This is the third student council member he has encountered... Will he have to face off against B-level Takahara Kanata and B-level Todoka Toka next?

Walking out of the preparation room, Hakuno only saw Stella and Ayatsuji Ayase in the audience.

"Alice and the others all had their own battles, so they couldn't come!" Stella explained.

"I see!"

Bai Ye was stunned, but then he also laughed, "Just right, Stella, I have something to do next, you and Ayatsuji-senpai go back first!"

"Eh? Is there something I can't know..." Stella suddenly became unhappy.

But Bai Ye’s attitude was firm, even if he didn’t let her know, Stella would have no choice but to retreat.

"...Well, see you tomorrow then!"

Ayatsuji Ayase looked like she was in a daze. She came to her senses after being held by Stella's hand. She hurriedly said goodbye to Hakuno and left with Stella.

Bai Ye looked at Ayatsuji Ayase's back and smiled softly, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Separating from the two of them, Bai Ye went to a relatively remote room in the school as agreed before, with a 'News Agency' sign hanging on the door.

"Kagami, how is the collection of the information I asked you going?"

Appearing in the room was a girl with pretty short hair, the president of the news agency, Kagami Kusakabe.

……………… ·

"Oh, welcome, Mr. Baiye! The information you need has been prepared for a long time. As a reward, please be sure to give me an opportunity for an exclusive interview and give me ten - no, fifty copies of your signature!"

"no big deal!"

While the two were talking, Kusakabe sent some information to Hakuno through the student handbook.

"Thanks, Kagami-chan!"

After walking out of this remote place, Bai Ye looked at the information in his hand and smiled knowingly.

"I see, that's why she took the initiative to approach me..."

In some places outside the school, there are many privately run dojos.

There is also a dojo here on a certain mountain. In the past, this place was quite famous. There was an endless stream of people coming here to learn swordsmanship, but now, there is no one here.

Ayatsuji Ayase was walking on the stairs to the mountainside with an unusually complicated expression on her face.

Gradually, her figure was seen by the people in the dojo on the mountainside. They all looked surprised and shouted, "Hey, Claude, Ayatsuji-chan is back!"

It was supposed to be my own dojo... but now it has become an outsider who has to be notified when I come here——

There was almost a fire burning in Ayatsuji Ayase's heart.

Under the leadership of these people in front of her, she was taken in and saw the man occupying the dojo in her home.

——Swordsman killer, Kurashiki Kuroto.

This man wearing a large leather jacket was sitting in the dojo with an extremely bored posture. The moment he saw Ayatsuji Ayase, a wild light flashed in his eyes.

"Ayatsuji seems like the people I asked you to bring didn't come - why, does the weight of this dojo in your heart no longer compare to that of a junior who has nothing to do with it?"

Chapter 258 Do you want to hold this hand?

From this sentence, it is not difficult to guess the cause and effect.

The reason why Ayatsuji Ayase took the initiative to find Hakuno was because Kurashiki Kuroto threatened her with the dojo and asked her to bring Hakuno here.

And the reason is not difficult to know. After all, the only intersection between him and Bai Ye was the conflict in the restaurant last time.

In the dojo, after hearing Kurashiki Kuroto's words, Ayatsuji Ayase immediately clenched her fists tightly, with hidden unwillingness in her eyes.

Few people know that this dojo was originally owned by the Ayatsuji family. Two years ago, this was the swordsmanship dojo of the Ayatsuji Itto-ryu. It was quite famous in the country, and many disciples came to learn swordsmanship.

But unfortunately, just two years ago, the dojo belonging to the Ayatsuji Ayase family was taken away by the man in front of him!

Let me ask, how could Ayatsuji Ayase not hate?

And now, the other party is threatening her with the dojo that originally belonged to her home, which naturally makes her hate it even more!

"That person doesn't fully trust me yet. In a few days, I should be able to invite him here."

Although annoyed, Ayatsuji Ayase still spoke out so coldly.

However, this sentence is somewhat untrue.

It is true that Hakuno does not completely trust her, but it does not mean that he does not want to see her, otherwise he would not teach her sincerely. Therefore, he will never refuse to visit her home after being invited by Ayatsuji Ayase. .

In other words, if Ayatsuji Ayase really wanted to follow Kurashiki Kuroto's orders, Hakuno would be standing here now.

The reason is that Ayatsuji Ayase has never done this before.

"Oh, is that true? That man is indeed not simple. It's not surprising that he would be wary of you..."

Kurashiki Kuroto stood up even more indifferently than she did, looking at Ayatsuji Ayase in front of him with extremely cold eyes.

"But, what I want is not your reason, but the result! If you failed to bring that man over, that would be your dereliction of duty——!"

Saying this, a very cruel smile appeared on Kurashiki Kuroto's face, "In this case, can I burn down your dojo?"

"——Wait, please wait!"

The moment she heard what he said, Ayatsuji Ayase's heart immediately sank, her pupils shrank sharply, and she became extremely shocked and frightened.

"Please give me a little grace! I can bring him here in three days, not two days, within two days!"

Kurashiki Kuroto paused and looked at Ayatsuji Ayase with undisguised dissatisfaction in his eyes, "...two days?"

Opposite him, Ayatsuji Ayase's heart suddenly exploded, and he immediately changed his mind, "—No, one day is enough!"


Kurashiki Tibetan raised his chin, and after a moment of silence, he showed a smile full of defiance, "——Now! Immediately!"

"——No matter what method you use, whether it's threats or seduction, bring him over now, immediately... you can do it, right?"

Ayatsuji Ayase's delicate body trembled suddenly, and her expression instantly became complicated.

As she remained silent, the dojo suddenly became quiet.

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