As for Freya, whose family was destroyed by Hakuno because of the war game, she was among these gods, looking up at the sky as if looking for Hakuno's figure in it, her eyes far away.

Shape Moon World Camp.

Among the more than 100 million heroic spirits, a large number of familiar figures shuttled among them. Achilles, Chiron, Siegfried and others that Bai Ye had met in the previous world, Ni Ni met in the Holy Grail World of the Moon. Roku, Tamamozen, Attila, Karna, Erquit. Drake, Tomb Dredd, Lion King, King Hassan, Golden Sparkle, and Chaldea's Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mash, Scathach, Ishtar, and Elle met in the FG0 world.

Wearing a white kimono with a Higan flower pattern on it, with extremely long hair, and a pair of pupils that shine like a rainbow, the "Ryōriki" appears in the form of a "root type". He was also holding a knife and standing in the crowd.

In the endless fantasy world, whether they are known to Bai Ye or not, they are all gathering here at this moment, launching a counterattack against the invasion of the power of order.

Chapter 1908 This is the final blow!

The world is narrow.

At the top of the fantasy world, Mana stands here, using the authority granted by Bai Ye, non-stop trying to fill the gap that has been punctured, in order to prevent the invasion of the power of order.

However, for the borderline that was already riddled with holes, her efforts seemed to be a drop in the bucket. Like a heavy rain, the dense order fell from the sky, ignoring Wei Na, and landed towards the countless fantasy worlds directly below. And go.

"I can only leave it to you now."

Mana's eyes seemed to be able to pass through the barriers of time and space, and he saw the army that had gathered on the other side. There was deep anxiety and expectation in his eyes.

"I'm afraid this is the last chance. If this side still fails, then the fantasy world will really be destroyed..."



Countless streams of light shine in the boundless narrow space of the world, as if forming a network of light, blocking the stars that symbolize countless fantasy worlds, making it impossible for outsiders to invade.

If you look carefully, you can find that it is not a light, but an army that comes from their respective fantasy worlds and gathers in this field. It is an army composed purely of beings in the fantasy world.

"The situation is not optimistic."

Root Shizhi, who came from the world of Xingyue, looked at the military mat in front of him, frowning slightly, "Although the number is considerable, it is the first time for everyone to face the strange power of the power of order, and we lack experience. It’s easy to be targeted.”

The power of order from the real world has the ultimate ability to target the fantasy world. When it reaches the second stage, it is enough to neutralize all fantasy powers. It also has the effect of swallowing up all fantasy life it touches and using it to strengthen itself. It can be said that most of the methods are banned.

"Joan of Arc, can you tell everyone how to deal with the power of order?" Genshiki looked at Joan of Arc who was holding the flag of the camp's tail flower and being protected by many heroic spirits.

She is a relay station for transmitting information. She is the only one among them who has the authority to contact all life in the fantasy world, so there is no room for error.

"It's shameful. In fact, I have no experience in fighting the power of order head-on, and Miss Mana didn't tell me."

Jeanne shook her head, her eyes showing a trace of solemnity and uneasiness.

The power of order is too restrictive to the life in the fantasy world. If you use physical skills to deal with it, you will even be swallowed up. If you use energy to deal with it, it will only be effective against the power of order in the first stage, reaching the second or even third stage. If you are in this stage, you will not be able to take advantage of it.

In the absence of experience, facing this kind of power is really a disadvantage for everyone in the fantasy world.

"Ha, even if you are a saint, there is really nothing you can do in this situation, right?"

When the situation reached a stalemate, a voice full of disgust and ridicule came from a fantasy world below, and passed directly into Jeanne's ears.

Even though the words were full of ridicule, when they reached Joan's ears, they did not make her show any annoyance. Instead, her expression became one of surprise.

Following Joan's gaze, I saw a figure with the same appearance as her walking out from one of the many tiny world stars below, but the armor and nun's uniform on her body had turned into pitch black, giving people a The figure of a girl with a strong sense of impact.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come back because of your call. I just couldn't sit idly by when I saw this situation. If all fantasy worlds were destroyed, then I would have no place to surf the Internet, play games, or eat snacks. Got it!"

