A rough estimate is that the number of Demonic Pillars exceeds at least three thousand.

With a smile on his face, Sesshōin folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, crossed his fingers, and made a mark that looked like an orchid but was different.

Hakuno recognized the seal. He had the skills of root wisdom. As long as it is knowledge and wisdom recorded in history, it can be recognized and used by him... so there are very few things that he cannot recognize.

That is the seal of a certain method of the "Yong Tianliu", a side sect of the Shingon Tantric Sect's Li Congliu. Its method is called "Datou Nanye Ganfa", which is the magical power of condensing one's own energy into energy and smashing it at the opponent.

Although it seems to be only close to the magic cannon, it is not a method worthy of praise. But the real use of this method is not actually a simple magic cannon. The energy condensed through this method has the effect of paralyzing the human brain. In other words, it is actually a method close to a spiritual attack.

Moreover, the seal formed by Sesshōin is not limited to oneself.

The moment she formed this seal, more than three thousand demon pillars around her, without exception, all concentrated their energy into a shining sphere with a diameter of ten meters... and then sprayed it in the direction of Bai Ye.

Each energy ball is equivalent to the size of an apartment room, and more than three thousand energy balls are sprayed towards Bai Ye. After the demon pillar shoots out these energy balls, Bai Ye immediately continues to gather its own energy... and forms a sphere again. . Continuously sprayed towards Bai Ye.

From a distance, it looks like more than 3,000 machine guns are firing at Bai Ye. But just one bullet fired from these 'machine guns' is enough to completely paralyze a person's brain. Just one can. Severely inflict heavy damage on second- and third-rate servants.

"Are your impressions of my power still stuck in my previous avatar? Or are you trying to capture me alive through this seal?"

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and put his hand into the golden ripples that appeared in front of him... and took out a sword that exuded an aura that could destroy the world.

It's not so much a 'sword' as it is just the concept of a 'sword'. The hand guard is a dazzling golden color, and the entire sword body is pitch black. It has three blades, upper, middle and lower, with red lines like electrical cables engraved on them.

"Unfortunately...I have no plans to play with you."

It can be called infinite magic power, and it only takes a moment to fill up the bottomless pit-like treasure phantom and activate it instantly.

The three blades on the sword reversed and rotated against each other, and the red lines on it shone instantly. They turned into red lines and stretched out, forming a pseudo-space fault in mid-air.

"Create the world—EnumaElish (The Heaven and Earth Bedeviate·Opening Star)!"

The performance of the Guili sword, which has the legend of creating the world, is completely different on earth and in this world of spirit children.

The crimson wind pressure stretched out from the sword in Bai Ye's hand, and extended wildly in all directions at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, the sky with a radius of dozens of kilometers was filled with boundless red wind pressure!

“Rumble, rumble, click, click, click!!!!”

Amid the deafening roar, there was even a tiny crackling sound like an egg shell cracking.

If you look carefully. You will find out. In the space around the red wind pressure, a large number of dark cracks like spider webs began to appear at some point.

The red wind pressure easily tore apart the space of the spirit world,

That scene... that power... seemed like it could really open up a world in a chaotic world.

The energy balls launched by the Demon God Pillars could not even get close to Bai Ye, and were already driven into pure magic particles under the huge wind pressure and dissipated.

Red wind pressure rumbled down. It turned into a torrent of pure destruction. The moment Bai Ye swung down the sword in his hand, it bombarded towards the platform below occupied by the Demonic Pillars!

"Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click."

As the red wind pressure rolled all the way, large tracts of space were directly shattered, turning into a dark space that roared with turbulence, but was easily suppressed by the wind pressure.

Thousands of energy balls pouring down like a torrential rain were instantly destroyed like earthworms shaking a tree. They couldn't even be stopped.

In just a breath, the torrent of space faults simulated by the red wind pressure has already bombarded the platform with a radius of only about ten kilometers. From a distance, it looks like a destructive light ball falling on the small Average on the jade plate.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom—!!!!!”

Chapter 1746 Diamond Realm·Zhi Fist Seal

The essence of EA's power is that the wind pressure released in the opposite direction forms a pseudo-space fault.

If such a Noble Phantasm were on Earth, Xiang Duo could only exert its power to destroy towns. But in this spirit world, it could easily tear apart space.

Once it was issued, it seemed that even the rules of the entire spirit world were retreating. EA's wind pressure instantly exerted its power as if the sky was opening up the earth.

The space that the crimson wind pressure passed through was torn and shattered.

Large tracts of space were directly crushed, and in just a short moment, it seemed to have turned into an endless black hole. It was heart-stopping.

Under the bombardment of the red wind pressure, the platform that could withstand the bombardment of the A-level Noble Phantasm was torn apart almost instantly, and the transparent bricks were swept into the spatial faults, and were quickly crushed into invisible powder.

Not to mention the Demon God Pillars on the platform. There are more than 3,000 Demon God Pillars that can rival the top servants. Under such a blow, they can't even resist. It was sucked into it by the wind pressure, torn into pieces and sucked into the cracks in space, without even a trace left.

Red-red wind pressure filled the entire field of vision, pitch-black cracks in space criss-crossed, and frightening roaring sounds were almost endless.

Of course, everyone in BB who was in the imaginary space was not attacked like this, but after seeing such a scene with their own eyes, Nero, Lilith, and even BB all fell silent.

"...I feel unreasonably powerful."

Meltililith clicked her tongue, and while looking at the devastating scene in the central field, she also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"That channel is the spirit channel connecting to the ground. Could it be said that that is actually the player's body?"

Because of the common sense about the Holy Grail War instilled by Mooncell, Nero would naturally not recognize it, but it was precisely because he recognized the Spirit Son Channel that Nero was surprised to make such a guess.

When the Soul Hacker enters the online world, what is transmitted to the network is a computer body. Although the computer body has the three elements of body, soul, and spirit, it is still essentially a data body. The real body of the Soul Hacker is still Will stay on Earth.

At this moment, the channel specially opened by Bai Ye by making a wish to Mooncell was specially connected to the earth, and the body of Bai Ye left on the earth was directly transformed into a spirit child.

In other words, this time, Bai Ye entered the lunar world in his true form. That's why he was able to bring in so much of his own power.

Nero knew this, so he guessed that the person in front of him was Hakuno's true form.

“Long live the master!!

Tamamo Mae cheered. The ears on her head and the tail behind her were swaying happily. Her beautiful beast eyes were narrowed to a slit, because she was the most loyal servant to Hakuno. In fact, until just now, she I still haven't let go, and now the big stone in my heart has just barely fallen to the ground.

"BB...Hakuno's true power is completely superior to yours, right?"

Meltililith looked at BB who was silent at the side. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised... and a mocking smile appeared on her face, "I'm afraid that the treasure contained in that precious phantom is the groundbreaking legend, your creation." The nemesis of power.”

Because it has the legend of opening up the world in chaos, in this world of spirit children, even a universe may be destroyed by EA.

BB can use the power of creation to create a virtual universe, then EA can destroy this virtual universe.

It is because of knowing this that Bai Ye will take out EA at the beginning. Because the legend is extremely powerful, the power of EA in this world's insects is naturally elevated to a terrifying level.

If Hakuno had owned EA when he was on the side of the moon, BB would have lost long ago.

BB glanced at Lilith coldly. She could not refute, but she also did not admit it. She had no intention of paying attention to Lilith, and turned her head to focus on the central field again.

"I'm afraid that Sesshōin is not someone who can be defeated so easily..."

Among everyone present, BB was the only one who had ever had direct contact with Sesshōin, so only she could truly realize how terrifying it was.

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