But Bai Ye, who came into contact with the power of order twice, was still unscathed. This in itself is enough to explain the problem.

"This power really doesn't work on him?"

Now that things have happened...even if Sesshōin doesn't want to believe it. Facts have proven this inference.

Although Sesshōin remained calm on his face, there was a hint of anxiety secretly rising in his heart.

Originally, she was fully aware of the situation and believed that everything was under her control. But now, the fact does not seem to be the case. In fact, it can be said to be the complete opposite... She has the illusion that the situation has always been under Bai Ye's control. .

"I have a precious phantom that has the legend of creating the world. The power of order is ineffective. My physical skills are much stronger than mine. Although I only came into contact with him for a moment, his magic power seems to be endless... If this continues, the situation will not be good."

Embryo Realm: The Ri Fist Seal can absorb the magic power in the opponent's body when in close contact with the opponent. Although it was just a moment. However, through this move, Sesshōin was able to detect the immeasurable magic power in Hakuno's body, which was as deep as the ocean.

In addition, whether it is from the outside or from the inside, Sesshōin has watched Hakuno's battles and knows that his taijutsu is much stronger than hers. When the power of order cannot work, it is almost impossible for her to be Hakuno. opponent.

If the competition and testing continued, she would be the loser 90% of the time.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do..."

Sesshōin breathed softly to soothe the dizziness in his brain, and his watery eyes narrowed slightly as if smiling, "Although it's a pity that I can't taste your soul bit by bit, it's not bad to swallow it whole like this once in a while."

After entering into business, Sesshōin did not hesitate. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the spot. His hands were folded in front of his lower abdomen, and his expression became as compassionate as a Bodhisattva saving the world.

However, her eyes looking at Bai Ye became increasingly hot.

After sitting down in Sesshōin like meditating, pink mist-like magic power immediately erupted from her body and spread in all directions.

"Om one one one one one"

In mid-air...on top of the pink magic steps, one after another, the Demon God Pillars are multiplying and multiplying endlessly again, almost covering half of the sky.

Just this short moment. The Demon God Pillars summoned by Sesshōin are far greater than before. Even if you only look at them with the naked eye, you can see at a glance that the area occupied by the Demon God Pillars is more than twice as big as before.

And these Demon God Pillars did not form separate individuals at the moment they appeared. Instead, they were connected one after another. Countless flesh pillars stuck together like dough, forming a huge chain that was tens of kilometers long. Black meatballs. Occasionally, there are countless blood-colored eyes that open and close, which is extremely penetrating.

In the sky, the pitch-black mass of flesh squirmed quietly, opening like a giant mouth in its center.

"Both enlightenment and liberation are nothing more than the joy and freedom at my fingertips. At the end is Sesshoin. It is a heavenly paradise as wide as my jaw."

Sesshōin, who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, looking extremely compassionate, was chanting slightly, and while she was chanting, at this moment——

——From the huge mouth of the dark flesh ball, an unparalleled huge suction force suddenly burst out...

"Buzz buzz----"

Under the fierce suction, all the surrounding air was swallowed up.

"Is that...the Noble Phantasm of the Sesshōin?"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of understanding in his eyes, "That huge mouth seems to be a part of the Sesshou Institute. In other words, as long as you enter that, it is equivalent to entering her body... This is her last resort."

Bai Ye did not resist the huge suction force. Instead, he was sucked in by the suction force very obediently, and entered the huge mouth smoothly.

"Welcome. Come to my womb. Please fully... release it completely? Uh-huh... uh-huh... ahhahahaha——"

"——Angralainyu/CCC (all the desires in this world)!!!"

Kiara, who obtained the desire data of all humans in the history of the earth through Mooncell, is no longer the same human being.

She originally had the qualifications to become a saint, but after obtaining the key to enter the realm of demons, she was reincarnated into a demon that opposes the awakened one.

The pair of Mara horns on her head are the most obvious proof.

In this state, the Noble Phantasm of the Sesshoin is to use all the human desires it has acquired to create billions of happy vortexes, allowing all intelligent beings to be melted and sublimated in ultimate happiness. .

PS: This is a rare third update. I will try my best to return to the third update later. The Noble Phantasm of Sesshōin in the original CCC was very low in sanity, and it was impossible to describe it under special circumstances, so I used FGO's Noble Phantasm to recharge it.

Chapter 1749 I’ll kill you too!

In the dark space.

There is almost no light here. You can't see your fingers. Only the dense blood-colored eyes hanging everywhere symbolize that this is not a completely dark space.

This is the inside of the mass of flesh formed by countless demon pillars. In a sense, it is also inside the body of Sesshōin.

Bai Ye floated in mid-air, looking around at the surrounding scene.

The scene inside the ball of flesh will feel strangely permeable to anyone who comes, especially those blood-red eyes that are flickering and turning endlessly, as if countless demon eyes are staring at you. Abnormally low san value!

Even if Bai Ye didn't feel afraid when he looked at this oozing scene, his scalp would go numb and he would feel quite disgusted.

"This kind of trick is just used to disgust people, right?"

The corners of Bai Ye's eyes twitched slightly. Just looking at the bloody pupils of the demon pillars around him... he had the urge to burn the whole place down.

"Huh? That is?"

In the dark space... suddenly countless pink shimmers emerged from all directions... It looked like morning mist. And it quickly rotated and spread at an astonishing speed, surrounding Bai Ye in the center of the pink mist.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a star cluster that has shrunk countless times, or like a whirlpool on the water surface formed after being rapidly stirred by someone.

At this moment, Bai Ye was at the center of this whirlpool.

The mist quickly invaded Bai Ye.

What is surprising is that there may be a blood-colored mist in the middle. It should be that the Sesshōin has mixed the power of order into mist. In this way, Bai Ye's other methods can be blocked, and he can only fight with physical skills.

However, once Bai Ye decides to fight with physical skills, the moment his body touches the pink mist, he will be pulled into this boundless whirlpool of happiness.

The essence of that vortex is the billions of happiness that Sesshōin has obtained from the desire data of all humans in the history of the earth. As long as it is an intelligent creature, no matter how different the structure of the intelligence is, it will delight the senses to the greatest extent. Get all the happiness after all your desires are fulfilled.

As long as you come into contact with these pink mist, no matter how impenetrable the defense is, no matter how powerful the body is, it is meaningless. If you fall into it, you will inevitably lose your rationality and fall into endless happiness.

Those whirlpools formed by the mist are completely opposite to the "sea of ​​suffering". No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it has rationality, it is absolutely impossible to defend and it is absolutely impossible not to waver.

In the end, you will only lose yourself in endless happiness and become a puppet, and your soul will be absorbed and tasted by the Killing Institute.

"Even if I can withstand it for a while, I can't withstand it for a lifetime."

Bai Ye knew this very well.

After all, the stronger his mental power is, the stronger he is. But he will still be shaken by joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. He still has the desire to realize. And as long as there are feelings...as long as desires exist, it will never be possible to completely isolate this whirlpool of happiness. . will eventually be sucked into it, and of course he can withstand it with his mental strength. But it is impossible to be completely immune. As long as the time is up, he will still be overwhelmed by boundless happiness and confused rationally.

"However, that is only under the premise that you can come into contact with it."

Bai Ye glanced at the pink mist that had come into contact with him within one meter. The corner of his mouth raised a smileless arc.

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