It was clear that he was just a machine without any power in the beginning, but in the end he developed feelings.

For a weapon, feelings are undoubtedly the most superfluous thing.

"Archimedes, I don't agree with what you said."

A sigh-like expression appeared on Bai Ye's face, "Because she is my own creation, I think that everything about her is given to her by me. She must obey her own orders and fulfill her own mission. That is a mistake." This is just the arrogance of the Creator."

"Any life, no matter who it is created by, has the ability to know the truth and make choices. Even if it is created as a weapon, it should also have its own will."

"The true Creator will never be arrogant and think that he is the master of his creation. He will never force his creation to do anything. He will only treat all things equally."

Chapter 1758 Preying on the wandering star Wilpa and the giant god Attila (please subscribe for the third update!)

Even facing the enemy. Bai Ye will not completely deny everything about him.

As long as it's done right. Even a guy who is full of evil. Bai Ye will also affirm it. As long as he does something wrong, even if he is a saint who saves the world, Bai Ye doesn't mind pointing it out.

Being able to view everything dialectically and rationally. Never judging good or evil based on one-sided right or wrong is one of Bai Ye's strengths.

"If the Yusei who created her only used her as a weapon and ignored her own will, then it would be reasonable for such a creator to abandon her."

There was a touch of coldness in the moonlight in Baiye.

The full name of Wandering Star is "Predatory Wandering Star Wilpa". According to Mooncell's records, it is a predatory comet that appears in the Milky Way with a cycle of 14,000 years.

As long as it passes through, all civilizations derived from intelligent life forms will be destroyed.

Fourteen thousand years ago, Yuxing visited the earth once.

It was the prosperous age of the Earth's Gods. Youxing dropped three star soldiers to the earth - one of the starships contained the newly conceived Attila.

Among the three star ships. No one knows where two of them landed, but the starship carrying Attila landed on the moon and invaded the Mooncell domain.

In that battle, Mooncell sealed Attila into the "Unknown Realm" at the cost of 80% of its own data being destroyed, and completely isolated the Unknown Realm.

During this period, the giant Cephalus incarnated by Attila fought a war that swept the entire earth with all the gods on the earth. At the end of that battle, all the gods including the military god Mars were killed. . In the end, it was the Holy Sword user of the Gods who lifted the thirteen seals of the Holy Sword, completely killed Sefalu and saved the earth.

Then, the civilization of the Age of Gods completely declined, and gradually entered human civilization.

However, although the Holy Swordsman killed Zaifalu, it was not completely destroyed until more than 12,000 years later, a baby girl was born from the corpse of the giant Zaifalu - Ati. Ra was discovered by the Huns. Under his care, he became the famous Whip of God in later generations and the incarnation of Attila on the moon. He became the only super-standard heroic spirit on the Heroic Seat with the power of civilized special attack.

The weapon of the heroic spirit Attila is three-color like a ballpoint pen. In fact, it was the weapon of the war god Mars, whom Sefalu killed 14,000 years ago. She used it as a trophy as her own weapon.

During these fourteen thousand years, because Sefalu, the incarnation on earth, was destroyed! The body heat is trapped in the unidentified realm of Mooncell, and Attila can only sleep in the cave all year round, unable to step out.

The only channel she can use to understand the outside world is the incarnation that awakened on the grassland more than two thousand years ago - Attila, the King of the Huns.

For Attila, the Titan, the experience of Attila, King of the Huns, was like a dream. It was very unreal and unreal - but it also made her yearn for it.

The sense of freedom of being able to gallop freely on the grassland, the sense of life blowing in the face like the breath of the planet, was conveyed to the heart of the sleeping giant Attila through the medium of Attila, the King of the Huns. It is a dream, but precisely because it is a dream, it seems extremely dreamy. It was extremely intoxicating to her.

At this point, the giant god Attila awakened his emotions. Attila, who realized the importance of life, gradually began to be unable to adapt to his mission... and became confused and hesitant about his actions.

This is why the giant god Attila doesn't want to take action against Bai Ye now.

Because she has completely transformed from a weapon at the beginning into a real life with feelings and self.

"Archimedes, you have become a lackey of the wandering stars. Now there is no need for you to survive."

