"Tono Shiki, no, it's Nanaya Shiki..."

——Tohno Shiki, the protagonist in the story that took place in this city, is a boy who has eyes that look directly at death—the Demonic Eye of Death.

In this way, there is no doubt about where this world is.

"I actually came to this world. I just chose it randomly. I really hit the jackpot!" Bai Ye thought silently.

The moon world, also generally called the moon world, is a modern civilized world composed of the outer world and the inner world. However, on the stage of this modern society, there are many magic, magic eyes and vampires that only appear in fantasy novels. Wait, there's no problem in treating it as a different world.

And the boy who attacked Arquette, Tohno Shiki, has one of the highest-level evil eyes that only appear in myths and legends - the evil eye of direct death.

Everything must end one day, regardless of living things, even dead things have a time to decay, which is the so-called 'death period'.

The "Death Eyes" literally means that people with these eyes can see what others cannot see. They represent the death line of death and the end of all things. As long as you cut along this death line, you will Causes irreparable and irreversible damage to the object, causing the object to 'die'.

It is a kind of causal ability, and it is extremely powerful, extremely rare, and even the legendary magic eye that is basically invisible in modern times. Its power makes countless people tremble even in myths. It is the highest level of mystery. one.

Facing such a demonic eye, no matter how strong the defense is, it is meaningless. Even if Bai Ye deploys multiple defenses that even Edwys can't break through, he will still be vulnerable to the direct death of the demonic eye.

This is the reason why Hakuno feels repelled and afraid of Tono Shiki.

"Now, can you let me go?"

While Bai Ye was recalling these things, a voice suddenly came from his arms. Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

Just now, in desperation, Bai Ye pulled Arquette backwards, allowing her to avoid Shiki Tono's attack, but at the same time, she accidentally fell into his arms.

At this moment, the white princess Ji was lying on Bai Ye's chest, raising her head, looking at Bai Ye with her clear red pupils, but her expression was very calm.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention..." Bai Ye coughed lightly and let go of the girl's wrist obediently.

"It doesn't matter. You have good intentions, so I won't care about it this time."

Arquette took two steps back, moved his wrist, and then said in surprise: "You are very strong. Who are you? A magician?"

"Well, let's call it that!" Bai Ye said vaguely.

"Really..." Erquette nodded clearly, and then turned his gaze to Bai Ye, looking up and down with very strange eyes without concealing it.

"But, I don't know why, but you give me a very strange feeling. You always feel a bit friendly... Could you be secretly using some suggestion magic on me?"

As he said that, Erquette looked at Bai Ye with very wary eyes.

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and spread his hands, "Although I can do some suggestion magic, I am still far from being able to influence the princess of the True Ancestor!"

Hakuno's magic only includes runes, which he learned from Amakusa Shiki when he was in the Forbidden World. Although Hakuno's talent in magic is not low, he only learns runes that are popular. As a result, there has not been much improvement so far.

With that level of magic, Arquette would have noticed it the moment it was activated, so what else was there secretly. "Is that so?" Erquette said in surprise: "Then why were you so powerful when you fought that guy just now?"

Chapter 315 Princess Ji of the True Ancestor

Facing Arquette's questioning, Bai Ye was speechless for a moment.

His physical fitness comes from grace, and his martial arts are the result of long-term training and honing, but neither of them is suitable for explanation, and besides--

"Is it really okay to doubt the benefactor who saved your life? Besides, it's too much to ask a stranger casually, isn't it?" Bai Ye said helplessly.

"Then I ask you, where did you get your strength? Will you tell me?"

"Eh?" Erquette was stunned for a moment and hesitated, "Well, what you said makes sense... I'm really sorry."

With that said, she reluctantly gave up questioning, but showed a look of dissatisfaction, "But, there is one thing you must not get wrong!"

"Since you know what I'm saying, do you think that person's knife just now can do anything to me? You're looking down on me too much!"

Hearing what Erquette said, Bai Ye suddenly fell silent.

Speaking of which, because of being pulled away by him just now, Arquette was unable to confront Tono Shiki, so of course he did not have the experience of being divided into seventeen in the original work, and naturally he did not realize that Tono Shiki was What a dangerous existence.

In this case, it is not surprising that she would think so - 910 - as she said, an ordinary person holding a knife, no matter how superb his skills, cannot hurt the true ancestor who transcends common sense.

What's more, Arquette, the true ancestor's princess, has the strongest strength among vampires. The knife will probably break into pieces the moment it hits her skin, right?

Of course, this is without counting the Death Eye.

And once the Demonic Eye of Death is used...you will know the result if you read the original work. Arquette, who was not checking for a moment, was directly cut into seventeen pieces by Shiki Tohno with that humble knife, and his vitality was severely damaged and almost destroyed. Being in the hands of an old enemy was the source of a series of troubles that followed.

Because Bai Ye had seen the original work and knew the power of the Death Eye, he felt that he had saved Arquette's life.

But Erquette had no such consciousness at all. She just saw Bai Ye coming out to help her and felt that he was a good person. She didn't think that he was nosy because of the girl's grace. This was also the reason why her attitude was not very polite.

While talking, Erquette suddenly remembered something and suddenly said, "By the way, why did you appear in my room?"

Bai Ye suddenly froze... If nothing else, this point was irrefutable evidence that he could never refute.

Erquette looked at Bai Ye directly again, but his eyes were full of curiosity, "You are very suspicious!"

"I'm really sorry for making you feel suspicious. I'm leaving now!"

Bai Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately turned around and left, "Really, it's rare to meet similar beings, I thought we could get along well..."

However, this mutter made Arquette stunned, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing at all!"

As soon as she finished speaking, just when Arquette wanted to continue asking questions, the young man in casual clothes in front of her had already walked out of the door and left her sight.

"...Should I not ask this?"

A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on Arquette's face, but then his attention was attracted by another thing, "But, the 'similar existence' he just mentioned, and this strange feeling of intimacy... No, how is this possible-"

"Because, all the true ancestors except me have..."

When Bai Ye came out of the apartment building, he suddenly felt helpless again when he thought of the conversation just now.

He had great expectations for meeting Arquitet. After all, in every sense, there was a very wonderful bond between Bai Ye and Arquitet.

"Really, the timing is so bad!"

If he hadn't just invaded Arquette's room and taken away the fragments, maybe he would have sat down with Arquette and talked.

"However, thanks to this, I got this fragment..."

This can be regarded as a psychological comfort, so that his mood will not be too bad.

"Okay, next..."

Putting the matter of Elquitt behind for the time being, Bai Ye raised his head and looked in the direction where Tono Shiki had escaped before. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, "The devil's eye of death? It's really interesting. !”

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