"Wow, you fake miko fox! Those are my lines, why do my characters overlap with yours to such an extent!"

Hakuno originally thought that it was amazing to have an unorthodox modern servant like Tamamo Mae. But he didn't expect that the other side was also a very modern servant like Tamamo Mae.

And just like Tamamo Mae, he also attaches great importance to his own attributes. Hakuno doesn't quite understand why these modern servants care about such things.

"So, you should be the maze guard on the third floor, right?"

Hakuno looked at the two foxes who were silently exchanging anger with their eyes, and interrupted loudly, "Are you also one of the 128 Servants in the Holy Grail War? Where is your Master?"

"Oh! I'm a little envious of you. Fake miko-kun, is your master actually such a school idol-like guy?"

The other party sighed sadly, "You are right_Idol-style Master, my Master and I were indeed one of the participants in this Holy Grail War. Unfortunately, we did not win in the end. My Master also It’s my current boyfriend, who is being held hostage by BB right now, so I have to be the hateful devil woman in the labyrinth guardian of this floor!”

Although Bai Ye got enough information from her words, it seemed that he also heard some strange words?

Master, current boyfriend?

"Oh? Are you actually dating your master?"

Tamamo-mae was more concerned about another point than her master being captured by BB, and said proudly, "This is such a coincidence. I have already signed a marriage contract with the master. It is no different from getting married." It’s related!”

"Ming... you are better than me."

The other party looked at Tamamo Mae with an expression of admiration, and there was recognition in his eyes.

The two foxes felt like old friends at first sight. They were clearly disgusted with each other just now because of their duplicate attributes, but now they suddenly resonate with each other's attitude towards the Master. This friendship came too cheap, right?

"A fox like you is definitely not a nobody. Come and name yourself!"

Tamamo Mae asked the other party solemnly.

"Hey, don't you know me? I think you look like a famous fox. Why don't you recognize me? You can't help it, so tell me my real name!"

The other party's face showed a noble and proud smile like a goddess, "My real name is Suzuka Gozen! I am a goddess sent from heaven! Now I am working hard to hone my JK power because I like JK culture. !”

Seriously, that last sentence is redundant.

But no wonder she dressed up like a high school student. It turned out that she was addicted to JK culture after appearing in the world... However, Hakuno felt that even if Suzuka Gozen was addicted to JK, she was by no means a serious JK... But hot girl JK.

"Suzuka Gozen is a peerless beauty in Eastern legends. She is said to be a arrogant goddess who came from heaven, and she is also said to be a ghost girl."

The legend of Suzuka Gozen is quite complicated. There are many versions. Some say that she was a female thief. Some say that she is a eloquent goddess, and some say that she is a ghost girl. However, according to the real Suzuka Gozen in front of us, it seems that she should It is more likely that she is a goddess...but...it seems that I have never heard of the legend that Suzuka Gozen is a fox?

Hakuno looked at Suzuka Gozen and asked: "Since you have decided to become a maze guard. In other words, it is impossible to turn against BB and join our side, right?"


Suzuka Gozen answered without hesitation, and pulled out one of the three martial arts swords from his waist. The entire sword was golden.

"I can't ignore my boyfriend who was kidnapped by BB, so whoever tries to pass through this place will undoubtedly become my enemy."

Among the three martial arts swords on his waist, the golden one was held by Suzuka Gozen! The other two slowly floated up. One was silver and the other had no visible color. Both seemed to be controlled by telekinesis. They were also unsheathed and pointed directly at Bai Ye. This direction.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was already somewhat interested in Suzuka Gozen's SG, but if she wanted to make her SG appear to the point where Wu Tingxin could observe it, he would probably need further testing.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I have nothing to say."

Bai Ye untied one of the codes he carried and turned it into a silver sword, which appeared in Bai Ye's hand. "Next, let's use the sword to determine the winner."

"Huh? Of the two of you, are you the one who is going to fight? Aren't you the master?"

Suzuka Gozen looked over in surprise, with some confusion in her eyes.

"Hmph, feel free to be surprised. My master is without a doubt the strongest insect in the Holy Grail War. No, it should be said that there is no problem with being the strongest in the world!"

Tamamo-mae had a proud expression and boasted about her master in her usual manner, as if she would not be reconciled until she blew him up to the sky. Coupled with her peerless beauty, ordinary people might be in a trance at this moment, not knowing how high the sky is. Well, I can only say that he is indeed the most famous vixen in history.

And if there is any difference, it should be that before, I had little confidence, blindly and consolingly bragging, but now I am confident and true bragging.


Suzuka was noncommittal, but the smile on her face had become full of madness, and her fighting spirit emerged along with it. Her JK uniform also gradually changed into white-pattern style clothing and a black hat that seemed to be a registered trademark.

"No matter how strong your master is, at least with the courage to dare to fight with the servants... I originally admit that he is the best in the world - but for me, even if he is the best in the world, give it to me Go to hell!"

Chapter 1678 - The Blessing of Intelligence

The words fell. The two swords floating next to Suzuka Gozen were speeding towards Hakuno as if they were being controlled by someone.

Is this telekinesis, or some other ability?

Suzuka Gozen should have some relatively rare and rare ability to manipulate objects. Although it is not clear what system it is, for Hakuno, there is no difference.

In front of Hakuno, who possesses the mind's eye, this level of object manipulation poses no threat at all.

He held the shimmering sword in front of him, and with just one swing, he knocked away the incoming silver katana and hit the invisible katana. Knock all the two knives away.

However, after the two floating swords were knocked away, a gust of sweet wind came. Suzuka Gozen, who had put on combat attire, had already arrived in front of Hakuno. Waving the golden martial sword, he struck Hakuno with one blow. A sudden rush of pain in the chest.

At the same time, the two martial arts swords that were knocked out quickly regrouped and slashed towards Bai Ye's waist, abdomen and neck from the left and right directions.

These three swords. As long as one sword can hit it, then Bai Ye's spiritual body will stop here.

Relying on his own ability to manipulate objects, Suzuka Gozen has developed a very unique fighting style. He holds one in his hand and controls two to float in mid-air. The three form a joint attack, as if three people are joining forces, and it is like three people. The sword style is the same, it can be said to be quite unique and a different path.

If an ordinary person faced it, even someone with similar skills would probably suffer a lot.

However, it is a pity that Suzuka Gozen's skills are relatively low and his swordsmanship is quite rough. He cannot maximize the advantages of the three swords.

After all, among myths and legends, there are no rumors that Suzuka Gozen is good at swordsmanship. Although she has three swords of the Noble Phantasm level, in the end, she can only rely on the specialness of the sword itself, and the swordsmanship itself is sparse and ordinary. .

Three swords attacked at the same time.

Hakuno advanced instead of retreating. While dodging the two floating swords, he slashed back with the sword in his hand. The sword hit the golden katana in Suzuka Gozen's hand and easily bounced it away. Her chest waved.

Suzuka Gozen's pupils shrank in an instant and he stepped away without hesitation. At the same time, he also controlled the silver martial arts sword to come to his side and blocked it in front of him.


As expected, Hakuno's sword was blocked, but the next moment, a slender leg broke through the obstacle and kicked Suzuka Gozen, sending him flying away.


Suzuka Gozen groaned and flew backwards for more than ten meters before stopping, looking at Hakuno with inexplicable horror in his eyes.

"It's beyond my expectation. Your swordsmanship is much weaker than I thought."

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