Hearing this, Hiyer frowned slightly, sighed with an expression that was half emotional and half suspicious, and fell silent.

In her heart, her emotions suddenly started to tumble.

Roya's choice of reincarnation must have one characteristic, that is, the reincarnation must be from a noble family, and it must be a race other than human beings.

Looking at it from this perspective, the Tono clan is a famous chaebol in Misaki City and is a mixed race. It is a good place for Roja to choose his reincarnation body.

In view of this, in the eyes of others, Shiki Tono, as the eldest son of Tono, is Roja's best candidate for reincarnation.

It was precisely because he suspected that Tono Shiki was the reincarnation of Roja that Hiyer used the magic of suggestion, entered Misaki Middle School, and deliberately got close to Tono Shiki.

However, Hakuno's answer made it difficult for her to make a choice. After all, regardless of whether Tohno Shiki was Roja's reincarnation or not, she still needed to judge whether the information itself was true or false -

"—What do Hiyer-senpai and Hakuno-san think?"

While the two were talking secretly, Yuzuka Satsuki in front suddenly turned his head, showed a slightly shy look towards Bai Ye and Hier, and asked.



However, the two people who were talking about business did not listen to what they said. Qiqi had a confused look on his face, which made Yuzuka Satsuki's smile suddenly become forced, and also made the other two They all became helpless.

"What are you two thinking about? You still have such a tacit understanding... What May said is that her birthday party will be held in a hotel in the city tonight. I want to ask you if you want to go together!" Tohno Shiki was very excited. He repeated helplessly.

"Really, I'm free to do it...but if you want to go, I can only go with you." Bai Ye shrugged and said.

His words immediately reminded Tono Shiki that as a diner of the Tono family, Hakuno was responsible for the safety of the personnel. If he wanted to go out, he must take Hakuno with him.

"Of course Tono will go! Then Mr. Shirono and Hiyer-senpai will definitely go too——"

On the side, Miki Yuhiko didn't wait for Hakuno and Tohno Shiki to answer, but answered first, as if he didn't want them to refuse, and wanted to make the final decision, but——

I'll forget it, I just have something to do and I can't go tonight. I'm so sorry! "However, Hiyer pursed her lips and quickly and politely declined the invitation...

"what a pity……"

After Hakuno and Shiki Tono returned to Tono's house, he told Tono Akiha that he was going to attend Yuzuka's birthday party in May. As expected, the other party suddenly lost his temper.

"Brother, are you joking with your own life?! This joke is not funny at all. I have clearly warned you, but you actually agreed to such an agreement. Where do you put other people's worries?!"

Watching Tono Akiha teach Tono Shiki a series of lessons, the other person shrank his head and didn't even dare to say a word. He just kept looking at Hakuno asking for help.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Mistress, the enemy's priority is still the Tono Residence. If you are outside, if you don't run around, it will be safer than staying at home. Besides, don't you have me following you?"

Bai Ye shrugged and said leisurely: "Since you hired me as a diner, it's best to fully trust my strength!"

Tono Qiuye was stunned when he heard this, and then hesitated a little, "It does make sense to say that...well, it's only for today!"

Tohno Shiki immediately cast a grateful look at Hakuno, and he admired his sister from the bottom of his heart for being able to convince him.

With Tohno Akiha's uncompromising personality, normal people would basically only be obedient, and would have a hard time resisting, let alone persuading.

Bai Ye spread his hands, his expression still leisurely and calm.

——He remembered that something seemed to have happened at Yuzuka's birthday party in May, but he didn't remember exactly what it was... There was a reason why he was willing to participate.

Chapter 327 The approaching beast under the moonlit night

The season now has entered late autumn, the sun has set early, and the cool breeze of late autumn is floating on the streets, making people feel a bit chilly.

"Then go and enjoy the love of your classmates. Don't forget the time. The lady in charge has told you to go back before nine o'clock."

Inside the hotel, Hakuno, who was invited here, gave instructions to Tono Shiki and prepared to walk out of the lobby.

"Wait a minute, aren't you going with us?" Tohno Shiki couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"What are you talking about? It's obvious that they included me just to invite you. Since I've already said hello, it would be annoying if I approach you without the sense of humor..."

With that said, Hakuno spread his hands, ignored Tono Shiki, and left the center of the banquet, leaving Tono Shiki helpless.

"I'm not good at this kind of banquet..."

In the corridor of the hotel, the noise in the lobby can be clearly heard even through the walls.

Through the transparent glass, Bai Ye looked at the surrounding scene from a height of more than ten meters. Although it was an ordinary city, colorful neon lights were lit in some places, giving the city a little vibrancy at night.

Even so, in Bai Ye's perception, he still cannot erase his vigilance against the city under the night.

——Something must have taken action during this night.

Bai Ye felt this intuitively, standing in this corridor, silent.

At a certain moment, a black bird with black feathers all over its body and the same size as ordinary birds flapped its wings and stopped on a railing outside the corridor. Then it became motionless, staring intently with its dark eyes. Looking at Bai Ye, he looked very strange.

At this moment, the feeling of being spied on was extremely obvious. According to Bai Ye's perception, the person spying on him shone like a bright light in the dark night.

Bai Ye's eyes moved slightly and shifted his attention to the black bird...


The next moment, a very sudden flame burned directly on the black bird's body. In just an instant, it burned out and ceased to exist.

The feeling of being watched suddenly disappeared and from beginning to end, the black bird never made a single bird call.

The flash of flames in the dark night startled some passers-by, but they looked around but found nothing.

But in the corridor, Bai Ye's eyes were shining.

Immediately, he stepped out, stepped on the edge of the window, and jumped directly into the night. The next moment, he had disappeared inside and outside the hotel——

Based on the remaining memories in his mind, Bai Ye originally thought that the hotel should be attacked tonight, but it seemed not to be the case. In other words, because his arrival caused a butterfly effect, the tragedy that should have happened was spared.

But this trip is by no means fruitless——

Not far from the hotel, there is an apartment building standing close to the city center.

This apartment building, which should have been relatively lively at first, was extremely quiet at the moment, and the lights inside were vague and non-existent. Under the dark night, it looked like a giant beast sitting there with its bloody mouth open.


From the apartment building came a vague, low sound, like the roar of wild beasts, which almost made people doubt their ears - this was the center of the city, how could there be any wild beasts there? Not to mention wild animals, even poultry is prohibited.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are sparse blood stains everywhere in this apartment building, and there are vague shadows of unknown beasts wandering inside.

On the rooftop of a building not far from this apartment building, a tall figure was standing here, looking into the apartment building, but he was silent, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Is it really there? "

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