To Hakuye, the perimeter of the defense program was almost as if there were no obstacles. In just a few seconds, Hakuye came within fifty meters.


2. Step within fifty meters. Bai Ye's legs trembled involuntarily.

The corrosive feeling coming from the defense program has changed from electric current to a knife. The pain at this moment is like being stabbed into the abdomen by someone. And it was still stirring constantly. The pain continued to come.

The target of this defense program is the computer body. Whether it is a physical body or a spirit body, as long as it is close to it, it will withstand such erosion. Therefore, even if Bai Ye is a spiritual body or a ghost! There is no way to avoid this severe pain.

"But. This is nothing.

He has been in this fantasy world for nearly three years, and he has not come here as smoothly as playing a game. There were times when he was seriously injured, and there were also times when he died frequently. He even experienced resurrection twice.

No matter it’s a mental strain. Or physical torture. Just tracing it with a knife is far from enough to repel him.

Taking a deep breath... Bai Ye adjusted his breathing to the most suitable rhythm to reduce the pain as much as possible and tried his best to ignore Bai Ye lifting his legs again and walking towards the wall of the heart.

Although his pace was a little slower, Bai Ye's expression remained as usual. It seems that this level is not enough.

"Give it to me! Wait!"

A voice that sounded like an outburst came from mid-air, and BB suddenly lowered its height. The transparent virtual image dropped in front of Bai Ye.

"Senior, shouldn't you value your companions the most? Why can you continue to be so determined? Don't you care about the life and death of the instinctive Miss Nero?!"

For BB, it is not surprising that Hakuno can ignore the pain caused by the erosion of the defense program. What she cannot understand is that Hakuno can ignore the instinct of Nero's "survival" and decide to rescue the real Nero.


Could it be that my understanding of seniors has always been wrong? Or is it that the person in front of me is not a senior at all and is just an illusion?

Of course, BB is the creator of this cherry blossom maze. It was impossible not to see through Bai Ye's body that he was definitely the senior in her memory - although her memories were getting less and less, the emotion that surged in her heart when she faced him could never be faked.

Asking for flowers...

"..You don't seem to understand."

Bai Ye stopped and looked at BB who landed in front of him with an angry look on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Although people can indeed be divided into instincts and consciousness, they can even be subdivided into consciousness. And subconscious... But in the final analysis, whether it is consciousness or instinct, these are the person himself."

"BB. You are indeed very powerful and capable...but you don't understand the existence of 'human beings'."

Bai Ye raised his feet and while saying this, he directly crossed the BB and stepped within ten meters of the wall of the heart.


At this moment. Bai Ye only felt a lightness in his body, as if all his internal organs had disappeared, if he wasn't extremely confident in his own perception. He may even wonder if his perception is wrong.

Step within the final range of ten meters. The erosion of defense procedures has reached the most terrifying level.

This sense of erosion is no longer limited to 'feelings', but has begun to have an effect on the computer body - in a word, it is eating away the computer body bit by bit.

If we compare it to reality. That means cutting off the flesh and bones of a person bit by bit, which is equivalent to cutting into pieces by a thousand cuts.

The reason why Bai Ye felt a lightness in his body was actually because his internal organs had been completely eaten away, and this part of the data had been completely lost. It was as if Wang Shi's internal organs had been artificially removed. But because it was computer body. And he was still a ghost, so he didn't die directly.

But if this continues. That's no different than gradually dying.

BB's eyes gradually became anxious, and after Bai Ye stepped into the final range of the defense program, she finally lost her patience.

"That's enough! Just stand there and don't go any further! I'll seal you right here and spend forever in sleep. Will everything end?"

Chapter 1718 Instinct and Instinct


With an undetectable trembling sound, the black familiar—the imaginary creature Shapeshifter—appeared in front of Bai Ye again, and unlike the multiple individuals that appeared before, the Shapeshifter that appeared this time directly appeared in the shape of a huge sphere.

The pitch-black imaginary sphere floated in mid-air, and as BB waved his hand, countless cloth-like pitch-black tentacles bloomed, rapidly restraining Hakuye from all directions.

This time, the shape of the imaginary creature Shapeshifter surpasses the previous individual. It appears in a fused form. The dark tentacles, whether they are derived, grown, beaten, or bound, are much stronger than the previous individual form.

But even though it is a fused form, with Bai Ye's current strength, it is still not a problem to decipher this imaginary number creature.

Of course, that's when he's in good shape.

But now... Bai Ye is trapped in the deepest layer of the defense program, and his whole body seems to be in the pain of being cut into pieces. The computer body is being eaten away and suppressed all the time, and it is impossible to respond in time.


Tamamo Mae subconsciously exclaimed, and without thinking, he took out a handful of talismans from his sleeves and injected magic power into them, preparing to throw them out.


But before Tamamo Mae could throw the talisman out, the figure of the red girl next to her ran out as fast as lightning, and arrived in front of Bai Ye in just an instant. ,

"Fierce one by one!"

The scorching red flames spurted out in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​heat waves. With an avalanche-like momentum, they quickly wrapped the tentacles released by the imaginary creatures and burned them to charcoal in an instant.

The imaginary creature attacked and paused.

BB looked at the girl holding a red sword who was standing in front of Bai Ye, and he was completely stunned.

She had thought that Tamamo Mae might intervene to stop her, she had also thought that the student council room might initiate a forced escape procedure, and even thought that Hakuno might have some means to deal with her, but she did not think of one thing.

That's because Nero stood in front of her!

That's right, at this moment, the first person to react was actually as long as the original Nero was liberated. Instinct Nero that will disappear immediately.


BB's gloomy face, her originally pretty face, now gave people a cold feeling. She really couldn't figure out why the monk in front of her at this moment was Instinct Nero.

"Why do you want to stop me? Don't you know that if you let senior succeed, you will disappear?"

This is the second thing that BB can't understand today.

"Of course I know."

Instinct Nero showed an extremely bright smile on his face. He answered BB's question very definitely, "As long as he succeeds, Yu will disappear, which is equivalent to 'die', right! No matter how clear Yu is about this kind of thing, but."

"If that's the case, why are you still trying to stop me!?" BB's face has completely lost the initial complacency, and now his face is filled with hidden anger.

This was the first time that she couldn't hide her emotions like this. Even when she was betrayed by Elizabeth, betrayed by Parson Lip, and when Bai Ye and the others discovered their purpose, she never showed such an expression.

Because no matter she was betrayed or something before, BB had absolute confidence that she could win to the end. No matter what went wrong in the middle, everything must be under her control.

But it was different now. She stayed on the tenth floor and had carefully prepared a "huge surprise" for Bai Ye for a long time. But at this moment, her plan was broken twice in a row, which made her feel like she was beyond control.

This feeling made her uneasy.

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