This must be the most perfect ending——

However, on the high viewing platform, the now elderly Akaza trembled all over, "What kind of ending is this?! This is not what I want at all!"

What he expected was a scene where Kurogane Ikki struggled to swing his sword at his friend, but was defeated mercilessly, and then was defeated and defeated, and he just died.

What's the answer in front of you?

Kurogane Ikki not only recovered his physical strength, but also his mental state which was finally hit was fully restored, and he also performed a game that everyone praised.

That was the opposite ending to what he expected, and it made him furious!

Breathing rapidly like a bellows, Akaza subconsciously slapped the table and stood up——

"——Chairman Akaza, this is my school. If you do something impulsive, no one can save you!" Kurono Shinguji threatened coldly, his eyes full of looking at a bereaved dog. of indifference.


Akaza choked immediately and stared at Shinguji Kurono with ferocious eyes. He was shaking all over. It wasn't until a minute later that he completely turned cold and left without hiding his hatred. venue.

"Yeah, yeah, it's reasonable for Daohua to lose to that young man. The two sides are not from the same dimension at all..."

However, Nango Torajiro didn't seem to care about the clown at all. He just smiled and said: "I just didn't expect to be able to simplify the 'Secret Sword of the End'. What an incredible young man. It's interesting and interesting. Hehehehe..."

Not far away, as if there was a reaction, Bai Ye raised his head from the congratulations of his companions and looked at the platform...

Chapter 291 The conspiracy approaching Pojun Academy

"Damn, damn, damn, one can save anything! See, I'm getting older now, and I'm about to lose my rights. No one will take me seriously anymore! Damn, damn, damn, damn!"

Akaza sat alone in the room, cursing, and then suddenly remembered something, with a look of ecstasy on his face, "Kurote Ikki! By the way, that guy is not out of suspicion yet, arrest him, arrest him again! This time We can definitely defeat him completely!”

"And that Kanzaki Hakuno! If he hadn't been talking nonsense, Kurogane Ikki would have been dead a long time ago! That guy is also guilty! Damn it, one day I will make you all pay the price!"

Kurotetsu Ikki, Shinguji Kurono, and Kanzaki Hakuno, these are the three people Akaza hates the most right now——

"Then what? How do you make them pay?"

However, a strange voice suddenly appeared in the room, which shocked Akaza, "Who?! Who is it?!"

"No need to look around, I'm here." As the voice appeared, a figure emerged from the black shadow on the ground, it was Bai Ye.

"You're not... just a student knight, why are you here?!" Akaza shouted in shock.

When Bai Ye heard this, he chuckled, "I really forgot all about it. It's okay. This reminds you of Yud (Ten Bullets)!"

A gray rifle appeared in his hand, and a huge clock appeared behind his back. Facing Akaza, Hakuno fired the Ten Bullet Gun.

Ten Bullet, which is the ability to convey the past memories of the target hit, makes Akaza recall the memory of that day just a piece of cake.

Sure enough, although he was almost shaken out of his wits by being shot for no apparent reason, the next moment, the extra memory in his mind completely froze him.

A huge clock, two ancient guns——

At this moment, memory and reality overlap.

"You?! Are you——?!" The realization that appeared in his mind finally made him completely stunned, "...the sniper of time..."

The time sniper, that is Hakuno's underground identity, and is considered a terrorist by the alliance——

--terrorist? terrorist? !

"...Terrorists...showed up in my room...?"

The expression on Akaza's face disappeared bit by bit, and then fear gradually appeared on his face.

The intentions of the terrorists who openly show their faces in front of you are probably very obvious——

"You have some brains. In this case, if I let you die clearly, it will be worthy of your calculations these days, right?"

Bai Ye looked at Akaza who was paralyzed on the ground in front of him with an expression of indifference, "Except for humans who are possessed by evil spirits and have turned themselves into monsters, you are the first pure human being that I have killed..."

Saying this, without giving him any time to shout, Bai Ye slashed out with his sword decisively.

The sword flashed away and blood splashed.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and immediately, the entire room fell silent.

Only the short, fat old man was left lying on the ground with his eyes open.

——He doesn’t want to kill people randomly, because not every human being who makes a mistake deserves to die, and he is not a murderous person. He will not have any extreme thoughts of ‘you insult me, and I will kill your whole family’... But, If it's someone who wants to harm his friends, his companions, and anyone he cares about, then he's willing to wield the butcher's knife!

After a moment of silence, Bai Ye's figure disappeared into the shadows again——

This is an underground space, very dark, with no sunlight coming in.

And in such a space, there are two figures.

"How's it going? Clown."

The person who said this was a long-haired man who was very similar to Kurogete Ikki, but had a very cold temperament. He asked another person in the underground space.

"Hmm, it seems to have failed, but it seems to have succeeded again, hehe!"

The person called the 'Joker' is a person whose whole body is covered in robes and wearing a clown mask. His outfit looks very strange in this underground space.

However, one of his arms was missing very unexpectedly.

"Originally, according to your wishes, I sent the photo to that fat pig's mailbox, hoping to lend his hand to your brother - oh, sorry, you are not from the Kurogane family anymore, let Kurogie Ikki didn’t qualify for the trials, but he had an accident midway—the guy who burned off my hand and put you in the IPS regeneration chamber for half a day—"

At this moment, the originally expressionless Black Iron King suddenly flashed his eyes, "Kanzaki Hakuno..."

"Yes, yes, that's him. You don't know how powerful that man is..."

The clown rambled on about the trials to the Black Iron King, and finally said: "This is super troublesome. If that man also wants to participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, our plan will encounter the biggest obstacle. !”

"That guy... I will completely defeat him with my sword!" The Black Iron King shouted with a gloomy face.

However, the next moment was interrupted by the clown's smile that didn't look at the atmosphere at all, "Oh ho ho, don't be kidding, you are no match for him at all - okay, if I didn't say it, put your sword away quickly. !”

The Black Iron King put away his sword and said coldly: "I don't want to interfere with your plans. I just want to find a powerful opponent! If I can't do this, I will quit this unknown so-called 'Japanese National Akatsuki School' at any time." garden'!"

After saying this, the Black Iron King turned around and left this space.

The clown sat on the chair, smacking his lips and spreading his hands, "Although it cannot be denied that A-level knights are indeed very useful, this personality is too inhumane-"

"Yeah, but even with the one-armed swordsman and the spy who broke in earlier, it will be even more difficult to destroy Pojun Academy in one go. There is that monster with all A-level attributes over there - —”

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