"I have always doubted what the Lion King did. Regardless of whether Saint Ba was right or wrong in choosing a bright and pure person to enter the Holy City, killing all the rest of humanity would be too much. That really doesn't seem like what the King would do. approach - if it was not Wuyu who made this decision, but the goddess Lungominiad. That would make sense."

When Lancelot was deep in thought about this, Mordred beside him also had to become silent.

Although as a rebellious rider! Mordred was the most direct culprit who destroyed King Arthur's rule, but in fact, everyone who knew her well knew that she did that series of things in order to gain King Arthur's approval.

In other words, the only person Mordred wants to face is King Arthur himself. If the Lion King is really someone else——

An unknown fire gradually emerged in Mordred's heart.

Not just Mordred, but as long as he is a member of the Knights of the Round Table, as long as he knows that the Lion King is not King Arthur. Then I'm afraid they will all be shaken violently in their hearts. It is even impossible to attack the Lion King directly for this reason - at least Mordred will definitely attack directly.

In fact, when the Lion King first came to this era and used the Holy Grail to summon the Knights of the Round Table under him, there was a rebellion among the knights.

Because they had doubts about the Lion King's actions, the Knights of the Round Table, including Gareth, Gahoris, etc., raised a flag of rebellion against the Lion King - and were then killed by several Knights of the Round Table who turned to the Lion King. .

Among them, Gareth and Gahoris were killed by their brother Gawain himself.

Lancelot and Mordred's hands were also stained with the blood of their companions.

Because of the Lion King's mistakes, I don't know how many people in this era have perished.

"I'm going to the Holy Capital to confirm this matter to my father personally."

In the end, although it was partly because of Mashu, Lancelot still chose to join Fujiku Ritsuka's side, while Mordred made the decision to go to the Holy Capital to question the Lion King face to face.

"I don't think you have an answer."

Bai Ye turned to look at her and said: "Don't talk about whether you can see the Lion King when you return to the Holy City. Even if you do, what will happen? Although the nature of the Lion King has been changed, she may not She will feel that she is not King Arthur - and besides, if it is confirmed that she is not King Arthur, your life will be at risk if you go, let alone kill her."

"That's right, Mordred, you can't get the answer if you go alone."

Fujimaru Ritsuka also nodded and said with very serious eyes: "Come with us to the Holy Capital. I can make an agreement with you, no matter whether you get the answer or not! We will not interfere with your choice."

"If you confirm that the Lion King is King Arthur and decide to side with the Lion King, we will not complain. If you confirm that the Lion King is not King Arthur, then join us to defeat the Lion King and save this singularity!"

Mordred raised his head and glanced at the two people in front of him, with an irritated look in his eyes.

Although she is reckless, she is a person who is wallowing on the battlefield after all, and she is not stupid at all. If the Lion King is not King Arthur, it will be for nothing if she goes there - she will never forgive the person who occupies her father's body in her own body. Feel free and at ease in front of me.

"Okay, then let me use your power!"

Chapter 1789 The people of the mountain and the old man in the mountain (please subscribe for the third update)

"Sir Hakuno, ahead are the mountains where the mountain people live."

In the mountains to the north of the Holy Capital, a group of people trekked up the mountain road, quietly giving instructions to everyone.

In this era of 1273, the Lion King summoned the Knights of the Round Table because he obtained the Holy Grail. While destroying all the Crusaders, he also directly occupied the holy capital of Jerusalem.

Ozymandias also obtained the Holy Grail and sat in his own Egyptian domain, opposite the Holy Capital. The two are at odds with each other.

And right in between these two. There are also third party forces.

That was the era. Aboriginal people living on this land.

However, most of the aboriginal people who originally lived in the wilderness were killed or injured due to the long-range bombardment of the Lion King's Holy Ba and the Holy Spear. Only the mountain people who have been hiding in the northern mountains until now are still alive. Just surviving.

These mountain people are not only protected by mountains, but also protected by old people in the mountains.

Hassan the Cursed Wrist, Hassan the Hundred Faces, Hassan the Drunken Smoke, and Hassan the Silence were all summoned by the Holy Grail in this era, and after being summoned, they came to the territory of the Mountain People. While providing them with shelter, they are also working together as enemies with the Lion King and Ozymandias.

