In view of this, after the realization of fantasy reaches its ultimate level, the essence of its power is actually to form a well with the fantasy world itself, and to control the world itself to create changes.

When the level is low, you can only create some materials and equipment, but after reaching the ultimate level, you can control the world. Any rules, phases, time and space, destiny, etc., can be changed with just a thought. , even if the phase of a world is changed and it is reborn in another form, it is easy for him.

The ability of Utopia to erase is very simple. In short, it is to erase everything. However, before the ultimate, it can only destroy matter, phenomena, space and the like.

After reaching the ultimate, it becomes easy to kill fate, cause and effect, and time. And after the Millennium City advances and transforms, it is not difficult to wipe out a fantasy world.

in short. It is to control the life, death and change of a fantasy world.

If there was no Millennium City, in order to reach this point, Bai Ye's mental power must reach a point where it can be synchronized with the roots of a fantasy world. Considering that his current mental power can only support the destruction of a star, it is really not enough. Too far.

but. After the Millennium City completed its transformation and turned into a real world, it became a shortcut for communication between Bai Ye and the fantasy world.

After absorbing and transforming countless powers, Millennium City has evolved from a simple space into a real world. Although it may not be comparable in scale, it is already equal to the world of Xingyue World in terms of personality. Yes.

and. Unlike other fantasy worlds, the Millennium City World is a universal world created for the purpose of being a medium and can resonate with all fantasy worlds.

In other words, the so-called shortcut to exerting the power of a basin of water is for Hakuno to resonate with the Millennium City world, and the Millennium City world to resonate with the fantasy world, causing Hakuno's mental power to form a resonance with the fantasy world. Synchrony, thus exerting ultimate power.

That’s why we say that the world of Millennium City is a mediator, because the world of Millennium City itself is a bridge and channel used by Bai Ye to communicate with the fantasy world.

However, although it is a shortcut. But the power that Bai Ye exerted was by no means fake.

——Control the life, death and changes of a world at will.

——Be able to achieve absolute omniscience and omnipotence in this world.

This is the convenience given to Zi Baiye after the transformation of the Millennium City world is completed.


“Rumble, rumble————!”

The huge golden torrent completely submerged Goetia's figure, dyeing the outside of the entire world with a golden color, as if it was plunged into a golden ocean.

Just like Goetia used the power of order to activate the human cannon, Hakuno also used the power of fantasy obliteration to activate the human cannon.

After the transformation of the Millennium City world ended and Bai Ye's mental power became synchronized with the Xingyue world itself, the energy of magic has completely lost its meaning to him.

After reaching this stage, Bai Ye's every move is not using the power of magic, but the more original and in-depth power of the world.

As long as the world itself is not completely destroyed, Hakuno's power will never be exhausted. No, even if the world itself is destroyed, Hakuye can restore it with a single thought and then use the power of this world again.

In other words. There is no possibility that Hakuno's power will be exhausted.


Bathed in the golden torrent that was extremely hot and filled with cold murderous intent, Goetia let out an extremely tragic wail.

It was clear that he had the absolute upper hand before, and the situation where Bai Ye had to fight to the death to barely grab a chance of victory disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A few minutes ago, he could easily put Bai Ye into crisis. A few minutes later, Bai Ye just waved his hand slightly and put him into a desperate situation. He could only keep wailing and watching death come to him.

"Impossible! Impossible? Impossible!"

In the golden torrent, Goetia opened up the blood-colored barrier, and it was invincible before. The power of order in this final stage, which can even destroy the world, can only barely defend and parry in front of Bai Ye at this moment, and cannot even resist.

It's not that Goetia has become weaker, the power of order in him still has the terrifying power to destroy the world.

But Hakuno became too strong. It is so powerful that even if it faces such an enemy, it can be suppressed with one hand.

After the golden torrent dissipated, Goetia's figure that emerged from it had become tattered, his limbs were missing, and there were countless scorch marks on his body, making him look as black as coke.

"Why! Why!? I have obviously gained the ultimate power! Why am I still being attacked by just outsiders, just dirty, ugly creatures——"

"Before you call someone else dirty or ugly, look at yourself first."

