Bai Ye suddenly woke up from the sea of ​​books and said: "I understand, let's go now!"

When Bai Ye packed up the magic book and walked out of the wooden house, he saw Itsuwa waiting outside the door, kicking the stones under his feet, looking bored.

"Sorry for the long wait, it's okay if you leave first!"

"It's okay!" Itsuwa smiled gently, "I happen to be fine too, and Bai Ye, you don't know where our canteen is, right?"

"Haha, that's true!" Bai Ye suddenly laughed.

Yesterday's dinner was held in an open space, and he really didn't know where the canteen was.

With so many people in Amakusa, there will always be a large canteen with dedicated people responsible for cooking and so on.

"Hey! Itsuwa! Hakuno! You're too late! Come here quickly, or you'll be eaten up by Ushibuka!"

At a glance, it was indeed full of people, and it seemed that only Bai Ye did not arrive on time.

"Jiangong, what did you say!? It's obvious that you eat the most!"

Although it was noisy, it felt good. Along with Itsuwa and Bai Ye, they sat down at the table.

After lunch, Bai Ye returned to the house and continued reading and studying.

He wanted to take advantage of these days to learn all the runes first.

Throughout the afternoon, Bai Ye was immersed in the atmosphere of learning and couldn't extricate himself.

Time passed and it came to evening before I knew it.

After the knock on the door, Bai Ye opened the door and saw the graceful girl outside the door.

Her long hair was still tied back, hanging down to her waist, fluttering in the evening breeze.

But what she was wearing at the moment was not that kimono, but slightly fashionable new clothes.

The white T-shirt and blue jeans are very similar to the Kanzaki in Hakuno's impression, but they are still not tied up to the waist and broken to the thighs.

She is obviously a very calm girl from beginning to end, and she looks more gentle when wearing a kimono, but when she changes to this outfit, she looks much more capable and courageous.

This is the unique quality of the best kind of girls.

Bai Ye couldn't help but look at her strangely.

Kanzaki noticed his gaze and gave him a strange look, "What's wrong with me?"

"Eh? Ah, no, it's nothing..."

Bai Ye turned his head away in embarrassment and looked away, his ears slightly red.

It felt like this woman particularly attracted his attention.

Although Jian Gong's words yesterday were a bit exaggerated, one thing is correct, that is, Bai Ye is indeed a pure teenager - he has never been in love and doesn't know how to fall in love.

"Here, here is the sword for you."

Although Kanzaki was surprised, he didn't ask further questions. Instead, he handed him a wooden sword in his arms.

"Thank you for taking the trouble again!"

Kanzaki smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter."

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly realized that there was something unusual about Kanzaki.

The source of this abnormality was that she had put too much effort into herself who had just joined the Amakusa style!

Magic, swordsmanship, think about it, just in one day, but he is dedicated to his duties and very tolerant... Although it is a good thing, but because he is too tolerant, he helps him solve every problem, which makes Bai Ye feel strange.

But he had no intention of speaking out.

Kanzaki was really kind to him. He didn't want to force her if it wasn't necessary, and... he didn't have that position.

After leaving the group of wooden houses, the two went to the forest at night together and found a small flat land.

"When fighting, there are three most important qualities."

"The first one is the momentum when attacking!"

"The second one is the skill to compete with your opponent!"

"The third one is the evasive pace and movement!"

Bai Ye thought about it carefully and realized that this was really the case. During the battle, apart from these three things, there really seemed to be nothing else.

These three qualities mentioned by Kanzaki are indeed very streamlined and refined.

"You need to figure out your own solution to the issue of momentum. All I can teach you is my swordsmanship and fighting techniques!"

Kanzaki pulled out another sword that he carried with him. To Hakuno's expectation, it was not her exclusive long sword, but a wooden sword that was exactly the same as Hakuno's hand.

"There are many schools of swordsmanship in Japan, but no matter what, the basics of swordsmanship are the same. There are nine basic swordsmanship moves in total. The first move is Tangzhu, which is a straight-cutting move..."

With his feet spread apart, one behind the other, he raised the sword with both hands and struck straight at the head... Kanzaki showed Hakuno carefully.

Learning swordsmanship is not simple. Taking Tangzhu as an example, although it is just a simple straight cut, there are strict requirements on the posture of holding the sword, the standing posture, the footwork of the feet, etc.

Even a simple straight chop requires years of practice and training until you reach the point where you can meet the requirements with just one knife. Only by making standardization your instinct can you be considered accomplished.

That’s why it is said that learning skills can never be achieved overnight.

Kanzaki's swordsmanship has obviously reached a very high level, and her every move can be used as a textbook.

Her swordsmanship seemed to be at full range, and every move she made was very sharp. She just seemed to have a strong will exuding without any trace of confusion.

Chapter 15: Addicted to Learning and Can’t Extricate Himself

Kanzaki's swordsmanship is very strong.

Bai Ye has known this for a long time.

After all, Kanzaki was originally a saint who relied on his swordsmanship. Apart from the 'Seven Flashes' and 'Only Flashes' which are his sure-kill moves, the thing Kanzaki could rely on most was his own swordsmanship.

Naturally, swordsmanship is one of her few strengths.

In Hakuno's view, Kanzaki's swordsmanship is definitely among the best in this world.

Of course, because the current Kanzaki has not yet reached the age of the original, he must be more immature than back then.

But for Hakuno, it was also very lucky that Kanzaki taught him swordsmanship!

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