"Well, don't say that. At least for time travel, I still need to use Chaldea's equipment."

Bai Ye waved his hand, but didn't pay much attention. "Besides, I also plan to strengthen Ritsuka and Mashu again. By then, even without me, you can easily break through the ordinary singularities."

"Really? Unfortunately, tomorrow is the day to go to the Sixth Singularity. Even if you strengthen them now, it will probably take some time... Otherwise, it will be much easier to go to the Sixth Singularity."

Dr. Roman said with regret.

"No, actually about this. As long as we open up a new spiritual field in Mooncell and adjust the time flow rate, we can easily master the new dimension before tomorrow."

Bai Ye once again made a statement that went beyond Dr. Roman's imagination, leaving Dr. Roman completely clueless and not knowing what to say.

"Hehe... This Mooncell seems to be omnipotent..."


After the banquet, Olga Marie and Doctor Roman, as well as El-Melloi II and Da Vinci stayed in the central control room to hand over information.

Hakuno, with Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and Tohsaka Rin, once again opened a spirit child passage and returned to the spirit child world of Mooncell.

Use the Ring of Throne to connect to Mooncell

Soon, a new spirit child realm was built again in the Infinite Moon Xianghai realm on the surface of the moon.

The speed of time here is more than a hundred times that of the outside world. In other words, the three of them have at least three days to familiarize themselves with the new power.

"Anyway, I'll give you all the class cards first."

Hakuno took out two sets of class cards and handed them to Fujimaru Ritsuka, Tohsaka Rin, and Mashu. Because they are sub-servants, they already have spirit bases in their bodies. If class cards are used to transform into heroic spirits, only It will conflict with the spiritual energy in the body. The pros outweigh the cons.

"A set of six class cards. Sword class King Arthur, bow class Wuming. Spear class Cu Chulainn. Cavalry class Medusa. Killer class Hundreds of Faces. Magic class Medea. Mad class class cards because they know how to use them. It will have an impact on the will of the author, so I won’t give it to you.”

"Then I'll give you two more canes... This is a magic gift made with the second magic. It can communicate with yourself in the parallel world and let you reach the level of infinite magic power. In this way, there is no magic power when using the class card. There are restrictions on it.”

After a pile of class cards, Bai Ye took out two pink canes from the King's Treasure and handed them to the two of them.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and Tohsaka Rin's eyes shone brightly, and they each looked at Hakuno eagerly, like children waiting for their parents to hand out the gift money before the New Year. Everyone's eyes were saying, 'What good things are there soon? Take it out' the same.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye took out a bunch of divine destruction tools from the King's Treasure and placed them in front of the three of them.

"Because of your respective 'containers', each of these God-destroying tools can only use one. I will tell you the capabilities of these God-destroying tools. Each of you choose one and become familiar with it within this month. This power..."

Seeing the three people rushing toward the pile of God-killing Gears with green eyes after learning about the power of these God-killing Gears, Bai Ye pondered secretly.

"Class card, ruby ​​cane, and divine annihilation tool... Entering the truth, do I still need to go to the sixth singularity?"

If these three people join forces, they won't be able to fight even if they encounter a super-standard servant, right?

If the power of the God Destruction Gear can be reached to the point where it is forbidden to use hands, then even the Lion King may not be the opponent of the three of them. .

However, the realm of forbidden hands is very difficult to achieve. After all, it is the highest realm of artifacts. It is not that easy to achieve. Even for those with extraordinary talents, it will take several years of immersion to achieve it.

If you want to reach the state of forbidden hands within a month, it is almost impossible unless you cheat directly like Bai Ye. Or you simply use it forcefully at the cost of your life.

Chapter 1769 Fufu: Well-behaved.jpg

Under the night.

In Chaldea.

The long corridor looked a little dim because of the lack of light. At the transparent windows, the storm was still raging non-stop, making a whimpering roar.

The small squirrel-like creature swayed back and forth in the corridors of Chaldea... looking for its owner.

The snow-white and soft fluff is all over the body, making people want to touch it. The four pink paws are on the ground... walking forward, the jewel-like eyes look left and right, with a humanized look in their eyes. The confused look... gives people an unusually cute feeling.

