After the three disappeared. Kotomine Kirei waved his hand and closed the passage.

"Announce to the remaining Als, NPCs, and remaining Masters and Servants in the entire teaching building one by one."

"The winner of this Holy Grail War has been chosen. You and this teaching building are no longer needed and will be decomposed and deleted within three minutes. Please enjoy the last three minutes of your life."

Kotomine Kirei announced his death to the remaining people in the teaching building through the school-wide broadcast.

Dan: Blackmore. As well as Wato Moji, they all heard the broadcast, and their emotions were relatively stable. After all, they had already realized it.

In the storage room, Gina fell into a violent panic. No matter how much Karna tried to comfort her, it was useless. She just kept burying herself in the bed and trembling - she was a mortal and the only one among them all. A Master who is not prepared to die.

Just one by one


The huge sea of ​​black mud came from nowhere and seemed to carry all the malice in the world. In less than a minute, it invaded the entire teaching building.

"Ah! What is this! ?"

"Ming oh!!"

Al and the NPCs only had time to let out a scream before they were swallowed whole by the black mud, leaving nothing behind. Not even a bit of data survived.

Dan: Blackmore, Watou Moji, Ginako, and even Karna... all the surviving beings, all in less than three minutes. Swallowed up by the black mud.

The same goes for Kotomine Kirei. When facing Kuroni, he didn't even resist, and was swallowed from head to toe by Kuroni.

The entire teaching building suddenly fell silent.

Look around. This space and this inherent barrier are filled with endless black mud, and all life, all existence, and all data are slowly being dissolved away.

Chapter 1643 mooncell central area

In the passage to the Mooncell Center.

This passage looks like the same data wall as always, with transparent bricks all around and under its feet. At first glance, it looks very similar to the maze in the arena, except that there is no complicated terrain and endless enemy programs. .

This passage is quite straight and long. It seems to go straight to the center of Mooncell.

Hakuno, Nero and Tohsaka Rin, together, moved towards the other side of the passage without any stagnation in the passage.

Just three minutes later, a bright light appeared at the end of the originally dark passage, as if indicating that the passage had come to an end.

The three of them did not hesitate...and soon passed through the passage and came to the world on the other side.

Mooncell hub.

This is a huge floating square. The radius is more than several kilometers, and the overall shape is extremely regular. It looks like a circular fan drawn with a compass.

Sigu is a clear blue sky. Except for this circular square, there is nothing around it, making it feel like being on an island in the sky.

After walking out of the passage, the three people appeared on the floating square.

"Is this the Mooncell center?"

Tohsaka Rin looked around, taking in all the surrounding scenes, and at the same time, he also let out a complicated sigh, "So many of our Masters are involved just to get the qualifications to enter this center..."

The center of Mooncell is also the center of the entire moon.

In other words, the three of them are at the center of this extremely huge supercomputer that has been observing and recording silently since the birth of the earth, and even has a 'god's mind'.

Throughout history, I don’t know how many people have tried to step into this land for the legendary ‘Holy Grail’ that can grant all wishes.

And now Bai Ye, Nero and Tohsaka Rin are here.

"Look, is that the core of Mooncell!?"

Tohsaka Rin's sight suddenly stopped somewhere in mid-air. When he saw that direction, a surprised smile appeared on his face.

Both Bai Ye and Nero looked in the direction she pointed.

Directly above this floating field, there is a cube with a length, width and height of more than 100 meters, showing a blue and transparent color, exuding an extraordinary mysterious and primitive atmosphere.

Just a glance at it makes people feel as if there are countless data and countless memories flowing in it, which can be called endless-that is what Mooncell has recorded in the past 4.6 billion years of non-stop observation of the earth. About all the history, civilization, knowledge, and life of the earth.

As long as you see this thing, you will definitely not have any doubts. As long as this thing is introduced into your eyes, everyone will subconsciously understand that this is the real core of Mooncell.

Mooncell is an extremely large machine, its size has reached a level comparable to that of a celestial body.

Mooncell is equal to the moon, therefore, the size of the moon is the size of the Mooncell - no, that is not quite accurate. It should be said that 'it is because the Mooncell floats in the orbit of the earth's satellite that ancient people recognized it as the moon.' The birth of Mooncell was long before the concept of the moon was born.

However, although the entire moon is the body of Mooncell, in fact, the existence of the periphery is just the 'memory capacity' of Mooncell. It is equivalent to the memory stick of a computer.

The photon crystals nearly 30 kilometers away from the moon's surface are Mooncell's memory sticks. Different from the memory sticks on the ground that are still made of existing materials, Mooncell's memory capacity is all recorded in the form of light. In other words. Mooncell's memory stick is light itself, which transcends the earth for countless dimensions.

If these photon crystals were dispersed, they would be enough to form photons hundreds of millions of light years long! How huge its storage capacity is is simply an astronomical figure, or it is a figure that completely surpasses the field of human calculation.

In the center of this 30-kilometer photon crystal is the center of Mooncell. And the cube located in the sky of this center is the core of Mooncell.

If the peripheral photon crystal is only the memory capacity of Mooncell. Then this cube, the Mooncell core, operates the entire 'observation'

The machine’, observing the earth, houses the true mind of the infinite past and future.

The computing power of such a Mooncell naturally far exceeds that of computers on earth.

If computers made with earth technology are still only capable of calculating data, then. Mooncell has reached the point of 'calculating fate' and 'choosing the future'.

As long as Mooncell is willing to make a decision, whether it allows humans to regress to the Stone Age or evolve to the interstellar age, it is just a matter of a thought.

The so-called 'future' is nothing more than a possibility that has been observed long ago and can even be forcibly decided. Mooncell has the final say as to what kind of future it wants to achieve.

Mooncell... has such terrible computing power.

Fortunately, Mooncell did not generate will.

if not. Not to mention the earth, even the entire solar system may suffer drastic changes as a result. It may even affect the course of the entire universe - in fact, isn't it true that Yuxing, who was born the same as Mooncell, determines the fate of many planets in the universe?

"Is it finally here? Haha... I didn't expect it to take so long. I'm almost a little impatient."

Above the floating square. An extremely sudden sound rang out from the base, and the charming laughter seemed to be able to easily draw away the soul of any intelligent life.

"How is that possible? Is there anyone else in this Mooncell center?"

As soon as he heard this voice, Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened immediately, with deep disbelief in his eyes.

Beside her, Bai Ye froze slightly when he heard this voice.

Although he had only heard this voice once, he had never forgotten it.

Chapter 1644 Kiara of Sesshōin finally appears

Along with the sound... the figure that they had seen before also appeared in front of Bai Ye and the other three people.

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