"The Sixth Secret Sword, Tyrant Meteor!!"

Chapter 1855 The origin and tributaries of the creation myth

"The Sixth Secret Sword, Tyrant Meteor!!!"

Bai Ye's own power has already exceeded the limit that can be measured, reaching the EX level. Under such circumstances, his own power can be exploded dozens of times, although it is not as good as the increase of the Infinite Dragon God Armor. , but a swing of the sword can still easily stir up the wind and clouds.

Holding the silver sword in hand, Bai Ye slashed forward with his sword.

The huge power lingering on the silver sword was released with extreme rotation, forming a continuous storm-like sword energy that spurted out.

At a glance, it was as if Bai Ye had slashed out a storm filled with countless sword energy. With his incredible strength, it swept towards the heart above.

Among the seven secret swords created by Bai Ye:

The first secret sword, Thunder Prison, is a simultaneous multi-directional slashing technique.

The second secret sword ripple is an invisible shock sword skill.

The third secret sword, Silk Winding, is a defensive sword skill that can never be broken.

The Fourth Secret Sword: Dazzling Flowers is an illusion sword skill specifically targeting the mind's eye.

The fifth secret sword's instant glory is the ultimate explosive sword skill in which the power explodes dozens of times and then is concentrated at one point.

The Sixth Secret Sword Tyrant Meteor is a super-wide continuous sword skill.

The principle is to use its own powerful power and constant rotation to stir up the surrounding air, forming one after another, like a meteor shower, continuous sword energy, sweeping all around. As long as its own rotation does not stop, the sword energy storm will It will continuously harvest lives. It is an extremely violent sword skill as its name suggests.

If I had to make a metaphor, it would be a super-powerful electric drill.

Theoretically speaking, this move is very effective when killing large numbers of soldiers, and it can also produce ideal results when being besieged.

This move is a unique technique that can only be used in places with sufficient air. It basically has no lethality in a vacuum environment.

However, the inside of Tiamat's body is extremely empty. The bloody wound cut by Hakuno just now with the Seventh Secret Sword has not had time to recover. There is still enough air. In addition, Tiamat still cannot effectively display her strength. in vivo. This sword exerted an unexpected effect.

With the sword energy tens of meters long, the storm quickly charged with the blood flowing from the heart above Bai Ye as he moved.

The huge and sharp sword energy cut open all the blocked arteries, and even the blood spurting out of them was cut open.

Because it was within his own body, he barely used a little of the power of order that came to block it, and in just a breath, it was sliced ​​apart layer by layer by the storm of sword energy.


In less than three seconds, the huge heart that was tens of meters long was cut off by the storm of sword energy. In the storm filled with countless sword energy, it was quickly cut into countless pieces, like a goddess. Spreading like scattered flowers.


Tiamat in the outside world couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. Having her heart chopped into pieces was not a fatal injury to her, but the lack of blood supply would still affect her actions.

and. After Bai Ye chopped his heart into pieces, the storm of sword energy he controlled still did not stop at all, but continued to surge straight upward.

Above her heart, of course, there was only the head and the core of life hidden in the head.

In fact, even at this point, Tiamat still has a chance to fight back. As long as she grits her teeth, retreats in order to advance, and breaks her body into pieces, then she will lose the burden of her body and control the order. On the contrary, the force can effectively block Bai Ye's footsteps, allowing her life core to escape safely from Bai Ye's sword, return to the sea, and wait for opportunities to find opportunities to fight back.

However, it is a pity that Tiamat, who does not have personality, also does not have the wisdom to fight.

Even with his heart chopped into pieces, he could still barely control the power of order to block Bai Ye, losing his last chance.


A faint roar like a meteorite falling to the ground came from Tiamat's body.

The storm of the sword controlled by Bai Ye quickly peeled away the last bit of power of order, layer by layer, before reaching the core of life in Tiamat's mind.

A light group emits a shining light at the position of the brain, which breeds the huge vitality of super-flat imagination.

This ball of light is Tiamat's life core. It is similar to the humanoid life core of the Beast King, but it is slightly different in shape.

At this moment, as long as Bai Ye controls the storm of sword energy to attack, this life core can be completely destroyed, and Tiamat's life will naturally come to an end. This battle is their victory.

However, Bai Ye did not do that.

After arriving in front of the light group, Bai Ye stopped spinning, causing the sword energy of the Sixth Secret Sword to stagnate like a meteor shower.

"The Fifth Secret Sword - Instant Glory"

Dozens of times the explosive power was concentrated into one point, Bai Ye swung his sword and blasted through Tiamat's brain.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the life core like a javelin from the blasted skull, exposing the life core to the outside world.

This is what BB asked of him.

On the backside of Mooncell, in the endless electronic imaginary number space.

BB found the data of the original creation power from countless junk information, absorbed it, and successfully became the original creation god.

The so-called original creation gods are the source of all creation gods on the earth, including the salt water god Tiamat. The source of all creation gods, including Chaos God Chaos, the original giant Ymir, etc., is also the original creation god.

To put it bluntly, all creation gods on earth were born from the myth of the original creation god, and all their creation powers came from the original creation god.

The original creation god is the source, and other creation gods are all tributaries born from this source.

Because from the birth of the earth. Mooncell is observing the earth, so even the data of original creation power is within Mooncell’s records and can be used at any time.

In this way, Tiamat is actually similar to BB's child.

Chapter 1856 The End of the Battle of Uruk

Although it is strange to say this, from the perspective of power, Tiamat is indeed BB's child.

So BB made this request to Bai Ye.

Capture Tiamat alive.

Although this request was not without difficulty, Bai Ye finally worked hard to complete BB's request.

After all, it's not something he can't do. Since BB has such a wish, then what Bai Ye needs to do is to satisfy her.

outside world.

In the sky.

The core of life was thrown out by Bai Ye without any resistance.

Bai Ye followed closely and stepped out of the lightning ship from Tiamat's body and came to the sky outside.

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