"Oh? Isn't this Fufu? Why are you running out so late if you don't sleep?"

At a certain moment, despite not hearing any footsteps and sensing the slightest breath of life, he suddenly heard a voice, causing the creature named Fufu to stiffen suddenly and look in the direction of the sound.

The dim space could not stop the eyes of this strange beast. In the corridor, a familiar but more unfamiliar figure walked from the front. Although his feet were clearly on the smooth ground, there was no sound of footsteps. It feels like a ghost, and it is really scary to see it in the middle of the night.

The reason why I say this person is familiar is because if it is just his appearance. Fufu knew him completely and had contacted him many times during the past year. But it is not surprising to say that he is strange, because compared with the feeling given to it the previous two times, this person now seems to have turned into a ferocious beast in human form.

Standing in front of the opponent, this primate killer felt like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. There is no resistance at all, no thought of rebuttal can arise. It seems that I can only simply look up.

Baiye walked up to Fufu, bent down, and held these snow-white beasts in his arms.

Fu Fu was extremely well-behaved. She didn't even dare to move, so she was hugged by Bai Ye, with a look of 'I'm very well-behaved'. She even scratched her cheek with melon seeds and said, 'Fuwu~Fuwu~ He barked twice and tried to look cute. There is no trace of the ferocity of the primate killer.

If his former owner saw this cute look, he would probably be shocked and shout, "Kathy Palug, you have changed!" 'What.

"Mashu and Ritsuka are training with me for tomorrow's exploration of the sixth singularity. So they won't show up tonight."

While Bai Ye was stroking Fufu's soft hair, he secretly felt that the hair was much smoother than that of ordinary cats and dogs. Once he started stroking it, he simply couldn't stop.

"When you are at the sixth singularity, you must also protect the safety of both of them as much as possible, do you understand?"

Fufu didn't dare to resist Bai Ye's cat-licking behavior at all, and even took the initiative to put her head into Bai Ye's hand and rub it to show her good manners. After hearing Bai Ye's words, Fufu cried out again. A sound.

Although it was not spoken directly in human language, Bai Ye still understood it as an agreement.

Fufu felt that she could not agree. If she did not agree, she might be put on a fire rack and turned into a barbecue.

"So good!"

Bai Ye smiled and continued to pet the cat. But there was a hint of strange meaning in his smile. "But, having said that, your former owner was really persistent. He obviously couldn't spy on this place anymore. He still refused to give up and kept using his clairvoyance..."

Merlin was probably suffocating.

After all, his clairvoyance can only see the 'present' but cannot see the 'past' and 'future', making it the most useless of all 'clairvoyance EX's.

He who has been self-proclaimed in Avalon all year round can only use Clairvoyance EX to peek into the current world to relieve his boredom. After the whole world has been burned by human reason, he can only peek into Chaldea to relieve his boredom.

However, what is helpless is that in Chaldea's normal state, he can naturally peek without anyone noticing. Even Leonardo da Vinci cannot directly detect his peeping.

But as soon as Bai Ye came back, his clairvoyance immediately became blind.

As long as you have the power of a god, you can isolate yourself from the prying eyes of the clairvoyant to a certain extent. As for Bai Ye, he once obtained more than a hundred powers. Although he is no longer with him now, his strength is even stronger than that time. Not weak.

Even if he didn't do anything, just standing there would be enough to render Merlin's clairvoyance ineffective.

But everyone knows that Merlin is an existence that will never accept 'boring'... so he seeks death. He uses his clairvoyance again and again in an attempt to spy on Chaldea but fails once.

Fufu lay in Bai Ye's arms. While continuing to rub Bai Ye's palm obediently, she laughed loudly in her heart, secretly gloating about her misfortune.

‘Old guy, you will definitely pay the price for your death-seeking behavior! ! ’

Although she didn't say it directly, Fufu still wildly imagined the scene of Merlin being beaten in her heart. Her mood suddenly became much brighter, and she rubbed Bai Ye's palm with more and more energy.

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