Bai Ye put down his outstretched hand and looked indifferently, "How can you, a guy who despises the preciousness of life, understand the glory of human nature? Since it has an eternal lifespan from the beginning of its birth, don't make presumptuous comments about a limited lifespan. Noble or not.”

"Goetia, this is the end! Completely disappear from the history of this world! Young Master

Chapter 1873 A veritable final battle

This battle has reached a veritable final stage.

Facing Goetia, Bai Ye had no intention of showing any mercy.

Just with a thought in his mind, the entire Xingyue world became the backing for him to exert his power, allowing him to achieve absolute omniscience and omnipotence in this world.

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, a golden ring was created from scratch and appeared in front of him.

"that is.....?!"

Although there were countless words and emotions surging in his chest, Goetia's eyes were immediately attracted to the ring the moment it appeared.

He knew the ring perfectly. It was exactly the same as the nine rings on his hand. It was the last ring of the "Ten Commandments". It was no different from the ring on the hand of Dr. Roman who came here before.

Just like Bai Ye used the Human Cannon instantly, under the power of omniscience and omnipotence. Bai Ye also reproduced the ring in an instant.

"The time has come to say goodbye one by one, to abandon the world!"

Because of Bai Ye's obstruction, Dr. Roman didn't have the Noble Phantasm that he could liberate, but now his true name was liberated from Bai Ye's mouth.


Solomon possesses a total of three Noble Phantasms.

The second Noble Phantasm is ‘The time has come to wear a crown to inspire all things (Ars Paulina)’.

Its essence is that he possesses the inherent barrier crown of Time Temple, which has independent time and space, and has the ability to gather and integrate human history converted into magic power.

The third Noble Phantasm is "The time of birth has come to correct everything (Ar sAlmadelSalomonis)\

,"It is the belt of light that announces the end of humankind. It is actually the huge light wheel suspended in the air. It is essentially a collection of hundreds of millions of rays of light with power that rivals the Holy Sword.

After Goetia possessed Solomon's body, he mastered Solomon's second and third Noble Phantasms, and obtained the Crown Time Temple and the huge light wheel in the sky.

But he didn't know what Solomon's No. 1 Noble Phantasm was anyway, so he created Goetia's own "imaginary No. 1 Noble Phantasm" and named it "Light Belt Convergence Ring". The first Noble Phantasm, Goetia can concentrate all the power of hundreds of millions of rays of light and release the ultimate human cannon.

But in the final analysis, Goetia does not know what Solomon's true No. 1 Noble Phantasm is, no, it should be said that it is impossible for him to know.

Solomon's No. 1 Noble Phantasm is the "The time has come to say goodbye, abandon the world (ArsNova)" released by Hakuno at this moment.

Its essence is to return to heaven all the favors and gifts that Solomon received from God, including but not limited to the great deeds, miracles, magic, clairvoyance, etc. that Solomon accomplished during his lifetime.

In other words, this is a man who, at the cost of Solomon's own death, blows up all the evidence of his existence, thereby returning all the power he possesses to the sky and all the miracles he has achieved. Once Wu's self-destructive Noble Phantasm is used, not to mention the remaining traces of Solomon, even his spiritual base in the Hall of Valor will disappear without a trace.

It was a safety device prepared by Solomon in order to prevent the possibility of "magic becoming an evil to mankind" in the future. It was a self-destructive Noble Phantasm that could only be used once in a lifetime.

Because Solomon has never used this Noble Phantasm, even the Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars, who are Solomon's familiars, have never seen his No. 1 Noble Phantasm, so of course they cannot know about it.

For that reason, he also didn't know. This is the county of Solomon. What kind of unavoidable and unstoppable harm it has to him.

The moment Bai Ye activated this Noble Phantasm, Goetia groaned suddenly, and his face suddenly became extremely painful.

Possessing the power of order in the final stage only allows Goetia to reach the extreme in "making everything void". His own nature and personality have not changed at all.

In this way, he was still violently targeted when facing Solomon's No. 1 Noble Phantasm.

The essence of Goetia is a mutation of a magic created by Solomon. His true identity is the "Human Reason Incineration Type", which is a kind of miracle, great deeds and magic that Solomon should return to heaven.

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