The reason is very simple. This power that can be traced back to 4.6 billion years ago is definitely not something that ordinary people can know and understand. Not even Hakuno knows about it, and it is even more impossible for Sesshōin to know about it.

The only person who may know the existence of this power is Mooncell, who has been observing the earth for 4.6 billion years. There is no second choice.

"That's our opinion too."

Tohsaka Rin nodded, "This may be the choice of Mooncell's self-protection program. In order not to be controlled by BB, after calculation, the only choice is to ask us for help."

And after analyzing the strength gap between the two sides, did they package and send the original power program?

"Well, this is the only possibility that Qi Qian can think of."

Chapter 1731 Original Power·Mythical Ceremony

"In this program, there is a method to activate the original power."

Rani scanned the crowd with a pair of lavender pupils, while continuing to explain, "According to the description in the data, this original power is contained in every living being born on the earth. The key lies in the method of activation and the ability to Just bear the original power."

"Ordinary human beings cannot bear the power of the original power. There is only one kind of existence that can bear it, and that is - the Servant."

Each of the followers is an elite among human beings. Each one is separated from the general category. They themselves symbolize the development and continuation of human history.

Only the servants can withstand the huge power after the original power is activated.

"One by one, even if you are a servant, you can only use the original power once." Rani added.

In other words. This knife must be used on its edge.

"Wait a minute. You just said it must be a creature born on earth, right?"

Meltililith frowned deeply and stared at Rani closely. "You mean, it's impossible for Alterego like us to obtain the original power?"

"That's right."

Rani looked directly at Melt Lilith calmly. Even when she was stared directly at by the ferocious Lilith, her eyes did not waver at all.

"Beings that are not born on earth do not have original power."

After all, the original power is the power of the earth, and can only be used by earth creatures. This "creature" is not limited to the concept of killing people, as long as it is born on the earth. Whether they are humans, monsters, or even fantasy species, they all possess the original power.

Even the Dead Apostles are no exception.

But creatures like Meltililith who were born on the moon do not have the original power.

Meltlilith clicked her tongue. There was undisguised reluctance on her face. She and BB have always been on opposite sides, but BB has unparalleled power of creation. At the moment, the only thing she can get is to be with BB. -The power of higher capital seems to be unavailable.

"In short, the only ones on our side who can activate the original power are Hakuno's two servants, Saber and Caster.

Tohsaka Rin didn't know whether he ignored the third servant in the old school building intentionally or unintentionally, and said to everyone, "In short, let's concentrate the resources of the old school building first and help Saber and Caster activate the original power."_

If this original power is real. That's of course the best. If it's fake, it can't be worse than the current situation, and it's worth a try.

"Of course it doesn't matter. But now that things have reached this point, you can almost tell me the answer!"

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, then looked at the people in the old school building as if he suddenly remembered something, "I must have asked you at the beginning."

"You are already dead in the eyes of Mooncell. Even if we defeat BB and return to the surface of the moon, you will only be eliminated by Mooncell as wrong data."

"Even so, do you still want to continue?

Among the crowd, excluding Masters like Nero, Leo, Tohsaka Rin and Rani all had the same expressions as usual. Even though Matou Shinji's expression changed slightly, he still had no words to refute in the end.

"There's nothing we can do. If we don't take action, we'll probably be eliminated by BB as unnecessary garbage, right?"

A relaxed smile appeared on Leo's face, as if he didn't care about life and death. He smiled and said, "If we help Mooncell out of crisis, maybe it will know how to be grateful and let us live?"

"Since both the left and right are dead. Then you might as well choose this side to see. It's always possible."

In fact, even Leo knew that the possibility was pitiful.

Mooncell is a computer. It does not have consciousness, and naturally it has no emotions. The reason why the original power was handed over to them is purely because it is the most promising result after calculation to escape BB's control. Even if Leo and the others help it now, it will not happen again. When it comes to the surface of the moon, it will probably erase them as junk data.

The reason why I say this is probably because it is better to die in peace after resisting than to be killed by a coward without doing anything, and to be considered a worthy death.

I can only say that it is worthy of the king’s speech.


Bai Ye was noncommittal about Leo's decision and just nodded thoughtfully. This is their decision, and Bai Ye will not interfere.

"In that case... let's start... Nero, Xiaoyu, you come one by one. Prepare to activate the original power - these eight achievements are our final struggle."


The process of activating the original power is not difficult, at least not for Bai Ye.

The only process that was somewhat difficult was to enter Nero and Tamamo Mae's bodies. Defeat the blackened selves in their bodies that symbolize the blockade of the original power. Of course, this is for Bai Ye who has the blessing of spell EX. Not really a problem at all.

Just half an hour later, the original power of the two people was stimulated together.

After the original power was activated, the figures of Nero and Tamamoae did not change much. Only the clothes on their bodies changed and became the legendary 'mythical costumes'.

After putting on the mythical ceremonial attire, whether it was Nero or Tamamo Mae, the aura of both of them increased crazily as if on steroids, quickly transcending the category of servants and reaching a realm that even the God of Disobedience could not touch. .It can almost be said to have reached the level of Bai Ye's true form.

The increase in strength reached more than ten million times, which was simply outrageous. Bai Ye, who was the master of the two men, had his brows twitching. He couldn't help himself from activating the original power.

However, Bai Ye is not a life born on the earth, and he probably does not have the original power... Even if he does... with the strength of his current mental body, he simply cannot withstand the power of the original power, so he still doesn't want to die.

Chapter 1732 The final battle! vsbb!

After witnessing the changes in Nero and Tamamo Mae's strength with their own eyes, everyone was convinced. This so-called 'original power' is indeed genuine... and I finally have a little more confidence in the decisive battle with BB.

Although the current strength of Nero and Tamamoae cannot be tested because it can only be used once, the staggering power fluctuations released from the two people are enough to convince everyone. It is impossible to accurately test the strength values ​​​​of the two people using the operation interface. This power has already exceeded the testing limit.

Soldiers are valuable and quick. And the longer the delay, the more power BB may discover Mooncell. Everyone decided without hesitation. Immediately launch the final battle.

"Since this is the final battle, there is no need for us to be stingy with the resources of the old school building. We will turn all resources into magic power in this battle. Leave it to Bai Ye to control it."

If you fail, you will succeed. Everyone, including Leo, has this will at the moment. If he fails, he will be killed by BB, if he succeeds, he will be killed by Mooncell... Since both the front and the back are dead. There is no need to reserve it.

The resources of the old school building...except the support department of the student union room. Except for a certain staff room where the last pair of masters and slaves on the moon were hidden, all other places were transformed into the purest magic crystals and sent into Bai Ye's body.

The large amount of magic power and the six strokes of the command spell are enough to sustain this final battle.

"Before setting off, I will go to the staff room first. Nero, Xiaoyu, please wait for me under the cherry blossom tree."

After thinking deeply, Bai Ye finally decided to go to the staff room to make some "necessary" preparations.


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