"If you want to kill me, just say so."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly. Although the spikes on his knees were incomparable to the sharp blades under his feet, they definitely couldn't be used as knee pillows. Otherwise, they would most likely pierce his neck.

"Hmph, you are such a coward. With your physical strength, are you still afraid of my thorns?"

Lilith stole a look full of contempt towards Hakuno.

After a period of time, they all had a certain understanding of Bai Ye's strength. He has a considerable understanding of his body that can withstand super-standard Noble Phantasm-level attacks.

"No. This is not a question of whether you can carry it..."

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel ashamed. Even if his body was indeed not afraid of Lilith's thorns, if he rested his head on the thorns, he would be afraid of it. That posture is too weird. Those who know understand that they are making a knee pillow, but those who don’t know think that Bai Ye is playing with the iron bridge to exercise the flexibility of his waist and legs. But that is really a knee pillow, not anything else. Suffering?

"Don't talk about this. Let's go do business first."

Bai Ye shook his head and changed the subject. "Do you want to go with me? It's impossible to get there without me leading the way."

"It's okay anyway. It would be great if I could spend my free time."

Lilith agreed nonchalantly.

Now Pasonlip is playing with her in Elquitt's domain, not by Hakuye's side. If Hakuye leaves, then she will have nothing to do. If she has some free time, it doesn't hurt to go see Hakuye's so-called 'business' .

Bai Ye snapped his fingers, causing a spirit channel to open in front of him... and then walked in with Lilith.

"Actually, in this lunar world, in addition to the surface side of the moon, the inner side of the moon, and the central realm, there is actually a fourth realm."

Within the Spirit Son Channel... Bai Ye explained to Lilith: "However, that area was actively abandoned and isolated by Mooncell in the ancient times, so basically no one knows about it."

"Even I only found the information from Mooncell's database after I became the king of the Moon World."

"The name of that field is the Unknown Field."

The so-called "unknown field" refers to the area that was actively abandoned by Mooncell thousands of years ago, isolating it in an area where it cannot be detected, contacted, or even connected to the inside.

In this lunar world. Except for Mooncell, no one knows the existence and location of the unknown realm, as well as what kind of monsters are imprisoned in it.

"The destroyer of civilization from the wandering stars. The destroyer of the civilization of the Earth's Gods! The incarnation of destruction..." That thing was imprisoned there. "


Uncharted territory.

This is an extremely desolate space, and the entire space seems to be unable to be illuminated by the sun. The light is quite dim, and it is simply a realm that cannot be illuminated in any real way.

Because this space has long been abandoned by Mooncell, without the light provided by Mooncell, it is natural that the light cannot reach it.

However, neither Baiye nor Lilith are ordinary people who can easily see in the dark. It doesn't have any impact.

The entire unknown territory. Although the material is made of the same transparent material as glass like the arena, the ground here is different from the neat and clean ground outside. It is filled with gravel and moss without any breath of life. It seems that there are thousands of people there. No one has visited it in years.

The core of the unknown realm is in a cave.

Or to be more precise, monsters that are being suppressed in an unknown realm. Hiding in this cave.

After Baiye and Lilith came to this unknown area through the spirit channel opened by Mooncell, they did not stay too much around. Instead, they immediately headed towards the cave.

The entrance to the cave.

Just as Bai Ye was about to walk in, his steps paused slightly, and even Lilith behind him stopped.

The two looked at each other in perfect understanding. They did not speak, but listened carefully.

Someone's passionate voice came from inside the cave

"Oh! Oh! Please wake up from your slumber, giant Sefalu! The opportunity for you to be useful has come!"

It was a young male's voice, his tone was full of confusion and excitement, and he made an inexplicably excited declaration that made people care.

"It won't be long before the vanguard of Youxing will arrive on this planet. At that time, this insignificant planetary civilization in this solar system will perish. You must take your own responsibilities, become the destroyer of civilization, and clear the way for Youxing." Okay, it’s not your mission to fall into such a sweet sleep!”

Melt Lilith frowned slightly, with a look of uncertainty in her eyes.

Star warrior? Giant Sefalu? Destroy civilization on earth?

Isn't this what Bai Ye said just now?

Lilith turned her head and looked in the direction of Bai Ye. Somewhat unexpectedly, a strange smile appeared on Bai Ye's face.

"Oh, this really comes sooner rather than later. I originally came here for Sefalu, but I didn't expect that I happened to run into this young man, Lilith. Let's go in and take this opportunity to resolve this matter completely. "

Lilith followed Bai Ye into the cave without comment.

Inside the cave, it was unexpectedly brighter than outside. It seemed that the piles of gold and silver treasures piled inside the cave were emitting a very faint light.

And above the pile of treasures, a huge figure was curled up like a baby, lying there and sleeping. Breathing is steady but beneficial.

The opponent's figure is very slender. The skin is a healthy tan, with strange white lines carved on the skin like oil paintings. The body gives people a sense of idiosyncratic perfection. Not to mention the overly huge figure of the other party, she is actually a very beautiful beauty. .

Chapter 1756 Encountering the parallel world of ‘Jian Ding’

In addition to the girl giant sleeping on the bed made of treasures, there is also an uninvited guest in the cave.

That's a Servant.

He looks like a young man, wearing ancient Greek-style gray-black robes, a turban on his forehead, and a mane of black messy hair. He looks like a very handsome young man.

However, what is concerning is that for some reason, his body is carved with patterns that are very similar to those of the giant. The difference is that the lines on the giant's body are pure white. They look very natural, making people feel that the lines should be one with the giant.

The lines on this young follower's body were all black and red, as if some foreign object was inhabiting his body.

At this moment, under the young man's loud and expectant call, the eyelids of the girl giant sleeping on top of the treasure twitched slightly. He opened his eyes silently and sat up from the bed.

"The top soldiers of Yuxing... finally came to this planet again..."

The dark-skinned girl giant lowered her head. He sighed softly with a somewhat sad voice. There was no joy in the destruction in his tone. There was only some incomprehensible emptiness.

It's just that the young follower obviously doesn't care what she is thinking. Biyi. From the moment of his birth, it has been destined that this giant will go on the road of destroying civilization, no matter how unwilling she is... no matter how hard she treats herself If her behavior generates repulsion, the civilization she passes through will inevitably fade away, and the planet she passes through will also perish.

She is the embodiment of destruction. She was sent to Earth by Yusei as a weapon to destroy the ancient civilization. It is said that Sefalu, the giant who destroyed the civilization of the Age of Gods, was destroyed.

Destroying civilization is her mission, the meaning of her existence. In comparison, her own will is irrelevant.

Her mission since her birth has determined that she cannot be a friend of civilization.

And once such a giant breaks the Mooncell isolation and goes to the earth, human civilization, which has become extremely fragile now, will probably be wiped out within two or three days.

If we cooperate with the coming star soldiers, the entire earth will not be able to sustain it for a day.

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