This is easy to explain.

The necessary condition for the incineration of humanity is to tamper with human history, and the function of the Holy Grail is to deliver it to the forces that were originally destined to perish. Thus changing the general trend of history.

However, the incineration of humanity is just a way. The Magic King's real purpose is to destroy human history.

As long as the power of order is allowed to lurk and explode at the critical moment, destroying the entire history of mankind in one fell swoop, it will directly lead to the final result. There is no need for the incineration of human nature.

As long as the Holy Grail is brought to the forefront, Chaldea will inevitably think that the Holy Grail is the source of disturbing human history. As long as the Holy Grail is destroyed, it can thwart the Magic King's plan.

But unfortunately, Chaldea was completely deceived.

In fact, even the restraint was deceived by the other party. After all, even the restraint has its own consciousness and logic to follow.

Bai Ye once met Gaia, which has already proved this point, and as long as there is logic, it is bound to be easy to follow inertial thinking.

Even Bai Ye, because of the inertial thinking in the original work and his trust in restraint, ignored this possibility, and was finally succeeded by the other party.

Chaldea's approach from the beginning to restoring human nature was to recover the Holy Grail from each singularity. However, this was actually the wrong direction from the beginning. Everyone's journey so far has been almost all in vain.

After understanding this, everyone in Chaldea fell silent and fell into an unspeakable atmosphere.

This, no wonder, no matter who it is. If you are told that everything you have done since your insanity to this day, and that you have been carrying great pressure and burden and working hard until now, is all in vain, everyone will fall into collapse.

Not to mention the technical employees of Chaldea, even the expressions on the faces of Da Vinci and Fujimaru Ritsuka showed signs of being uneasy.

When the heroic spirits who came here following the Chaldeans saw this, they couldn't help but become speechless when they looked at each other.


In the silence, Bai Ye suddenly spoke up, the expression on his face was as calm as ever.

"You just said that the energy lurking in the singularity can only surge and submerge human history because of the supplement from unknown sources, right?"

After a pause, Bai Ye continued to ask, "Where is the source of the energy supplement? Can it be observed?"

ll....Yes, senior. "

Matou Sakura was connected to Mooncell's central domain. After hearing this, she was silent for a while before replying, "It can be observed that the place where energy is replenished comes from the outside of the world, in an independent time and space."

"The other party had no intention of concealing this, but generously exposed the location coordinates. According to Mooncell's prediction, the other party probably did it deliberately, just to wait for someone to take the bait."

In this moon-shaped world, it is simply unique to be able to possess such a huge amount of power of order and have an independent time and space outside the world.

In this case, there is no doubt who the other party is waiting for.

"Sakura, BB, this is my order."

Bai Ye closed his eyes to calm down his turbulent mood, then opened his eyes and suddenly spoke to the two of them.

"After I leave here, I will immediately use the power of Mooncell to block the cause and effect of everyone here, and unless I personally order the opening of the spirit channel, no one is allowed to go out using the spirit channel in any name."



"Qin Zhe!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Matou Sakura and Nero came. The expressions of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others all changed! He cast various looks at Hakuno. Surprise, admiration, etc., to name a few.

However, among these glances, the most powerful thing is the will to block.

In this case, it is impossible to imagine how powerful the opponent is, even if Hakuno has been invincible so far. Everyone has no idea whether they can deal with this enemy. Of course they didn't want to let Bai Ye go out.

"Don't worry, I have no plans to die."

Facing the eyes of everyone trying to stop him, Bai Ye shook his head, the expression on his face remained calm, as if nothing could make him panic.

"Even if I face this enemy, I have a way to escape unscathed. I'm just worried that when I'm not around, the other party will bypass me and attack you in turn."

"Even so, we can go with you!" Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help shouting.

Her heart was so clogged that she could only look at Bai Ye's back again and again. How many times she wanted to catch up with him, but how many times she was suffocated by the huge gap.

And this time, could she only watch Bai Ye's back leave before her eyes?

"No, I am the only one who can deal with this enemy."

Bai Ye refused the girl's request without hesitation.

No matter what, this is an unprecedented situation. No matter how many people there are in the fantasy world or how strong their power is, they are as powerless as ordinary people in the face of that power.

Only he, the only one in countless fantasy worlds, can be his enemy.

Chapter 1862 A device that connects countless parallel worlds

Imaginary number space.

Bai Ye hid the alien space containing Mooncell's body in this infinite imaginary space. In this way, unless Bai Ye personally tried the royal power ring on his hand to contact Mooncell, no one would be able to find Mooncell. location.