Because she was dissatisfied with Hakuye's ability to attract bees and butterflies, Black Jeanne abandoned the mission given by Hakuye and went to live in a certain daily world. She stayed at home for nearly two years.

It was only now that I heard Joan's call that spread throughout all the fantasy worlds that I had to get out of the moldy situation and return to my own room in the world.

"Why is it that you, a bright and great saint, occupy such a key position?"

Black Jeanne tsked in displeasure, with a look of repulsion and disgust on her face, but no matter how hard she and Jeanne couldn't get along, under such circumstances, they still needed to work together to overcome the biggest difficulty in history.

"I have learned from Bai Ye about his experience in dealing with the power of order. Amplify my voice. Let them all hear it..."

Because she and Hakuno once traveled to other worlds and spent a long time together, Black Jeanne knew many of Hakuye's secrets that others didn't know.

To deal with the first stage of the power of order, use energy offensive. Apart from the fact that the power of order at this stage cannot be touched, there are basically no other taboos.

To deal with the power of order in the second and third stages, people with space abilities can only create spaces similar to the Nether World, the Imaginary Space, and the Hidden World, and introduce the power of order into it and temporarily seal it. , even if you cannot create a space, you can still draw a 'distance' so that the power of order cannot reach the fantasy world below.

In these countless fantasy worlds, there are many beings with space capabilities, enough to organize an effective protective net.

As Joan of Arc spread Black Joan's words, the army in the fantasy world was finally organized in a disciplined manner. Not only the casualties were reduced, but the defense and counterattack against the power of order also began rapidly.


in the boundary line field.

Bai Ye and the Will of Order were facing each other. Their eyes were looking through the boundary line, watching the defensive counterattack unfolding like fire in the fantasy world, and they were speechless.

"I can't understand."

For the first time, the blurred eyes of Will of Order showed a puzzled look, "Why can a life that should not exist burst out with such enthusiasm and set off a false counterattack?"

"Of course you, a being with no soul and no life span, will not understand. I have no intention of wasting my words explaining it to you."

Bai Ye held the sapphire lotus platform and the golden divine spear beside him tightly in his hands, and the pupils of his eyes burst out with a golden color that was hard to look at.

"This is the final blow!"

Chapter 1909 - The ultimate secret sword flash final form!

Fantasy can never trump reality.

No matter how strong Hakuno becomes in the fantasy world, he will never be strong enough to defeat the real world. At most, it is only comparable to reality. This is the restriction of high dimensions to low dimensions, and it is an unshakable rule.

In other words, it is impossible for Bai Ye to defeat the Will of Order.

However, this does not mean that Bai Ye will lose.

"My purpose from the beginning has been to protect people living in a fantasy world."

The green jade lotus platform suspended above his head returned to his left hand under the control of Bai Ye's thoughts. In a flash of light, it turned into a sword exuding the color of jade.

"I don't need to defeat you, as long as I can repel you, it will be my victory!"

Under Bai Ye's cold declaration, the sapphire sword in his left hand and the golden divine spear in his right hand bloomed with a dazzling light that was enough to illuminate the entire fantasy world, and even the real world was affected.

"This is the final blow! Get out of this world!"

The endless power of fantasy realization is integrated into the sapphire sword in his left hand.

The completely boundless power of annihilation of fantasy flowed into the golden spear in his right hand.

The two most powerful and fundamental forces that symbolize the fantasy world form a perfect integration with Bai Ye as the carrier.

The two powers bloomed with infinite power at this moment.

——Left hand.

Incorporating the power of fantasy realization, this moment exists in front of Bai Ye, and everything in his heart becomes the driving force for this sword.

This is a sword that Hakuno once created with the power of fantasy materialization as its core, turning everything into its own assistance, and most suitable for the explosive power of fantasy materialization.

Its name is - The Seventh Secret Sword·Zheng·Wei Shan·Zero Type!

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