In the end, Bai Ye still didn't think of what to say, but just thought about it.

"If you don't mind, you can come to me when the expedition is over. I should be able to tell you something by then!"

"——Really?" Ace's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Ais and Hakuno are actually very similar, in terms of 'wanting to become stronger', so Hakuno really wants to help Ais.


The next moment the two reached an agreement, Bai Ye suddenly woke up and cast his gaze towards Ais.

"Ais, do you want to come back to the surface with me?"

Bai Ye said: "Your level should also be improved, right? If you ask Loki to update your ability values, it will also play a greater role in the next expedition!"

This time, no matter how cute Ais was, she was completely stunned.

"...Go back to the ground?"

A minute later, Oralli City, in a corner of North Street.

After a purple light passed by, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared side by side.

The girl looked at the scene in front of her, her face full of confusion, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Bai Ye took out a cloak with a wave of his hand, handed it to Ais, and motioned for her to put it on.

"It stands to reason that you should be in the underground city now. If you appear above ground, you will cause a lot of trouble!"

Aisi nodded immediately after hearing this, and then put on the cloak as he was told... Although, Aisi was even more concerned about his method of taking things out of nowhere.

"Okay, how about it? Do you want to go back alone and join me, or do you want to move with me?" Bai Ye asked casually.

"...It's better to go together." Ais said after being silent for a while.

Chapter 146 A boy who looks like a little white rabbit

"Really? Let's go then!" Bai Ye glanced at her and walked forward first.

Ais followed his pace and asked curiously: "Where to go?"

"At this time, my unreliable Lord Shangshen should still be working, so go find her first!"

On an affiliated street of North Street, there is a lively scene, with a large number of vendors and people coming and going.

"Does anyone want to buy fried potato balls? They are delicious! There are many kinds..."

After just turning a few streets, Bai Ye came to a food stall and heard that familiar voice.

"Give me one, and you can decide the taste!" Bai Ye leaned forward and said.

A certain god who was working looked up, blinked, and suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Understood! Chenghui recommends today's special offer of taro-flavored potato balls... By the way, this is a free gift from me, don't let the shop owner know!"

Hestia made a trumpet shape with one hand and said this with a mysterious expression on her face.

"Thank you very much!" Bai Ye responded with a smile and turned to look at Aisi, "Do you want to eat?"

"Red bean cream flavor, please give me one!" Ais said to Hestia.


Hestia responded with a bright smile at first, then the smile on her face suddenly froze.

"...Hakuno, is this person a girl?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows when he heard this and turned to look at Aisi. Although she was wearing the cloak given by Bai Ye at the moment, she could still vaguely see her slender legs wearing blue knee-high socks and those slender legs under the cloak. body shape.

"Is it hard to see?"

As Bai Ye said these words, the atmosphere in front of the stall suddenly became depressed.

Hestia's expression immediately seemed to change, from sunny to cloudy, with a dark smile on her face, as if she was going to cause trouble without giving me an explanation.

"...What is the relationship between this woman and you?"

Bai Ye sweated on his forehead and couldn't help but said speechlessly: "What's the relationship... we're just friends!"

Aisi froze, feeling a little uncomfortable, but being taciturn by nature, she didn't say much.

"Then what do you think? Your relationship with my Bai Ye!"

Not getting enough sense of security from Hakuno's words, Hestia's eyes instantly shifted to Ais, with a dark look in her eyes, which seemed very powerful at this moment.

Aisi tilted her head in confusion, thought for a while, and then said: "...I really hope to get to know him! Speaking of which, his name is Bai Ye..."

As she said that, Ais thoughtfully wrote down this point.

"Don't write it down!"

Hestia hugged Hakuno's arm across the chopping board, hugged her tightly to her chest, and said with a wary look: "You are a very annoying woman, you must be plotting against my Hakuno." Right!"

"Let me tell you! Bai Ye is my best child. He belongs to me alone. I will never let you succeed!"

"Ha..." Ais blinked, a slight look of confusion on her face under the cloak.

Why is it ‘Hiroyuki’s idea’? Is that what you think?

Ais, who didn't know much about her own feelings, thought so.

Bai Ye looked at the scene in front of him helplessly, "Okay, you two are so eye-catching!"

With that said, the owner of this store ran out with a dark face.

"God Hestia, seeing that you have an acquaintance here, I'll give you a break for now... stop chatting in front of the stall!"

On the side, as soon as the name 'God Hestia' was spoken, a certain white-haired boy sitting in the corner like a wandering child suddenly paused and cast his gaze over.

five minutes later.

On the way back to the villa, the three of them were walking slowly.

"...That's pretty much it. Does Hestia have any clues about that monster?"

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