The Jade Platform itself has no intelligence, and its only instinct is to repair itself as much as possible.

Therefore, whenever Hakuno wants to go to a world, it 04 will always send Hakuye to that world's time when there are a considerable number of fragments.

This is why Bai Ye harvested fragments in both the Magic Forbidden City and the Dungeon.

Generally speaking, the coordinates of time travel cannot be determined, but there is one exception.

"that is you!"

She said: "You are a being who is deeply connected with this sapphire platform, and it will definitely listen to your will!"

Therefore, Bai Ye’s thoughts are the second reference standard for Qingyu Platform’s use of time travel.

"In other words, if you tell it what you want, it will try its best to satisfy you!"

"This is your strength... What a pity. If there had been no accident, you could have traveled by yourself at will, coming and going freely——"

Saying this, the woman let out a long sigh, filled with regret.

"Ah... the time is almost up!"

Before Bai Ye could ask any more questions, the woman's body started to flicker again.

Bai Ye's expression changed, and he had already understood it for ten minutes without realizing it.

He remembered this scene. The last time she disappeared, she also disappeared in a flash like this!

"Wait, what on earth am I supposed to do-?"

"——Collect the fragments. When you realize your fantasy and upgrade it to another level, I will come again!"

With only these words left, the woman smiled, turned into a ball of light, and disappeared in front of Bai Ye again.

Bai Ye's outstretched hand only caught a fragment of light, but the light fragments dissipated in an instant.

In the end, only Bai Ye was left on this sapphire platform.

This space also became calm again.

Bai Ye looked at the silent scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh, "The result is like this again... Do we still have to work hard alone?"

This kind of feeling of telling the secrets hidden in the heart to reminisce without hesitation makes people feel much more relaxed.

"However, even though it only lasted ten minutes, I understood many problems!"

Many doubts in his mind were solved, giving him a feeling of clearing away the clouds and seeing the blue sky.

A strong wind rose under his feet, and Bai Ye flew up from the sapphire platform, came to the edge, and flew down to the platform.

According to what the woman said, there is another thing 'under his feet', which should be able to solve more of his doubts——

However, what makes Bai Ye feel depressed is that even this 'underfoot' is still empty, with nothing!

"Is there something agreed upon? Can you understand it at a glance?"

After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find anything useful. In the end, Bai Ye could only return angrily.

However, he did not see that after he left, a golden light appeared in the void. Looking at Bai Ye's leaving figure, he shook his head arrogantly and disappeared again.

I believe that even that woman would not have guessed that because of Bai Ye's scolding, it felt aggrieved and was unwilling to appear in front of Bai Ye...

On the sapphire platform.

Bai Ye shook his head hard to expel all distracting thoughts from his mind.

"I can't figure out other things for now, so let's move forward step by step! Let's upgrade the fantasy to the next level first!"

Bai Ye, who was thinking this way, looked at the experience bar in his mind.

"The experience value of 1,000 is still less than 100... It seems that if you want to level up, you will have to work hard for a long time!"

"However, that woman said that my thoughts will affect the positioning of time travel... Give it a try!"

Thinking this, Bai Ye calmed down and began to release his thoughts...

Green light flashed past, and he disappeared from the platform again.

This is a world chosen randomly by Hakuno.

When he opened his eyes, what appeared before him was a rather modern city.

In front of me is an asphalt road, with some supermarkets and bookstores on both sides of the road, and dozens of telephone poles evenly distributed in two rows.

At first glance, there is nothing strange about the scene. The sky is also blue, as if it is an ordinary city street.

"Is it a modern city like the Forbidden World?"

Bai Ye understood this instantly and looked around. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would be troublesome to be seen by the sudden scene.

"Anyway, let's first understand the situation in this world!"

Thinking this, Bai Ye immediately raised his feet and walked towards the bookstore on the roadside.

"If the time was chosen based on my thoughts, now should be before the plot begins..."

Chapter 216 Magic Knight and Swordsman

In the bookstore, Bai Ye leaned against the wall and browsed a newspaper he took out from the bookshelf.

There were not many people in the store, probably because the sun had just risen and it was still early. There was only an old man sitting in front of the counter.

Bai Ye scanned the news in the newspaper at a glance, capturing useful information.

"...International Magic Knight Alliance? Bladebreaker?"

From this newspaper, Bai Ye saw two words that concerned him, which made him read more deeply.

The main content described in this article is the news that a magic knight affiliated with the International Magic Knight Alliance captured a knife-cutter criminal in a certain place. There is a simple description of the Magic Knight Alliance and the knife-cutter——

A swordsman refers to a special being who can make his soul appear as an 'inherent spiritual equipment' and use magic power to control supernatural powers.

This is not something that suddenly appeared in modern times, but such a group has existed since ancient times.

In ancient times, they were generally called "magicians" or "witches", and the "inherent spiritual equipment" they used were called "holy swords", "magic bows", "cursed weapons", "noble phantoms", etc.

Judging from the description in this newspaper, it seems that the group of swordsmen has been widely accepted by the public in modern times, and has a complete management system for magic knights.

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