In addition, Tohsaka Rin has been lying in her ears - no, I mean persuading, so that she finally changed her plan to become an enemy of Uruk.

The evidence is that in the city-state of Kuta, which is located directly above the underworld, although everyone in it seemed to be suffering from a serious illness, no one died. When Uruk sent troops to rescue, all the people of Kuta were transferred He arrived in Uruk and recovered quickly. Joined the war on the Northern Warcraft Front.

In other words, Elle actually caused zero casualties.

In addition, although Quetzalcoatl took people away, he also did not kill anyone. The casualties caused by the combination of these two pillar gods are still zero. So far, all the people who died in Uruk died at the claws of monsters. .

Another three seconds of silence for the Goddess of Warcraft.

However, despite this, Ailei still chose to join the Three Goddess Alliance, but this time, her purpose was different from before.

"To investigate enemy intelligence?"

Bai Ye nodded clearly, this was reasonable.

Although it is strange to say this, the goddess of the underworld is a very kind god. In order to give the people of Uruk a chance of victory, it is understandable that she would infiltrate the enemy.

However, in the final analysis, from Bai Ye's point of view, this behavior is somewhat unnecessary, because with his current strength, no matter what kind of enemy appears, he can directly defeat it with a single effort.

Even if they face Goetia and Hakuno at this stage, they can at least escape intact. After all, the power of order held by Goetia is only at the peak of the third stage and has not reached the final stage.

However, the information Rin revealed next made even Bai Ye look at him with suspicion.

"During a certain gathering of the Three Goddess Alliance, we had a face-to-face conversation with the Magic King."

Rin's expression became solemn and explained: "After a small trial, we came to a conclusion - all our current actions are under the control of the other party."

"Chaldea? The person designated by the restraint force to save the world? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! How can those guys who don't care about it after releasing it like urine, how can they stop my great cause?"

"Those guys probably thought that as long as they repaired all seven singular points, they could successfully repair the human body, right? But no, it would be wrong to repeat this process ten thousand times! Rather, wait for the seven singular points After everything is restored, the real hell will come!"

"They still don't know that all their actions now are carried out under my indulgence, right?"

Chapter 1841 The Last Three Goddesses Alliance

"These are the exact words the Magic King said in front of us." Rin repeated to Hakuno.

Everything was done with his abandon.

In other words, even though he knew that the seven singularities would be repaired one by one by Chaldea, he still sat calmly behind the scenes and had no intention of getting involved.

After all seven singularities are repaired, will the real hell begin?

What does this mean?

Could it be that. Does Goetia have a certain goal that can only be achieved when all seven singularities are repaired?

If you think about it carefully, there is indeed something wrong with the development so far.

In the original world line, Goetia did not take Chaldea seriously at all. No matter how active they were, even if all the first six singularities were repaired, Goetia had no intention of attacking them. That was Because as long as the seventh singularity is still there, even if all the other six singularities are repaired, there will be no hindrance to his plan.

But now, unlike the original attitude where Goetia looked down upon Chaldea at all, Goetia now regards Hakuno as a powerful enemy.

In any case, in the entire Xingyue world, Bai Ye is the only one who can hinder his plan, and he is the only object that cannot be 'destroyed' by the power of destruction.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Goetia not to pay attention to Hakuno.

But so far, except for running out and fighting Hakuno personally at the fourth singularity point, and dying together, he has never appeared in front of Hakuye again, using Goetia to treat him. Considering his hostile attitude, it is entirely possible to snipe him at the sixth singularity point.

Originally, Bai Ye guessed that Goetia was busy doing something and had no time to take care of him. After meeting him in the imaginary number space of the Uruk era, Bai Ye even proved his guess.

He thinks that the reason Goetia didn't come to snipe him is because he was busy upgrading the power of destruction, and after reaching the final stage of the power of destruction, he would settle all the accounts in one go.

However, now, with the information provided by Rin, Bai Ye has doubts about this guess.

Was it because Goetia had no time to clone, or was he happy to see the results, that he did not put obstacles in their way to repair the singularity.

If it turns out that all their actions are under his control as Goetia said, then what is his purpose?

There is currently no information that can provide clues, and Bai Ye can't guess Goetia's true thoughts no matter how hard he tries.

"However, in terms of results, our goals and Goetia's are the same. No matter what, we cannot leave the singularity alone. Even if our actions are within Goetia's expectations, the result will always be OK."

I really can't think of it, and Bai Ye doesn't want to waste his brain cells. Anyway, for him, as long as his strength steadily improves. No matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles, they can be easily overcome.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Bai Ye looked at the girl in front of him. At this moment, the girl had changed from Rin back to the goddess of the underworld, Ailei. "Uruk has decided to take action against the goddess of Warcraft. There is no point in you continuing to stay in the Three Goddess Alliance."

Being able to meet Goetia can only be regarded as an unexpected gain. Such luck does not come often. Moreover, the decisive battle with Tiamat is probably about to begin, and Uruk will also need the power of the goddess of the underworld.

After all, Tiamat, who possesses the power of the third stage of order, may not be much worse than Bai Ye in terms of strength. If there really is a fight, Bai Ye may not be able to take care of Uruk, so for now, in order to To protect Uruk, we also need to gather as much useful power as possible.

"I understand, I'll go to Uruk with you to help."

Ai Lei nodded, and Bai Ye didn't need to say anything, she had already made a decision. She has a kind nature, and with the memories and feelings of Tohsaka Rin, she would not stand by Gaetia no matter what. side.

"Okay. I will cut off the covenant on you right now."

Hakuno used the ability of Utopia to wipe out the oath of the Three Goddess Alliance on Airei's body easily. In terms of Utopia's current ability, let alone a mere oath, even the power can be wiped out with a single thought, which is not considered at all. What.

Quetzalcoatl, who was instigated by him before, also had his alliance severed by him, and is now following Fujimaru Ritsuka to the northwest forest to deal with the Goddess of Warcraft. With Quetzalcoatl's strength, he is enough to deal with the Goddess of Warcraft one-on-one, not to mention the helpers such as Mashu, Anna, Merlin, etc. This is why Hakuno is relieved to let Fujimaru Ritsuka go.

In view of this, Bai Ye even easily instigated Ailei's rebellion without even experiencing a single battle during this trip.

The alliance of three goddesses that threatens the land of Uruk has only the last pillar left, the goddess of Warcraft.

In the forest northwest of Uruk, there is a blood temple standing here. Like the temples of Quetzalcoatl and Airei, this temple is also a position built to allow the goddess of Warcraft to exert her greatest strength.

But at this moment, a huge ax several feet long was standing across the damaged temple. The cold and suffocating monsters gathered around it, but they were afraid of the awe-inspiring power emanating from the axe, and did not dare to step forward.

Within the temple, Quetzalcoatl restrained 'Enkidu', and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and Anna faced off against the huge body of the Goddess of Warcraft.

The true form of the Goddess of Warcraft is the very famous monster Gorgon in Greek mythology. It was also a monster with powerful divinity formed by Medusa after devouring her sisters Stheno and Euryale.

Including the slender snake tail, her body is more than a hundred meters long. Once the snake tail curled up under her is swept away, the rock can be easily smashed into pieces. Even if the servant is swept from the front by the snake tail, she will be seriously injured and dying.

"Dream Summon—Saber!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka used the Ruby Demon Village and Saber's class card given by Hakuno to transform into the orange-haired alternative Artoria. She was covered in a blue dress and silver armor, and held the star in her hand. Made holy sword.

Not only that, but red caged hands appeared on her wrists.


Chapter 1842 Prelude to the coming storm

The artifact given by Bai Ye to the three of them:

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