It is said that Windsor Castle was built during the reign of William I and has a history of nearly a thousand years. Although it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times in the meantime, it still retains a strong historical atmosphere. It just looks like it is overwhelming. Comes with a sense of heaviness.

This is one of the Queen's palaces, and unlike Buckingham Palace, a public place used to receive dignitaries from various countries and issue national policies, Windsor Castle is a very private castle.

Windsor Castle can basically be regarded as the private property of the Queen of England. It is equipped with a large number of magic circles to protect the safety of the castle and many spiritual decorations to ensure the convenience of life. Windsor Castle is not only the queen's palace, but also a palace. It also turned into a huge magical fortress.

Because it is a private castle and a place similar to home, the Queen of England and her three princesses stay here for most of the year.

In the sky.

The waxing crescent moon still emits a cool brilliance.

On the earth, the autumn frost is still spreading on the flowers and plants, and the dewdrops are crystal clear.

The autumn wind blows in the bleak night moon, bringing a strong coolness.

The golden light flashed across the grassland. After the light dissipated, a tall and straight black-haired boy emerged from it.

"Is this near Windsor Castle?"

Bai Ye looked around, taking in all the surrounding scenery, "Then the talent house should not be far away."

According to the original agreement between him and Queen Eliza, the grassland near Windsor Castle was divided into the footholds of the Talent Mansion. This not only facilitated the two sides to keep track of each other's movements, but also facilitated strong mutual assistance. On the one hand, when facing the enemy, on the other hand, One party can provide effective support.

Therefore, as long as you find Windsor Castle, you are not far away from finding the location of the talent house.

"The time now is November 2nd, two o'clock in the morning, less than ten minutes before I left..."

As Bai Ye becomes more powerful, the time and spatial coordinates of his return become easier to grasp.

When I returned to the forbidden world for the first time, because my mental power was too weak, I returned a year after I left. When I returned for the second time, my mental power had greatly increased, and my return time was two days after I left. Queen of days.

And when he returned this time, his mental power was even more powerful to a terrifying level. The time of return was less than ten minutes after he left last time.

He left around 2:10 in the morning on November 2.

Then comes back around 2:20.

Obviously he has been wandering outside for nearly a year, but the time interval in the forbidden world is less than ten minutes.

If his mental power reaches the point where he can synchronize with the world without the help of the Millennium City, I'm afraid the time between leaving and returning will not exceed one second, right?

Moreover, no one could have imagined that he had only been away for less than ten minutes, and he had already grown from being unable to even receive Aleister's two blows to being able to defeat Aleister with one blow. The relationship between strength and weakness in this short period of time In just ten minutes it was completely turned upside down.

"Aleister, wait for me. I will come over soon and destroy all your illusions."

Hakuno's eyes fluctuated slightly. Under the night, his eyes seemed to be able to travel through space and see the bustling Academy City at this moment.

Thinking this, Bai Ye turned around and walked towards the location of the talent workshop that he sensed.

Chapter 1882 It’s time to launch a counterattack against Academy City

The Talented Mansion is located on the grassland southeast of Windsor Castle. The distance between the two is only a few kilometers.

At first glance, there is nothing on the grassland, only endless green grass and raised hillsides. Apart from some natural scenery, there are no other elements that can make people stop.

This is natural. The overall area of ​​the Talented Mansion is not small. If such a building suddenly appears here, even if it can use magic that blocks cognition to prevent ordinary people from discovering this place, it will never stop the magician.

Because he is wanted by Academy City. The current talent studio cannot put itself on the bright side under any circumstances.

so. The base camp of Cai Gongfang is actually in the underground world of this grassland.

Tens of meters deep underground, there is a tunnel dug by the field specifically for the placement of talented people's houses, including general buildings, underground factories and other places, all of which are placed here.

In this way, no matter how large the range of detection magic and machinery is, as long as there is no ability to see through the ground, it will be impossible to discover the talent house, let alone the international mercenaries. Even a magician as long as he doesn't deliberately investigate. It's impossible to find it here either.

Underground, the base camp of Caimanfang.

As the director in charge of all affairs of the Talent House, Shokuhou Misaki is very busy now because he has just settled in London.

