BB does not lack girlishness. Rather, he ate all the Servants, Masters, and NPCs in order to save Hakuno, and endured it in order to control Mooncell. In order to kill Sesshōin, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his memory. He did not hesitate to make Hakuno hostile to him... Such a BB is a girl's heart-breaking existence.

The only difference is who is qualified to make her have this kind of girlish heart.

"...So what if senior knows about it?"

BB tried hard to dispel the little bit of unknown shame in his heart and raised his head. His face showed the same proud and mischievous smile as always.

"The current situation. Even if the senior has two servants who have mastered powerful power, they still can't kill me completely. And I only need to spend some time to reconnect with my virtual universe. By then, my victory will still be in vain. It will change.”

BB didn't intend to say anything more about whether she liked him or not. She did like Bai Ye. No. It should be said that she loved Bai Ye crazily and uncontrollably.

But precisely because of this... she absolutely must save Bai Ye's life, even if it means sacrificing her most precious memory and her own life.

"Furthermore, when Senior comes so close to me, aren't you worried that I will take down Senior and use you to defeat those two servants?"

BB's eyes gradually focused as Bai Ye's figure got closer and closer.

Hakuno walked out of Tamamo Mae's defensive range and even passed Nero's side. Walked towards the direction of BB.

"I never meant to kill you from the beginning."

Bai Ye stopped at this moment. Nero and Tamamo Mae were both left behind by him. But just ten meters away in front of him was the girl BB with spread black wings and blood-colored vertical pupils.


Nero's eyes were filled with worry.


Tamamo Mae's expression was no exception.

It's just... As Haku Ye's servants, they have been with him all the way. They have deeply trusted Haku Ye. Therefore, no matter what Haku Ye plans to do, they will support and support him without hesitation. , will never refute or object.

"To be honest. BB. If you had half the trust in me as Nero or Xiaoyu, I wouldn't have to put so much thought into it." Bai Ye sighed softly.

Chapter 1737 - I like the player the most! ! !

"This is not okay, senior."

BB looked at Bai Ye who had come to her, with a smile still on her face...but her eyes were slightly undulating, "If you don't have the consciousness to kill me, you can't defeat me."

"Besides, why do I have to trust senior? I'm not senior's servant, so there's no need for that."

If only BB could trust Shiro Ye a little more. Then there won’t be so many twists and turns... But BB is destined not to be Nero who will burst out with the most passionate love wholeheartedly once he falls in love with someone. Nor is he obedient to his master, regardless of his master. Tamamo-mae will never stop her from making any decision.

In view of this, this situation has occurred.

"You're right. You don't need to trust me in the first place. It's better to say that if you had chosen to trust me directly, I would not have met Xiaoyu Lipu and Lilith."

Bai Ye did not refute BB's statement. After all, this has been revealed from the beginning.

"So. Sure enough, I still need to use actions to make you trust me!"

The goal that BB has been working hard for cannot be easily convinced. Now, there is no other way but to prove it through actions.

"BB... Before the battle ends, I have a question to ask you."

Nero raised his sword! Looking at BB with a proud attitude, his eyes are full of scrutiny. "In your heart, what should love be?"

"Do you dedicate your body and soul to the one you love with the most passionate gesture, or do you consider the other person's situation unilaterally? There is no spiritual connection at all, and you only commit abuse in the name of love. fact?"

"Answer me, BB! Which kind of love do you think is true?"

Nero's expression was unusually serious. His green emerald eyes were full of solemnity without any impurities.

Among the two. Nero is undoubtedly the former.

As long as you fall in love with someone. Then this emperor of roses will engulf the people he loves with a love as hot as a blazing flame. This is how he treated the people he loved during his lifetime, and it is the same way he treats the young man he loves now.

"What's the point of talking about this now?"

BB smiled silently. She obviously has a very innocent dream in her heart, but the reality does not allow her to continue to be innocent.

"It doesn't matter what other people think. It doesn't matter even if senior doesn't understand me. As long as it can save senior, it doesn't matter if you want me to dedicate my body and soul!"

BB's determination is very firm in her heart. Hakuno's life is the highest priority.


However, such an answer only made Nero suddenly curse, "This kind of wishful thinking will only lead to your own destruction in the end. You will never get happiness!"

On a certain level... BB is the person most similar to Nero, and also the person least similar to Nero.

Both of them are the kind of beings who are equipped with too hot love, but Nero's love will involve the people he loves, causing everyone to be buried in the flaming love, while BB It was a unilateral self-ignition, carrying all the misfortunes on one shoulder, and finally being buried alone in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The only difference between the two is that Qian Nero can enjoy the happiness of being with the one he loves...while BB. can only appear alone, pay silently, and end silently.

On the one hand, Nero agreed with BB. But on the other hand, he denied BB.

"Whoosh! It's not your turn to teach me what I want to do!"

A hint of impatience gradually appeared on BB's face, and a rare anger appeared in his eyes. "If I really did something wrong, then use your power to prove it!"

"You didn't tell me that Yu also had this plan!"

Nero looked solemn. He raised the sword in his hand and inserted it into the void in front of him. "For Yu, love is something that can make people happy. If two people who love each other cannot achieve happiness, such love Yu doesn’t need it at all – now, Yu is here to prove it!”

"Player, give all your power to Yu, I want to show this young girl some color!"

Bai Ye nodded calmly, raised his right hand, rolled up his sleeves, and a total of six command spells on it turned into a torrent of pure magic power in one breath and was input into Nero's body.

A total of six command spells... plus the resources that were transferred from the old school building at the beginning... all the magic power converged on Nero, forming an extremely pure crimson magic storm around her, like a tornado There was a strong roaring sound like a roar in the ears.

Asking for flowers...

"One by one, the warm sunshine of spring, the dancing of flowers, the wind of May blowing on the cheeks, the stars reaching to the other side of blessing! Let's start the wedding in the golden palace."

Accompanied by lovely chants full of high spirits and happiness, the majestic magic radiates out around Nero, and the dazzling light is like the white veil on a wedding, which is dazzling but also irresistibly intense. sense of happiness.

Under the eye-catching light, the space within the entire barrier suddenly changed drastically.

What appears in front of everyone is still a golden theater, but what is surprising is that the original colors of gold and red have changed into a more simple and eye-catching black and white. The original sense of luxury is gone under the mutual reflection, and only the only thing that fills it is... What's left is a holiness that makes it impossible to read even a trace of profanity.

I don’t know what the reason is. Maybe it’s because of the unique circle of absolute emperors! Or maybe it's the overwhelming power of the mythical costume, this golden theater. At this moment, it has turned into a wedding palace!

"Let's return to the song one by one - FaxCaelestis (The final rose of the starry sky)!!!"

At some point, the mythical dress on Nero also turned into a pure white wedding dress. Her long golden hair was tied behind her head, and she wore a wedding dress decorated with olive leaves on top of her head. The tight and tight wedding dress supported her curvy figure, and the red sword in her hand also turned into something very interesting. The matching white and silver color of the wedding hall.

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