"Each generation of our mountain old men, that is, Hassan, is born from the people of the mountain. So this is actually our birthplace. After being summoned, we immediately returned here and continued to shelter and live in The people of the mountains here.”

Yes, this is the same as the heroic spirit Emiya. The heroic spirit who was born in this era and this space... came to this place in this era again.

The Hasans were also born among the mountain people. After being summoned, they would naturally protect the mountain people of this era.

"Among us, Curse Wan and Baimao were guarding the east and west villages respectively, while Yan Zui and I were responsible for operating outside. As a result, Yan Zui died at the hands of the Knight of the Round Table Tristan, and I was also captured by the Knight Sovereign. He was imprisoned in the fortress, but fortunately he was rescued by Lord Baiye."

Jing Ming explained to everyone: "Because of the huge pressure from the Lion King, recently, the various villages of our mountain people are planning to unite to launch a counterattack against the Lion King and gather forces to attack the Holy Capital. They will definitely be your help."

There is no way. The Lion King is so big that the native people living in the wilderness are almost extinct.

Even if the people of the mountain are blocked by mountains and protected by Hassan, they will never be able to hold on as long as the Lion King frees his hand. The Lion King's power is too strong.

If this is the case, then we can only take advantage of now to unite all the forces that can be combined to counterattack the Holy Capital.

The reason why Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others came here was for this matter.

Several days have passed since arriving at this singularity. Fujimaru Ritsuka has gathered many servants around him, including Bedivere, Master Tripitaka, Omo Touta, plus Lancelot and Mordred who had surrendered before, and others. There are three of them, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who are enough servants to form a fighting force. This fighting force is already strong enough to rival the Lion King.

However, the high-end combat power is sufficient. The low-end combat power is much worse.

According to Lancelot, there are at least 30,000 solemn knights in the Holy City.

On their side, even if they include the private army that Lancelot gathered privately, their military strength is only a pitiful thousand, which is not enough to start a war with the Holy City.

Don't underestimate these low-end combat capabilities. Even a single Suzheng Knight is enough to compete with second- and third-rate servants. More than 30,000 Suzheng Knights unite, except for a very small number of super-standard servants. No one can compete with such an army, and even the top servants have to flee.

Once they attack the Holy Capital rashly. Most of them will quickly fall into a disadvantage due to the gap in low-end combat power, and the possibility of eventual failure is extremely high.

Of course, this is all based on the premise that Hakuno's actions are limited. As mentioned before, Hakuno will not deprive Fujimaru Ritsuka of the opportunity to grow if she is capable of handling it.

In view of this...For Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, a large amount of low-end combat power is necessary no matter what.

Coincidentally, Jing Ming made the proposal at that time and revealed the mountain people's plan to jointly fight back.

This coincided with Fujimaru Ritsuka's plan. After learning the news, she led everyone to rush to the mountain range without stopping.

Lancelot and Mordred did not travel together, but stayed in Lancelot's private military camp. After all, the people of the mountains and the knights of the Round Table were mortal enemies. Once they walked together, let alone They have formed an alliance with the people of the mountains. It would be strange not to start a fight when they meet.

Although there were doubts about whether they would surrender to the Lion King again if we left, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally decided to believe Lancelot and Mordred, and came here with only the remaining people. In the mountains.

"We're here. Ahead is the East Village guarded by Curse Wrist."

After walking along the mountain road for a while, the vision suddenly opened up, and an extremely vast village suddenly appeared on the mountainside.

Obviously you couldn't see anything when you were dozens of meters away, but after walking a few dozen meters, you suddenly saw the entire village clearly in sight.

This should be a structure that takes advantage of the blind spots in the sight. It is very effective in avoiding enemies. It is not without reason that the people of the mountain can survive for so long under the dual pressure of the Knights of the Round Table and the Egyptian realm.

"Oh? Isn't this quiet? Have you finally come back? "

When they were still some distance away from the village, a low and hoarse voice suddenly came over. Then a servant wearing a skull mask like Jing Ming appeared in front of everyone.

Chapter 1790 Establishing alliances with multiple parties

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