As Bai Ye said this, he raised his hand indifferently, and the power of Utopia's obliteration came into play in an instant.

Not to mention resisting, he didn't even have time to react or even notice what happened... Archimedes' body suddenly stiffened, and then his whole body turned into ashes and dissipated.

Archimedes in history was just a scholar, although he had amazing knowledge. However, he does not have much strength. Even in terms of pure combat power... he is still a third-rate hero among the heroes. Naturally, he cannot be Hakuno's opponent. He can be killed instantly with just a wave of his hand.

After wiping out Archimedes, Bai Ye put down his hand and immediately looked at the giant god Attila beside him.

Although she was a little surprised that Archimedes died so suddenly, she did not pay much attention to it. Instead, she looked at Bai Ye silently and remained silent. Don't say a word

There was only a pair of amber eyes staring at Bai Ye, without the slightest fluctuation or wavering, nor the slightest flinching or softening.

Bai Ye also extended his hand to the giant god Attila.

The power of utopian obliteration was used again.

"Boom, boom, boom, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one"

Under the invisible force, the entire cave began to shake violently, and the earth began to vibrate, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred.

Just a few seconds later, the violent turbulence quickly stopped, and the ear-splitting roar also disappeared.

As for that, the cave that originally formed the seal also disappeared, and the unknown area that originally seemed extremely dark was penetrated by sunlight after a few seconds.

The dark clouds covering the entire unknown realm seemed to be dispersed in one breath.

The giant Attila sat on the bed and looked at the sunlight shining in from the sky. The whole person seemed a little at a loss.

"I have broken your seal." Bai Ye said to her calmly.

Chapter 1759 The predation cycle is about to end

Attila, the giant god, froze there for some reason. She had thought that Bai Ye would do something to her after killing Archimedes, or that she might be exiled. But she never thought that Bai Ye would actually take the initiative. Unlock Mooncell's seal on her and the unknown realm.

This behavior was really beyond her expectations.

"I have broken your seal. However, this does not mean that I am happy to see you continue to destroy civilization."

Bai Ye put down his hand and looked at the giant god Attila. Qi Guang said very calmly and indifferently, "The reason why I unlocked your seal is just because, if you already have the intention to repent, then I might as well give you a It's just an idea of ​​opportunity. And to me, it doesn't make any difference whether this seal exists or not."

The reason why the giant Attila was so powerful that she destroyed the civilization of the Age of Gods was actually because the emblem of the wandering star on her body gave her the ability to attack civilization.

As long as this giant exists there, it was originally just a concept of ‘civilization’. It will be regarded as nourishment by her, which can be absorbed and digested without limit... to make her stronger and stronger.

And with it her attack on civilization begins. Civilization will be crazily eroded by the power of heraldry, and will more quickly turn into the power of the giant Sefalu.

In other words. To her, something invisible and intangible like civilization is a drug that promotes her growth. As long as she keeps attacking, she can keep getting stronger.

In the end, he became so powerful that he could single-handedly destroy the civilization of the Age of Gods! Kill all the gods.

However, even if it reaches that point, its strength is at most comparable to that of BB. Even if its strength is limited, after all, even a giant that can absorb the growth of civilization has an upper limit to its strength, and this upper limit is BB's. degree.

This kind of strength doesn't matter to Bai Ye at all.

Not to mention it was just this level. Even if she could be ten times stronger, she would still be as weak as a child in front of Bai Ye.

Not to mention the giant god Attila. Even if Yusei himself came running over, it was still just a thought for Hakuno.

In view of this... it doesn't make any sense whether the giant god Attila is sealed or not.

"However, having said that, I can't let you walk around in this world of spirit children. After all, your existence itself is a kind of erosion of civilization. If you are allowed to act, the world that has just been established in this Mooncell will Civilization is about to be destroyed.”

Attila fell silent and did not comment on Bai Ye's words, but just listened silently.

Your field of activity is limited to this unknown field. At most, it will only give you the authority to observe the outside world. But remember, once you step out of this field, I will know it, and I will not be soft-hearted. "

Although the tone seemed very stiff, there was no friendship between Bai Ye and Attila.

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