"Is it magic? No, if it's magic, I can't possibly not find some traces..."

His eyes were fixed on Bai Ye, trying to see something from his actions, but he was disappointed.

"... There is no trace, it is just like an extremely natural natural phenomenon -?!" It may be possible to achieve this level using magic means, but from the perspective of him who was once a magician, the countless wind blades gathered together Magic is by no means a one- or two-section small-scale engineering magic that can dispense with chanting.

To dismember all the beasts in an instant, such a magic is at least as powerful as a magic of more than three measures. Theoretically speaking, it requires at least three seconds of chanting.

However, the wind blade appeared in an instant, completely abandoning chanting - no, there was no need to chant at all.

"This ability is just like -?!" Nero had a very incredible guess in his mind.

"But that's impossible! That ability is, but -"

When his mood was fluctuating violently, Bai Ye, who was opposite him, tilted his head, "Why, you were very active just now, why don't you attack now?"

"Continue to release your beasts, whether they are beasts or monsters, I will defeat them all for you to see!"

With that said, Bai Ye turned his attention to the other party, "Then, finally, I will take the thing in your body!"

The moment he heard Bai Ye's words, Nero's cold expression finally changed——

There is something wonderful inside his body, no, it should be said, within his inherent barrier. It is a green fragment of jasper that appeared at an unknown time in the past.

"——Why do you know such a thing?"

He dared to assert that he was the only one in the world who knew about this matter. At this moment, when someone exposed it, he was naturally extremely shocked and even felt a little afraid.

Most people probably don't know that although he is called the 'King of Beasts' and has 666 kinds of beast factors hidden in his body, because of this, he is no longer him, but them.

Because it is a collection of beast factors, his consciousness is the consciousness of the chaos group. It is very chaotic. If left alone, within a few hundred years, his consciousness will fall into chaos and die.

However, after the fragment appeared in his body, he suddenly realized that his consciousness, which was constantly falling into chaos, actually maintained his personality.

In other words, the fragments in Nero played the same role as in Tono Shinhisa's - helping to restrain the spiritual decay.

If Bai Ye wasn't sure before, then seeing Nero's gloomy expression, he was sure.

"Since I let you know about this, I can't let you go back alive!"

With such a low roar, Nero then lifted up his coat in the most violent manner, revealing the truth about his body - it was not a human body at all, but a dark chaos with no substantial shape, like Like black mud.

He grabbed his chest, grabbed a handful of black mud from there, and threw it out. In just an instant, it spread and squirmed to form several huge beasts that were completely different from before!

The shape is that of a crocodile, but it is more than ten times larger than an ordinary crocodile. The whole body is almost as tall as a house, and the ferocious claws are unusually penetrating——


However, the moment these giant crocodiles appeared, a huge ball of thunder and lightning unceremoniously fell from the sky and landed on the rooftop at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye——!

In an instant, the rooftop was illuminated by lightning.

After the thunder and lightning dissipated, the seemingly intimidating crocodile was directly turned into ashes——

At this moment, Nero's expression suddenly became extremely shocked and ugly, "I didn't come back..."

For beasts that use his body as raw materials, the beast factors that make up them should return to his body after death. For example, the factors that make up countless beasts that were dismembered before return to his body. .

However, some of the factors that were struck by the lightning did not return to his body.

In other words, after just taking this hit, the number of factors in his body was already less than 666.

That part of the factor was directly wiped out by lightning.

Thinking about it, it is natural. The so-called immortal beast factor itself is not conceptually immortal. The fundamental reason is not that it will not die, but that it is not powerful enough to kill the factor.

In the final analysis, Nero was just a Death Apostle. Having such immortality was already a very cheating ability. To say that he was immortal would be an exaggeration.

Even if it is magic, as long as the magic power is strong enough and the technique is complex enough, it can destroy him.

For example, could he still survive after being hit by an EA?

After all, as long as he has the ability to kill all his 666 lives in an instant, his immortality will be broken.

However, those 666 lives are indeed very troublesome. If he cannot kill them all in an instant, as long as there is one life left, he will still be immortal.

Bai Ye, who knew this well, after annihilating the giant crocodile, once again used Fantasy Manifestation mercilessly, and another thunder pillar shrouded Nero's head——

Nero, who couldn't dodge, was hit on the spot, and his whole body was instantly attacked by lightning!


The sound of thunder and lightning echoed continuously on the rooftop, as if there were thousands of birds chirping in unison——

A few seconds later, Bai Ye's eyes moved, and when he saw the scene within the thunder and lightning, he frowned, and with a thought, he dispersed the thunder and lightning.

Inside, the originally tall man was now shapeless, his appearance had turned completely burnt black, and there was not a single intact part of his body.

However, despite this, he still stubbornly maintained his shape.

The black mud stood there, squirming and regaining its human appearance again.

"It turns out that with the power of thunder and lightning, although his appearance was completely destroyed, it was a pity that it could not destroy his essence hidden under the inherent barrier - black mud..." Bai Ye thought with a frown.

"Huah, haha——"

But even so, the other party was still breathing heavily, looking at Bai Ye with eyes full of horror and shock.

If he had to say why, through this move just now, he could finally be sure——

"—You're not a human, are you?"

He looked at Bai Ye like a monster, "Your ability is to manifest your dreams. Are you the true ancestor?"

"——Eh?!" A girl's extremely shocked voice came from outside the rooftop.

Princess Ji of the True Ancestor finally appeared on the rooftop.

Chapter 330 Thousands of thoughts are like stars

However, as soon as she arrived here, she was shocked by the unexpected words.

True ancestor?

Are there any other true ancestors in this world?

For others, it might be just a shock, but for Arquette, this news really shocked her like never before.

"There should be no one else like that... because I have killed them all with my own hands——"

In her mind, there was only this thought lingering for a while, and together with it, the extremely unbearable memories of the past that she had almost forgotten emerged in her mind.

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