After making that decision, Bai Ye left the central area without much exchange of greetings. Through the spirit son channel, he returned to the imaginary number space of the real world.

After he left, Bai Ye also clearly felt that he and Fujimaru Ritsuka were together. The cause and effect of Nero and others were blocked by some inexplicable force, making it impossible for him to sense the other party's position.

In this way, even if Goetia has the power to destroy the world, it will never be possible to find the whereabouts of Mooncell and Chaldea, and Hakuno can rest assured to have a showdown with them.

However, there was one thing that Bai Ye lied to them.

"I have a way to escape unscathed."

In fact, Hakuno has no such method.

For a long time, the connection with the world and the ability to leave the current world and return to the world in an instant through the Sapphire Platform have been Bai Ye's biggest life-saving cards.

Until now, he had only used it once during the battle with Aleister.

At that time, Aleister sent out a blow that was ten times the size of the Big Bang, leaving Hakuno unable to defend or dodge at any cost. He had to use this life-saving method to return to the narrow world, and then returned to the forbidden world.

However, facing the power of order, Bai Ye found that this method seemed to have lost its effect.

After entering Tiamat's body and falling into the realm of the power of order, Bai Ye had tried several times to contact the Jade Platform to ensure that he could escape unharmed when fighting Goetia.

But unfortunately, the experiment failed at that time.

After falling within the scope of the power of order, any fantasy power cannot be used, any perception will be blocked, and even the connection between Bai Ye and Qingyu Platform has been forcibly isolated.

And that was only the third stage of the power of order. Now that Goetia had swallowed up thousands of years of human history, even Bai Ye didn't know to what extent the power of order had risen.

But at least, once he falls within the scope of the opponent's power of order, he will never be able to escape by relying on the connection with the Jade Platform.

And with no way to escape, the disparity in strength between Bai Ye and Goetia is still extremely huge at this moment——

In other words, the possibility of his death is extremely high.

"This is nothing. I have already prepared the awareness of death."

Bai Ye took a deep breath, and his strong spirit allowed him to stay calm at all times. "If you can't overcome this difficulty, then you won't have the courage to face the real catastrophe."

No matter what, it is impossible for Bai Ye to avoid fighting and escape. As the source of countless fantasy worlds, he cannot escape at any cost. Once all fantasy worlds are destroyed, he, as the source, will also be unable to survive.

Moreover, even if it is just to protect the person he should protect, he will never back down.

If he doesn't even fight and flee, then who else can protect these countless worlds and countless lives?

"It's not like there's no chance of winning."

Bai Ye's eyes gradually became firm and bright.

"Goetia, it's time for a showdown!"

The outside world.

In this void where it is impossible to distinguish between up, down, left and right, at this moment, there is a barrier standing in the sky.

It was a barrier with a blood-like color as a whole. Although it was not very big, it gave a strong sense of oppression, making people feel numb just looking at it.

It was a world completely isolated from normal time and space, with independent concepts of time and space, and it exuded an astonishing amount of magic fluctuations.

At this moment, outside the barrier, there are countless bloody light bands extending out, connecting countless unknown places.

After arriving here, Bai Ye could tell at a glance that those bloody light strips were actually traffic passages made with the power of order.

The light belt itself is just a road. The key lies in where this road extends and what goods are transported in it.

"These light belts are connected to other parallel worlds in some way..."

With just one glance, Bai Ye understood Goetia's approach.

That light belt is the bridge that transports the Demonic Pillar, which holds the power of order, to countless parallel worlds. It is by using those countless light belts that Goetia can invade the parallel worlds.

"Not only that, there is also a large amount of order power flowing back from those parallel worlds, being transported back from the parallel worlds and returned to this enchantment..."

Because the lurking Demon God Pillars destroyed those worlds, the scale of the power of order they held skyrocketed. So a 'feedback' was carried out, and the power of order, which was countless times greater, was transported back to the barrier through these light belts.

In this way, countless parallel worlds, without exception, have all become the nourishment for Goetia to strengthen itself.

All parallel worlds have been destroyed and the humans in those worlds have been swallowed up. To what extent has the power of order grown? In this way, not even Bai Ye dares to imagine.

"But, a little weird?"

And in the transportation device formed by countless light belts, Bai Ye's brain started to work rapidly. The wisdom of the root gave him the ultimate knowledge reserve, allowing him to discover the joints in it all at once.

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