The original creation of Warcraft, if it reaches the realm of Forbidden Hands, is enough to create a Warcraft that rivals the gods. However, in Bai Ye's hands, after being integrated into the Infinite Dragon Divine Armor, his ability to create Warcraft has reached a higher level.

If Hakuno is willing to spend some time, he can even become a monster of the level of Ophis and the Beast King. It’s not that it can’t be created, but it may take as long as a year or two.

As for the transcendent-level God-killing Wolf Fenrir, or the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig, Hakuno can create them in one minute.

It only took Bai Ye more than ten minutes to create these dozens of transcendent-level monsters. Even if those god-level monsters were added in, it only took Bai Ye less than twenty minutes to create them all. out.

It is not unreasonable for the gods and demons in the world of Devil High School to regard Bai Ye as the strongest person in the world above all myths. Not to mention that the output power of the Infinite Dragon Divine Armor has surpassed the Beast King. Just looking at his ability to create mythical beasts, he is probably enough to destroy all the gods in one day, right?

The magical beast integrated into the Infinite Dragon God Armor has a strong ability to create, but it has never encountered a suitable occasion for it to exert its power.

After all, with Bai Ye's current strength, it would only take less than a minute to destroy all the gods. Even 50 seconds of it will be spent on the road, giving no chance for Warcraft to be used at all.

But at this moment, facing the endless army of monsters, Hakuye, who was unable to spare any action because he planned to fight against Tiamat with all his strength, naturally gave this god-killing tool a chance to shine.

And the fact was the same as what he had guessed before.

Even if the number of flying magical beasts created by Tiamat exceeds 100 million, if the quality cannot keep up, it is completely impossible to be a match for Hakuno's magical beast army.

Tens of thousands of mythical beasts are scattered around Uruk. Even though Uruk is protected within it, these flying monsters are still unable to invade the city-state of Uruk.

Not to mention that the Uruk settlers did not need to take up weapons to fight. Even Leonidas, Tomoe Gozen and others who came to the city wall to deal with the fish that slipped through the net could not find any chance to take action. They were all stunned. Being in the same place, some people don't know what to do to get better.

Because it’s true that not even a flying monster can break through this iron barrel-like army.

Fujimaru Ritsuka once again fell into isolation. She had just repaired the sixth singularity, defeated Gorgon, and thought that she could finally catch up with Hakuno. The little confidence that had risen in her heart had returned. After being hit once, I felt extremely sad.

A disaster of the level of Gorgon might not even be able to catch his eye - any one picked at random from these mythical beasts would be enough to contend with it.

Not to mention her, even Gilgamesh and Merlin who were standing on the rooftop of the temple were a little shocked by this formation staff. Although they had always known that Bai Ye was very powerful, they did not expect him to be so powerful. .

"Wait a minute? Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

Ishtar was watching the battle of monsters outside the city wall. At a certain moment, he suddenly glared with a look of shock in his eyes, "Did that god-level dragon just come back to life after being killed by those monsters?" .”

There are so many ants that they can kill a giant elephant. After all, these magical beasts are not ordinary beasts. It is not impossible for Ligua and Tooth Beak to break through the flesh of the mythical beasts.

Hundreds of flying magical beasts are not scary, but the injuries left by thousands or tens of thousands of flying magical beasts on the bodies of divine beasts are very terrifying, enough to kill even the roughest and thickest divine beasts.

Among the ten thousand divine beasts guarding the city-state, one would actually die every few minutes among the army of flying monsters.

However, it is a pity that the body of the recently dead divine beast suddenly flashed with white light, and the whole beast stood up again, and with one breath it burned the flying monster that had just cut its throat to ashes.

Looking up, this kind of scene is not uncommon. On the entire battlefield, all the dead beasts will be resurrected directly in the next moment, and then join the battlefield alive and well, without affecting the battle situation at all.

"Isn't that too unreasonable?"

Ishtar looked at it dumbfounded, feeling that his whole body was about to go numb, "Those are all god-level beasts, can they be resurrected so easily?"

"If those flying monsters were conscious, I'm afraid they would jump up and scold them now."

Jump up and scold Tiamat? These monsters don't have the guts.

"Wait a minute, senior didn't tell me that these mythical beasts can be resurrected, could it?"

Among the few people, only BB showed suspicion.

Theoretically speaking, even if the monsters are created, those that should die will still die unless someone deliberately resurrects them.


The next moment, a figure appeared directly above the city wall as if teleporting.


While BB looked enlightened, Wei Wei was a little surprised.

The only person who can easily resurrect those divine beasts is Hakuno, who has mastered the use of the Holy Grail of the Netherworld. However, Hakuno should have fought Tiamat on the ocean before. That kind of battle on the edge of the layer is not the same. Unexpectedly, he will appear here at this moment. Doesn't that mean that one by one?

"coming soon."

Bai Ye neither looked at the sea of ​​blood, nor paid attention to the army of Warcraft. He stared straight at the horizon, as if he saw something, and spoke solemnly and coldly.

Everyone looked in the direction he was looking directly at.

immediately. The figure of the bloody giant beast came into view vaguely.


Chapter 1852 Untimely request

The figure of the bloody giant beast is about twenty kilometers away from Uruk, but her figure is so huge that even mortals can see the rough outline, let alone the followers.

And Bai Ye, with his eyesight, can naturally see things more clearly.

The figure of the giant beast is about one thousand meters high. Every two steps it takes, it will make a low vibration sound on the earth. Every time it steps down, it seems to step on people's hearts, which makes people's hearts heavy.

It was a four-legged giant beast with cross-star pupils. Just by looking straight at it, you could feel the strange magic. Although its facial features had human characteristics, they were generally close to those of a beast, especially the row of hundreds of sharp edges. The sharp teeth are enough to make one's scalp numb.

Although her body is mostly that of an animal and her four legs hang down to the ground, and she walks in a manner similar to that of an animal, many human features can still be seen all over her body. Although her whole body is wrapped in a blood-colored film to form an indestructible defense wall, she can still vaguely see to some feminine characteristics.

Like a giant dragon, its slender and powerful tail hangs down behind it, swaying as it moves forward calmly. Its main body is approximately two thousand meters long.

In terms of height, she is not even as tall as Attila when she first appeared.

In terms of power alone, she is thousands of times more terrifying than Attila.

Especially the blood-colored film wrapped around her body, the breath that was released from it was like a natural enemy of life, making everyone feel extremely suffocated.

Although she had no wisdom, she still instinctively chose to use the power of order to wrap her body, make her body as big as possible, hide her life core as much as possible, and only set foot on this land without being discovered.

Land is very dangerous for her.

It's not just that the ocean power cannot effectively exert its power, it's also because she has brought out the core of her life.

Once the core of life is destroyed, she will no longer be able to resurrect like her previous human incarnations, and will completely fall into death without even a chance to escape into the imaginary space.

But she still came.

With rage against mankind, rage against gods.

And the sadness of having to deal with all the lives of this era with my own hands.


What was conveyed from that high-pitched cry was not only anger, but also helplessness and hatred.

As the Mother Goddess of Creation, Tiamachi has the greatest love for the gods and humans born through her own hands.

Any being who is a creator god will inevitably have expectations for the lives he creates, will endure the step-by-step degradation and paranoia of these lives, will accept their countless unreasonable requests, and will treat them to the greatest extent possible. patience and give them the highest level of expectations.

Not because of any special reason, just because it is inevitable as a creator god, and it is the embodiment of the simplest and most powerful love - maternal love.

Tiamat gave birth to the gods.

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