
From her mouth filled with jagged blood-colored fangs, a sharp roar came out, and the blood-colored energy on the surface of her body rippled violently as if it was vibrating.

"This momentum is so high that it's unimaginable."

Bai Ye, who was no more than two meters tall, looked no different from an ant when standing in front of Tiamat. In Tiamat's eyes, he might even be much smaller than an ant.

Facing Tiamat who had reached the third stage of the power of order, even Hakuye looked heavy.

"For such a huge life form, although most of its body is made up of energy, I'm afraid it can destroy the earth with just one blow, right?"

Bai Ye took a deep breath, and the power of fantasy materialization immediately came out of his body, turning into cold murderous intent that could freeze time and space and swept through most of the surrounding imaginary space.


In the distance, the imaginary space was distorted. Under the majestic fluctuations of murderous intent, the space was directly torn apart. While making a crisp sound, it also attracted Tiamat's attention.


Tiamat then let out a fierce roar towards the huge space crack, and immediately gave up fighting with Bai Ye, but immediately stretched out her huge body and flew towards the space crack.

Bai Ye didn't stop him.

Rather, he deliberately used the power of fantasy obliteration to tear apart space and open the entrance to the real world.

Tiamat's huge figure immediately sank into the space crack and disappeared.

Bai Ye followed closely behind and quickly jumped into it.


real world.

On the endless sea, the waves are rough and the waves are monstrous, like a prelude to the coming storm, which is frightening.

At a certain moment, a huge gap suddenly opened in the sky, extending from one side of the sky to the other. Even a rough estimate showed that the length of this gap was at least more than 10,000 kilometers.

"Buzz buzz----"

A low and high-frequency vibration came from the cracks. Just the aftermath of the vibration caused the deep-sea creatures thousands of meters below the sea to rise up in an instant, as if they were trapped in a fiery purgatory.

Needless to say, countless dead fish bodies floated directly above the sea surface.


The next moment, the huge crimson life form suddenly fell out of it and fell straight from the starry sky. In a huge shock that affected the entire planet, it suddenly landed on the sea surface.

In an instant, upheavals swept across the entire planet.

The sea level did not rise at all, it just set off huge waves, forming tsunamis that swept out in all directions, but no land on the earth was directly submerged.

Theoretically, if such a huge life form that rivals the Earth falls directly into the ocean, the water displaced by it will be enough to submerge all the land on the Earth, turning the entire planet into a mercury.

However, the moment Tiamat fell into the sea, it only caused an earthquake that swept the earth. The sea level showed no sign of rising, and the earth's orbit was not forced to change.

That is determined by the nature of Tiamat.

In Mesopotamian mythology, the gods were created by Apsu, the god of fresh water, and Tiamat, the god of salt water.

From the perspective of human belief, combined with the special geographical environment of the two river basins, the freshwater god Apsu symbolizes people's worship of edible water on land in this era, while the saltwater god Tiamat symbolizes people's worship of ocean saltwater. worship.

People in the two river basins generally believe that fresh water and salt water are the source of life.

therefore. The nature of Tiamat is thus determined——

She is the god of the ocean and the source of all salt water. It is not an exaggeration to say that her entire body is salt water.

The moment Tiamat emerged from the imaginary space, her whole body was directly integrated into the earth's ocean and became the incarnation of the ocean.

Tiamat, the god of the ocean, cannot enter the mainland because it is the domain of Apsu, the god of fresh water. In a broad sense, entering also symbolizes the flow of fresh water into the ocean. It is a natural phenomenon that ocean salt water cannot flow back to the earth.

Chapter 1844 An offensive more terrifying than anyone imagined

With the nature of the god of salt water, Tiamat, who is the incarnation of the ocean, wants to enter the mainland. She must break away from the state of incarnation, turn into an entity, and walk onto the land step by step.

As the God of the Ocean, although she has the authority to control the ocean to a certain extent, it would take at least seven days to submerge the earth with the ocean.

In other words, at the moment of entering the earth, it is due to its own special characteristics. Tiamat's huge body immediately lost its effect.

This is the inevitable result.

After all, what the power of order gives Tiamat is only a special ability, not a tampering with her own nature, nor an evolution of her life form.

Even with the power of order, Tiamat only has one more powerful means, and his nature as a sea god still exists and cannot be changed.

If she continues to stay in the imaginary space, it won't matter, because there is no land or sea in the imaginary space, and it will have no impact on her, and she can still exert terrifying strength.

But once she came to the real world, her own nature destined that she could only blend into the ocean. Instead, she formed special shackles, and her strength was weakened to a certain extent.

Due to its own nature, even if the sea level rises, it will not be able to invade the land. Naturally, the land cannot be flooded.

The rules of the world have always been like this.

Weak beings can become stronger by acquiring 'special properties', but if powerful beings acquire 'special properties', they will be constrained and their strength will be limited.

If Bai Ye accepts the godhood and divine status given by the Xingyue World, it goes without saying that he will be restricted by the responsibilities and nature of the gods, and will not be able to display his strength 100%.

Therefore, Bai Ye has never become a god in any world. He does not need it and does not intend to. Otherwise, he would have had countless opportunities to become a god above ten thousand people.

However, having said that, Tiamat's threat is still extremely huge.

The moment she fell into the ocean, the huge power of order she carried invaded the entire ocean in one breath, causing the blue ocean that originally contrasted with the blue sky to turn into blood-like color in one breath. bright red.

It's not just this sea area.

Instead, the entire earth's oceans turned into blood in an instant.

Tiamat is the God of the Ocean. In other words, she has a higher priority than all gods in controlling the ocean. The moment she became the incarnation of the ocean, the huge secret power of order she held directly invaded. It destroyed all the oceans and caused irreversible changes in the nature of the entire ocean.

In an instant, the power of order swept across all sea areas, and marine life became extinct.

In the entire ocean, only the last and only creature is left - Tiamat, the god of the ocean.

After instantly wiping out all marine life, Tiamat immediately launched an attack on land.

The blood-red ocean rose rapidly, and the water level rose rapidly. Countless blood-colored waves condensed into an endless tsunami, roaring away in the direction of the Persian Gulf.


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