With the function of Mooncell... even if it directly interferes with the people of Shanxiang Cave millions of years ago, it may cause an earthquake or bring down a storm. It would be easy to destroy the caveman era and annihilate human civilization in its cradle.

"In short, I will go to the sixth singularity through the power of Mooncell... There will be a little time difference with Ritsuka and the others. But it will only be about two or three days at most. You can rest assured."

Bai Ye was on the stage there. Explained to everyone in Chaldea.

"I see... But if Mooncell is so powerful, why is there a time difference of two or three days?"

Dr. Roman was a little confused and couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

"....Of course there will be no time difference in Mooncell. The one who has the time difference is Chaldea."

After Bai Ye was silent for a while, he honestly told the truth.

Until the incineration of humans occurred, Chaldea's spirit transfer function was still in the experimental stage without actual combat. Going to the singularity was Chaldea's only and first experiment. The subsequent trips to the Singularity were all about chasing ducks, and we had to do it.

In other words, although there have been no major changes, which is really gratifying, in fact Chaldea's spirit transfer technology has obviously not yet reached a very stable level, not to mention that it is often transferred to other places due to accidents. When traveling to strange places, it is common to experience time and space differences with the target time and space.

Hearing Bai Ye's sincere words, everyone in Chaldea fell silent, feeling a pang in their hearts.

"Ahem, regarding this sixth singularity, the time has been determined to be in the Holy Land Jerusalem in 1273 AD. This era happened to be the time of the Crusades. I am afraid that the Holy Grail this time also fell into the hands of the Crusaders. .”

Asking for flowers...

The Eastern Crusade. It refers to the war that swept the countries on the east coast of the Mediterranean and was initiated by the Roman Catholic Church between 1096 and 1291 AD in order to recover the Holy Land Jerusalem, which had fallen into the hands of Islam, and to restore the prestige of the Lord. Because the Roman Catholic soldiers had the word "cross" tattooed on their bodies, they were also called Crusaders.

In the two hundred years from the 11th to the 13th century, the Catholic Church launched a total of nine conquests. Although there were many staged victories, overall, the Catholic Church did show a declining trend of failure.

The failure of the Nine Crusades not only shattered the Catholic ambition to establish a world church, but also greatly weakened the prestige of the Church in Europe. This directly led to the subsequent decline of Catholicism and made the theocratic power from unattainable. He fell down from the throne.

It is worth mentioning that during these nine eastern expeditions, there also appeared people like Richard the Lion-Hearted, who was called the "most perfect knight" by later generations and played an important role in European history.

What if Goetia gave the Holy Grail to the Crusaders during the Eastern Expedition, causing the Crusaders to turn defeat into victory. Then there is no doubt that it will lead to huge changes in the entire history of Europe, which will make Li Moji violently shaken.

"This time the foundation value of human psychology is the highest A++! I'm afraid this is the most important and difficult battle so far... Everyone, in short, come on, don't come back alone!"

Doctor Luo Man originally wanted to cheer up a few more people, but when he thought about Bai Ye coming over this time, he still didn't say much after thinking about it.

Originally it was supposed to be at least the sixth singularity of the hard mode. Maybe this would lead to the super easy mode.

"Spirit Transfer Starts"

Doctor Roman gave an order... Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu, and Tohsaka Rin walked into the box one after another, and through the spirit transfer, they went to the era where the sixth singularity is located.

Chapter 1772 The Sixth Singularity: The Sacred Round Table Realm

AD 1273, this year. The Eighth Crusade has just ended, and the Eastern Crusade has actually come to an end. The Catholic Church has shown an obvious decline, and the victory or defeat has become extremely obvious——

However, in reality, there is a huge gap between the situation here and what was imagined.

After walking out of the spirit transfer channel opened by Mooncell, Bai Ye truly arrived on the land of the sixth special guidance point.

However, the entire land is extremely desolate.

Although the land and people's lives were not originally prosperous during the war, the desolation of this singularity was far beyond it, as if after being baptized by war, it was attacked by natural disasters.

The earth was dark in color, and the soil seemed to have lost its vitality. There was almost no green grass in sight, and there was no water source at all. It was literally on the verge of death.

The entire land was in a dying state, and it looked like it was not far away from complete death.

and. What is amazing is that there are countless huge pits on this land, each one is nearly a hundred meters in diameter and about ten meters deep.

Just when I first arrived, there were these three huge pits on the flat land in front of me. If you look far away, you can see dozens of them in the distance. And there are so many huge pits like this in the entire wilderness that there are simply too many to count at a glance.

"This is really too much..."

Because he knew a little bit about the situation of this singularity, Bai Ye naturally knew where these huge pits came from and couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

"Once a being with god-level power has thoughts that are detrimental to human beings, this will result."

That's why the god of disobedience is feared by people, and the god-killer is called the demon king who dominates the earth. Because as long as a being of this level is dissatisfied, it will lead to starvation for thousands of miles. Thousands of miles of floating corpses

Bai Ye took out the mobile terminal from the King's Treasure, opened it, and connected it to Mooncell.

"BB, have you finished scanning the data from this era?

Bai Ye asked the image that appeared in the terminal.

The next moment, BB's iconic little devil smile appeared in the image as expected. "Of course. Senior! Mooncell has scanned and observed all the remaining data of the sixth singularity. Even if you hide in the Holy Spear and the Pyramid, you can't escape Mooncell's observation."

Mooncell's observation ability is extremely terrifying. You must know that there is information about the original power and the power of creation in Mooncell's database.

In other words. Even beings with original power and creation power, even the God of Creation, can never escape Mooncell's observation.

Not to mention hiding in an EX-level Noble Phantasm. Even if Tiamat comes, the most important thing is that the source of Tiamat, the original goddess of creation of the earth, has come. It is also impossible to remain mysterious under Mooncell's detection.

Even 'Clairvoyance EX', which claims to be omniscient, is far inferior to Mooncell's observation capabilities.

Mooncell has this level of dominance.

"Send a copy of the data here to Chaldea. Since we can get enough information, there is no need to let Ritsuka and Tohsaka cross the river by feeling their way around."

Bai Ye gave such instructions to BB, which made BB curl his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Senior is too kind to those losers. In fact, senior's power alone is enough to solve the problem of the singularity. There is no need to focus on those people... "

However, even though he said that, BB still used his authority over Mooncell to send all the information on the sixth singularity to Chaldea.

Although BB is the kind of person who treats everyone else as ants and has no interest in even stepping on them. AI is full of extreme pride. But she will never disobey Bai Ye no matter what.

No matter how arrogant her words were, no matter how mean-spirited she was, she would never reject Bai Ye's intention.

She had already fully understood it when she was in the world of the Holy Grail War of the Moon. If there is one person that she can treat wholeheartedly, without any suspicion or distrust, and can devote all her heart to him, then this person is Bai Ye.

For BB, it doesn't matter what anyone else does, even if the entire human race is extinct. She will never frown, but she will never refute Bai Ye's order no matter how unreasonable it is. Only give 100% trust.

Bai Ye turned his attention away from the earth. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the azure sky, a huge light band as dazzling as the sun formed a circle and floated in the sky, as if it was possible to launch a covering attack on the ground at any time.

"The color of the light belt is white... completely different from the red seen in the parallel world."

Bai Ye's eyes were full of contemplation... and he felt quite puzzled and confused.

"According to the root theory, this world is the root cause of the all-moon world being on the verge of extinction. The light belts in all other worlds are red, but the light belts here are white... How is this? What's going on?"

While Bai Ye was thinking so deeply, he looked around the wilderness and frowned slightly.

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