slightly helplessly.

The AIs in the Holy Grail War, after the Holy Grail War ends, their memories will be passed to Mooncell as a kind of data. Let Mooncell record them one by one - and then all their own 'data' will be lost. Forget everything that happened in the Holy Grail War and return to Mooncell.

If there is a next Holy Grail War, then they will return to their respective posts in a completely formatted, blank state with no memory left. Following his mission, he uploads the memory as data to Mooncell again. Forgets the memory... and so on.

This is the mission of the Als created by Mooncell.

As programs created by Mooncell, they have no right and will not want to resist Mooncell. They are just like tools one after another, being squeezed out of their own value. Not even a little bit of self is allowed.

Logically speaking... AI will not reject this kind of mission.


However, when Shiro Ye was sighing like this unintentionally, Matou Sakura's action of making tea for Shiro Ye was slightly paused. A heart-wrenching tingling sensation arose uncontrollably in her heart.

"Ah...Did I get some BIG?"

Matou Sakura was a little confused as to why she felt sad and reluctant, but she hid this worry very well and thought that something was wrong with her. She didn't show it at all, and just looked at Matou as usual. Sakura's identity is just to accompany Hakuno.

"For me, it's a pity that I can't continue to prepare lunches and make tea for you, senior. All in all, I'm here to congratulate you for your final victory. May you get the Holy Grail as you wish!"

Matou Sakura smiled and sent her blessing to Hakuno without any abnormality.

"Well, I accept your good advice."


After saying goodbye to Matou Sakura, Hakuno went to the canteen on the first floor of the basement again. He spent as much QP as possible.

However, what I didn't expect was that Bai Ye only spent less than 300,000 Qp out of a total of 500,000 Qp. There is no way to continue spending it.

Because, all the magic potions and physical potions left in the canteen. As well as magic costumes, etc., all were purchased by Bai Ye, and there is no one left in stock.

Of course, if Bai Ye wants to spend the remaining 200,000 Qp, there is nothing he can do. The canteen also sells other foods such as fried noodles and bread, curtains, chandeliers and other groceries for decorating his own room, but these They were all things Bai Ye didn't need, so he didn't buy them.

The night of the sixth day.

After the usual wash, Bai Ye and Nero lay on the double bed, but they were speechless with each other.

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