Not only do they need to appease the emotions of the researchers and combatants in the institute, but they also need to connect with British technology and resources. It can be said that they are very busy.

Fortunately, she has two Misaka sisters to help her, and she is still connected to the Misaka network. It is not difficult to handle things if her computing power is strong enough, it just takes time.

After finally finishing half of the work and sending Bai Ye away, Shokuhou Misaki dragged his tired body back to his room.

However, what she didn't expect was that after she opened the door, a certain boy she sent away ten minutes ago returned to her room, leisurely drinking the precious black tea she had stored.

"Bai Ye, haven't you left yet?"

The honey-colored blond girl was a little surprised when she saw Bai Ye, and the golden stars in her eyes flickered as if reflecting her master's emotions.

"No. I left once. But I came back."

Bai Ye sat in front of the tea table, holding a white porcelain tea cup that exuded the fragrance of black tea. A satisfied smile broke out on his face. "Only this time it didn't take a day. I was back in just ten minutes."

"ten minutes?"

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes were full of surprise, and her slender fingers wearing lace gloves were slightly raised, covering her slightly opened lips.

This time is really too short, just like he said he wanted to go for a walk before, but then came back ten minutes later and said with a smile that he had walked the entire earth. It is difficult to create a sense of reality and seems too unreal.

"It's too fast this time. It's much faster than before."

Shokuhou was amazed.

After all, they had just left for ten minutes. Even though the two of them said they were going to separate ten minutes ago with extremely heavy words and expressions, and they were both waiting for the day to see each other again, but they met again ten minutes later, which made her feel like Bai Ye There was no illusion that he had ever left her.

But even so. Shokuhou Misaki did not doubt Hakuno.

Although every time Hakuno left and came back, the changes in him were huge, but this time, the difference before and after Hakuno left had reached a point where even Shokuhou Misaki was amazed.

If Bai Ye came back last time with a huge change in appearance and full charm points, this time, his entire person has undergone a transformation.

Just standing there feels like the center of the universe.

It's as if the whole world is revolving around him, giving people a sense of nobility like the Creator God who controls the life and death of the universe... If you were a little less intelligent, you might have knelt down at the first sight of him. Next prayer.

There is no change in appearance - because he has already reached perfection - but his whole temperament and inner nature have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Shokuhou Misaki raised her steps, and the pleated skirt on her body moved in an arc with the movement of her steps. As the figure approached, a refreshing fragrance penetrated Hakuno's nose.

The girl walked up behind Bai Ye and hugged his neck with her arms. When the dazzling blond hair exuding a delicate fragrance fell in front of him, it also made his whole body feel warm.

"But welcome back."

She is one of the few people who knows Hakuno's secret.

It is also natural to know that every time Bai Ye returns, although the interval seems to be short, he actually spends a long time outside.

Even if less than ten minutes had passed in her eyes, from Hakuno's point of view, years and months had probably passed.

so. Every time he came back, the girl would give him the greatest degree of healing she could. This was one of the few ways she could do to help him regain inner peace.

She was just like a wife who was calmly waiting for the head of the family to come home from get off work, showing off her well-behaved appearance.

The atmosphere between the two seemed peaceful.

Soon after, the room lights were turned off. Silence soon fell.

Early the next morning.

Shokuhou Misaki woke up from a deep sleep in a daze. She felt as if she had had a good dream last night. She was extremely energetic and could ignore the slight soreness coming from her body.

"Only three hours."

The hour hand of the clock hanging on the wall pointed to the number eight, allowing her to tell at a glance when she was sleeping and when she was with Hakuno. I always feel that the quality of my sleep is much better than when I am alone. It cannot be ruled out that it is because of the excitement last night. Of course, it is more likely to be the effect of the magic he used.

"Wake up, Xiaoqi."

Bai Ye slept next to her and greeted her good morning when she opened her eyes, as if he hadn't slept all night, but he still felt very energetic.

"You think... if we announce a counterattack against Academy City now, how many people will be willing to follow us?"

Chapter 1883 You can only do it yourself

"Launch a counterattack against Academy City?"

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