"...You really dare to do this, Sesshōin."

Bai Ye's eyes sank slightly. There was a slight chill in his eyes.

"But...that's fine. Then I'll just do as you say."


According to Sesshōin's instructions, Hakuno walked towards the core of Mooncell.

It was as if he was aware of Hakuno's arrival and confirmed his identity as the final victor of the Holy Grail War. The Mooncell core cube had previously condensed into light blue steps in the form of particles.

Bai Ye walked up the steps step by step and got closer and closer to the cube's open door.

Below, Sesshōin Kiara was watching him not far away, with very hot expectation in his eyes.

Sesshōin, who was extremely concerned about the situation in front of him, even ignored BB who had awakened from stagnation.

11121. Please give me flowers...

"Om one one one one one"

The moment he stood up, BB immediately controlled the black mud to form a black shield, covering everyone including Nero, Tamamo Mae, Lip and Lilith.

Then, the entire pitch-black shield disappeared in an instant.

"Did you escape back to the imaginary number space?"

Sesshōin glanced at the departing BB in surprise at first, and then chuckled as if he didn't care. "Is this the extent of your so-called love...Forget it. Anyway, as long as you can achieve your original wish, these guys are not important at all."

Bai Ye stepped out of the blue cube door and walked in.

It was as if he had entered the conceptual world from the material world. The moment he stepped into the core of Mooncell, Bai Ye was enveloped in a sea of ​​countless data.

There are no living things here, only data traffic condensed to the extreme. It seems that in one second, data that exceeds a civilization level is observed, classified, analyzed, stored and discarded.

The moment he entered this sea of ​​data, Bai Ye's computer body data was gradually dismembered and separated. In less than a minute, his mental body would completely die within this core - his computer body was simply The spiritual body... is also a BUG that needs to be eliminated for Mooncell.

However, even with Mooncell's extremely mechanical mode of action, the wish that should be realized still needs to be realized.

A message was transmitted to Bai Ye's heart through these data

"What is your wish?"

"My wish...should be the wish of the Sesshōin...to give all the desire data of all humans on the earth from ancient times to the present to that woman..."

Sesshōin's only wish. It is to obtain the desires of all humans on earth and derive supreme happiness from them.

"By the way, Mooncell... by the way, open another channel to the earth... remember to be big enough to allow more than tens of millions of beings to come in..."


Moonce11 works as promised.

Chapter 1743 - Demonic Bodhisattva Appears

central area.

Bai Ye did not choose to be obedient. Instead, he kept his promise and told Mooncell about the Sesshoin's wish. And Mooncell fulfilled this wish without any hesitation.

From the birth of the earth to the present, all human desire data has been packaged by Mooncell and given to Sesshōin Kiara.

A huge stream of data flowed out from the cube and turned into several streams in mid-air. It wound around in the direction of Sesshōin and finally disappeared into her body.


The moment these desire data fell into his body, Sesshōin's eyes suddenly blurred, his cheeks turned red, and he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

All the desires were absorbed by her like a glutton, but she savored it as if she were tasting delicacies from the mountains and seas.

She appears to be both insatiable and extremely gentle, as compassionate as a Buddha, yet as insatiable as a devil. The strong contrast and contradiction are vividly reflected in her.

After all this extremely huge data was swallowed into his belly, in a hazy state, Sesshōin's body subtly emitted light pink light, full of warm and ambiguous aura.

"Hehe, hehehahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

As if his long-awaited wish had finally come true, a laugh that was filled with a sense of release and madness, yet was so addictive that it penetrated the bone marrow came out from Sesshōin's mouth.

Under this burst of laughter, the pink light on Sesshōin's body gradually became stronger, wrapping him up like a cocoon.

The entire central field suddenly became silent for a rare moment. But this quietness was full of depression and heaviness, as if it was the last calm of an impending storm.

The other side. Outside the central area.

After BB took Nero, Lilith and others away, although he jumped into the imaginary space, he did not escape directly. Instead, he hid in the imaginary space below the central field and watched the development here. and didn't leave.

Because the imaginary space is a place where the concept of space is confusing, even the Sesshōin cannot clearly see BB's figure, so she can hide here and watch.

“…….BB, should you give us an explanation?”

In the imaginary number space, everyone has woken up from the stagnant realm.

At this moment, Tamamo Mae activated his Noble Phantasm again, creating a semi-real number space in this imaginary number space. Let everyone be free from the interference and erosion of the imaginary number space.

Among the crowd, Melt Lilith's eyes were sharp and she looked at BB with a ferocious expression, "Hakuno is a spiritual body... Once he enters the core of Mooncell, he will definitely be regarded as BIG Eliminate...you just let him in?"

"Shut up, Melt!"

BB glared at Lilith fiercely. Then he ignored her completely, and focused his eyes completely on the central field. There was deep anxiety in his eyes, and he was undoubtedly worried about Bai entering the core of Mooncell. wild

In fact, it's not just her. The eyes of Parson Lip and Tamamo Mae on the side. They couldn't help but show a bit of worry. Although they trusted Bai Ye very much, Mooncell's rules were absolute.

"No need to be so alarmed."

On the side, Nero's expression was the calmest of all, "Don't forget. The player has already known the outcome through that image. With his personality, it is impossible for him to be unprepared."

After all, he is the servant who has followed Hakuno for the longest time. Nero has a very clear understanding of Hakuno's personality. He is the kind of person who will be prepared to deal with the possibility as long as he knows it. He rarely fights an uncertain battle. .

However, even though he said this, Nero's face was tense. His eyes fixed on the central area did not dare to shift at all, and his emerald-like clear pupils also showed some nervousness at this moment.

There was nothing she could do, she said that...but she couldn't suppress the fear deep in her heart, the fear that Bai Ye would really die in Mooncell...

"That woman... her transformation is complete..."

Tamamo Mae suddenly made a solemn voice, diverting everyone's attention.

within the central area.


There was a sudden movement on the silkworm cocoon that exuded a pink and ambiguous atmosphere. With a soft clicking sound, tiny cracks appeared on the cocoon and quickly spread to the surroundings.

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