However, the moment he saw the wall of the heart, Bai Ye's eyes were attracted to the center of the wall.

In the middle of the wall of the heart, there is a hollow circular hole, and in the center of this circular hole, there is a figure of a girl embedded in it.

A red dress covered her curvy body, her long blond hair was tied up behind her head, and a stiff hair protruded from the top of her head. She held an irregularly curved crimson sword in her hand.

The crimson swordsman is currently embedded in the central cavity of the wall of the heart, with his head lowered. It seems that even his breathing is completely still, and he cannot detect a trace of Yihao's life breath.

Bai Ye's perception was correct.

The maze guard on the tenth floor is Nero.

Regardless of whether it was active or passive, Nero was trapped in the wall of the heart at this moment. Becoming a maze guard on the tenth floor was an ironclad fact that could not be argued with.

Because the direction of the contract pointed by the command spell in Bai Ye's hand is clearly the direction of the Heart Wall.

As if he sensed the arrival of the two of them, Nero's body surface on the wall of his heart suddenly flashed with red light.

The next moment, a girl who looked exactly like Nero but whose figure was completely transparent floated out of it, landed on the ground, and opened her eyes.

It was definitely Nero.

But the look she was looking at at this moment was extremely indifferent, looking at Bai Ye as if she were looking at some unrelated stranger.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Immediately, Nero showed a cold expression. He questioned Hakuno and Tamamo Mae.

That has nothing to do with being a 'servant of Hakuno', and is completely a 'tyrant' attitude. There is no cuteness that is completely in love, but only the majesty and indifference of an emperor.

That kind of majesty and indifference makes people feel no warmth, only makes people feel strange.

Bai Ye underestimated BB's so-called 'surprise'.

"The maze guard on the tenth floor is Nero" is not a so-called surprise in BB's mind, no. It should be said that it can indeed be a surprise. It's just not a 'huge surprise carefully prepared for Hakuno'.

The 'huge surprise' BB refers to is the situation at hand.

Nero completely forgot about Hakuno.

She regarded him as a stranger whom she had never met before.

"——You really don't remember anything, including the time when we fought side by side on the surface of the moon, and the fact that I am your master?"

Bai Ye Qiguang was slightly gloomy. He suppressed many thoughts in his heart and asked Nero tentatively.

"Master? Fight side by side? Pfft...hahahahahaha!"

Hearing this, Nero seemed to have heard some funny joke, holding his stomach and laughing loudly. "You are really good at joking! Although I do not have any memory before coming here, it is impossible for me to listen to anything. It’s under human command!”

"For the sake of Zhuang being a beauty, I won't hold you accountable for your disrespect this time, but if there is another time, I will never let you off easily!"

Chapter 1715 Pseudo·Innocent Psychological Realm

Nero didn't believe Bai Ye's words. He didn't even give a hint of understanding. Compared with the obedient and cute appearance before, it was so far away that it gave people a strong sense of strangeness.

But on the other hand, this is indeed more consistent. Tyrant’s style.

Moreover, according to Nero himself, she is in a state of 'amnesia'. In this state, it is natural to be wary of everyone, let alone Hakuno, who has a servant like Tamamo Mae by his side. In the end, he even said that she was his servant! There's nothing wrong with not being able to gain her trust.

"...Okay. Let's not talk about the master-slave issue for now."

Bai Ye took a deep breath to calm down and think about the current situation. "But if you don't mind, you can tell me about your current state. Maybe there is a way to recover you."

"If you have really lost your memory, you must have no idea where you are now. How about treating it as an exchange of information?"

"Oh? You're a guy. Although you can say some things that make people laugh, your words are very organized."

Nero looked at Bai Ye with some surprise, and then snorted softly, "Well, it's okay to tell you. It just so happens that Yu is confused now."

According to Nero, she knows that she is on the moon now and is participating in the Holy Grail War. She also knows about the existence of Mooncell, Masters, Servants, etc. But she has no memory of being summoned by someone or fighting alongside anyone.

In Nero's memory, she appeared here inexplicably and was imprisoned in a strange wall for no reason.

"I see. It's just a simple memory loss."

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully. He frowned slightly and then asked again, "By the way. Have you seen anyone else during your time here?"

"I've only seen one."

Nero curled his lips and said as if he disliked that person very much, "A witch who is as unpleasant as Yu's mother!"

Nero's mother could be said to be the direct creator of Nero's tragic life, and she personally pushed her to the throne. Controlling her like a puppet. If Nero thought that the other party was as annoying to her as her mother! Then the compatibility between the other party and her can be said to be quite bad.

"That witch, is she a girl with long purple hair and a black windbreaker. She likes to hold a pointer in her hand and always gives people the impression of being malicious?" asked Bai Ye.

"Hmm, you do seem to know a lot of things."

Nero nodded in surprise. Then he admitted frankly. "Yes, Bian's description exactly matches the characteristics of the witch mentioned by Yu. Who is that woman? Tell Yu all the information you know!"

Bai Ye nodded obediently and told Nero most of the information about BB. Of course, these only include BB's identity, personality, methods, purpose, etc. In addition, it also includes information about Sakura Labyrinth and Labyrinth Guardians, and then there is nothing else. After all, many things now are just Bai Ye's guesses... and there is no complete certainty.

"You mean, the reason why I am trapped here is because I was kidnapped by the witch named BB. So I became a maze guard guarding this Sakura maze?"

Nero's expression was somewhat meaningful, "Whether the witch is using me or you are deceiving me. But no matter what, I just want to say thank you for the information you told me."

Nero didn't completely believe Hakuno's words. As a tyrant, she originally looked bold on the outside but had a very clear-minded character on the inside. She was very careful and cautious. It was because of her personality that she was able to avoid so many assassinations.

"How can I rescue you?"

Bai Ye has no grudge against Nero's conservativeness. Although compared with the previous state when she was obedient to him and as obedient as a cat, Nero's current state does make him feel a little unnatural, but in the final analysis , if Hakuno Chushou is in the same state as Nero. He will not be naive enough to trust others completely.

Moreover, as long as Nero is rescued from the wall of the heart and her memory is restored. Then this situation will be solved easily.

"Get me out?"

Nero's eyes suddenly fluctuated. The clear green pupils reflected Bai Ye's calm but matter-of-fact expression. She was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking about something.

"It should be enough to break the wall, but getting close to the wall is not an easy task."

Nero looked at Bai Ye steadily, and there was deep exploration in the light. Those eyes seemed to be trying to see through him, "There seems to be a defense program set up by someone around the wall, no matter it is Anyone who gets close will 'disappear' bit by bit."

"It's okay in this place. You won't be 'attacked' by the defense program, but if you get close to the wall, your computer body will definitely die!"

will die.

This layer of the wall of the heart! It was not set so that it could be opened simply by taking out the SG of the Labyrinth Guardian. Instead, a defense program was put in place.

As long as you get close to the wall of the heart, you will be attacked. If you gradually get closer and step towards the wall of the heart, you will experience the feeling of "disappearing little by little", and if you walk to the location of the wall of the heart. Then the computer bodies will be completely eliminated, in other words, they will die one by one.

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