"I've done everything I can. Now you can explain it yourself!"

Chapter 343 The snake finally appears

A few minutes later, when Amber came out of the room, she was frowning and covering her chest, with a trace of pain between her brows.

Looking at Amber like this, Bai Ye's eyes were thoughtful, "Let me guess, it's because you were sucked blood for the first time, so you couldn't help crying out in pain, right?"

"Eh?" Amber's face suddenly turned red when he heard this, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Did you hear that... It's really embarrassing..."

When Bai Ye saw this, he immediately showed a very cheerful smile, "Let me tell you a good thing, Tohno Shiki came here just now, and there was a perfect misunderstanding!"

"——!" Amber's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"It's up to you how to explain it. I stayed here to tell you that I will go out tonight and come back later. I have also taken some defensive measures in the homestead. If anything happens, I will rush back immediately. ,Don't worry--"

With that said, Bai Ye left the corridor and walked towards the door of the mansion with a very pleasant smile.

Kohaku had already lowered his head with a look of despair, "Oops, I was misunderstood and Miss Akiba is a girl...ah, it's over!"

"I wonder if Arquette is waiting for me?"

Bai Ye thought so as he rushed towards the city center, "With her simple personality, I'm afraid she will think that I don't care about her -"

"Huh? Strange, are there so many dead people around here?"

However, on the way to the city center, Bai Ye sensed that a large number of dead people were surrounding him somewhere.

In the current Misaki City, because of the existence of Roja, it is not surprising that the dead will appear from time to time, but the scale of the dead can never be that big. Under normal circumstances, they are single-person actions, and there are rarely three people. Four dead people gathered together.

But now, under Bai Ye's perception, there are more than ten dead people gathered together, emitting attention in a certain direction like bright lights at night.

Feeling the very eye-catching inhuman aura, Bai Ye's eyes moved, and he immediately changed direction halfway and flew towards that direction...

Near the outskirts of Misaki City, there is an abandoned factory. The factory is covered with weeds and the walls are covered with moss. It is obviously quite old. W

And in this factory, at this moment, there are more than ten figures gathered there. On the surface, those figures are all wearing their own uniforms, and they look no different from ordinary people, but if you look closely, maybe It can be found that there is no emotion in these people's eyes, they are just like a pool of stagnant water, and the movements of their limbs are extremely stiff. But in the center of the group of dead people, there was a magic circle emitting light blue light, from which a transparent figure was projected -


Outside this silent abandoned factory, there was a figure that rushed in from the ceiling at an unusually fast speed and landed on the ground, causing dust to fly.

And from the dust, a figure of a girl with blond hair and blood-red eyes emerged. It was the true ancestor's princess Ji Erqiuite. However, unlike her before, who was innocent and innocent, Erqiuite at this moment was very... Leng Ran.

As soon as he arrived here, Erquette saw a lot of dead people standing here.

"With this number of dead—are you—?!"

She frowned and murmured. The next moment, she saw the magic circle in the middle surrounded by the group of dead people and the transparent figure that appeared in it. Her eyes immediately widened——

It was a figure wearing a long windbreaker, with snow-white hair and a pair of red pupils, but his face was wrapped with a bandage. At this moment, he was looking at Arquette with a very nostalgic and proud look.

"It's finally here. As expected, if the deceased is sent out, you will definitely catch up -"

The figure stood in the magic circle and greeted her with a transparent figure, "Should I say it's been a long time no see? Erqite Brunstad——"

Facing this smiling figure, Arquette's face instantly turned cold, and his pupils released an astonishing murderous intent, "—Roya!"


——This evil figure is none other than Roja this time. To be precise, it is Shiki Tono who is possessed by Roja this time.

It was the existence of the common goal of Arquette, Hakuno, Hier, Tono Akiha and others. At this moment, it finally appeared in front of Arquette.

"You look at me like that again as soon as we meet. It's true. We are old acquaintances after all... However, I can understand your mood of wanting to kill something, come on!"

Under his command, the surrounding dead people suddenly roared like puppets on strings, and rushed directly towards Elquet.

Creatures like the dead are, after all, puppets used by the Death Apostles. They are much more powerful than ordinary humans. If ordinary people faced the dead, they would basically be killed in one round.

Facing this group of numerous dead people, Arquette didn't even change his expression. Without hesitation, he turned his hands into claws and swung his claws forward!

Blood-red scratches flashed in the air, forming a strong wind that enveloped all the dead.

Under the roar of the strong wind, the claw wind instantly passed over the body of the deceased, cutting it open with extremely sharp edges——

With one claw, even the ground was left with several deep scratches, not to mention the group of dead people. They didn't even have time to leave any sounds of struggle, they just stood in shock and disappeared.


After making a move, Arquette immediately roared, stepped forward, and squatted down in an almost hunting-like instinctive posture.

With that gesture, if no one stops her, the next moment, she will explode like a cannonball, tearing the existence in front of her into pieces——

However, at the moment when Elquit was about to launch an attack, a figure appeared in the open space and grabbed her arm in time.

"Stop it, Arquette—"

Chapter 344 Provocation and declaration of war from Roja

Arquette was stunned when his arm was pulled. After turning his head, he was even more surprised, "Bai Ye, why are you here?"

The visitor loosened his wrist and turned his gaze to the young man standing in the magic circle opposite. His face became calm and he said: "If there are a large number of dead people gathered, you will definitely come here. I am just guessing. .”


Arquette frowned slightly when she heard this. It wasn't that she was unhappy about being found by Bai Ye, but Bai Ye found her for the same reason as Roja. It felt like both of them had figured out her action pattern, so she I just feel like a failure.

"Then why did you stop me from killing that guy?" But now was not the time to dwell on this. She immediately adjusted her mood and asked Bai Ye.

Bai Ye just shook his head when he heard this, "Don't be carried away by anger. Take a good look at the other side. Is that really the opponent's body?"

When Bai Ye said this, Arquette was stunned for a moment, and then cast his gaze to the opposite side, and then he noticed something strange.

Standing in the magic circle, Roja's body didn't have much substance at the moment, as if he only had the appearance here, but the inside was an empty shell.

"Really? It turns out this is a fake?!" Erquette suddenly became aware.

"I'm afraid it's the effect of some magic. Although the guy in front of us looks like Roja, in fact, what we see is just Roja's appearance, and it's not him inside that body -" Bai Ye guessed.

"You're right--"

On the opposite side, Roja, who heard Bai Ye's words, burst into laughter from his eyes, "I pieced together the inside of this body with the flesh of the deceased, and then used magic to combine my consciousness and appearance. Move here—"

"Although it is rude to use this method to reunite with the long-lost princess, there is nothing I can do about it. I have just woken up and I am still a little weak. If I want to face the princess, I will die again immediately."

"Then, what's your purpose of appearing here on purpose?"

· Bai Ye ignored his words, but said coldly: "You can't just come to tell us that you have awakened, right? It will be very disappointing if you make such a child-like act without consideration!"冫

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