This is the name of this research institute. It is surrounded by a white wall outside, and there are many buildings occupying a large area inside, and there are also a lot of vehicles staying in the open space.

This research institute seems to be quite large.

After driving into the garage, Terestina took Bai Ye out of the car and went directly to an experimental site.

The facilities here were fully prepared early in the morning, and several staff members were already waiting nearby, preparing for grade tests, performance records, etc.

"Sa, you can use your ability now! Did your heart beat wildly during the first test?!"

Terestina blinked her sky-blue pupils and said expectantly: "Before proceeding, do you want me to do a divination or something like that here? It's very effective!"

While talking, Terestina took out a candy tube and poured out several chocolate beans of different colors.

"That's not necessary."

Bai Ye indifferently rejected Terestina's proposal and said by the way: "Can we start now?"

"What a shame! Of course, you can do whatever you want!"

Terestina's eyes twitched, but she still maintained her grace and said with a smile.

After speaking, she nodded to the staff member on the side, who understood and stepped forward.

"Testing abilities, elemental manipulation, the first test, the ability to generate fire!"

Ordinary rough stones rarely have their level tested due to their unmeasurable abilities, but if the level of rough stones can be tested using the same set of tests used by Academy City ordinary students, it can also be used as a standard.

Demonstrating flames, Hakuno did not hold back on this aspect and went out with all his strength.

He also wanted to test the level of his elemental manifestation.

With a flick of his hand, a small white-green flame was shot out and hit an alloy plate. After only two or three seconds, the alloy plate was burned through.

"The flame color is white and cyan, and the flame limit temperature is over 4500 degrees!"

The staff member's eyes lit up instantly and he said excitedly: "Continue to test the maximum flame range!"

Bai Ye acted as he was told.

"Maximum flame range, 78×83! Fire ability, Level 4, great ability user!"


In the experimental site, all the staff suddenly let out cheers of surprise.

Terestina also had a surprised expression on her face, which looked very cute.

As time passes, one ability after another is tested.

"Electric shock ability, Level 4, a person with great abilities!"

"Water flow control, Level 4, great ability!"

"Air user, Level 4, powerful person!"

"... Comprehensive assessment, ability: element manipulation, Level 4, great ability!!!"

PS: Regarding the flame temperature, I am not good at physics. I don’t know if it will work. If any of you think this is unscientific, please give me some scientific advice. Don’t lie to me!

Chapter 33 It’s just a white mouse (It’s fat! It’s really fat!)

The lower level's elemental ability limit is a little lower than Bai Ye imagined.

He originally thought that he might be able to reach Level 5, the level of a super-powered person, and maybe be on par with Misaka Mikoto, but he didn't expect that he was just Level 4 - the level of a perverted Kuroko.

"It's amazing! It's just a little short of reaching Level 5 standards!"

"This may be...the second rough stone superpower——"

"——Maybe he will be born in our research institute!"

However, it seems that his ability has reached the top of Level 4, not far behind Level 5.

On the experimental site, Bai Ye glanced at the excitement of the researchers around him and couldn't help but curl his lips.

It's just the manifestation of the lower level, that's it. If you go up one or two levels, it's inevitable to go up to Level 5.

But currently, his ability is limited by his level, and there is no way to improve it for the time being.

But this was enough to excite this group of people.

There are 6 levels of espers in Academy City.

The first level is Level 0, those who are incompetent, cannot be measured or have extremely weak effects, and account for 60% of Academy City students!

The second level is Level 1, a person with low abilities who can barely bend a spoon and is basically not helpful in life.

The third level is Level 2, a person with super powers, slightly stronger than Level 1.

The fourth level is Level 3, a person with strong abilities who can already bring convenience to daily life.

The fifth level is Level 4, which has reached the level where it can reflect tactical value in the army.

The sixth level is Level 5, which can at least resist the strength of an entire army on its own, and there are only 7 people in the entire academy city.

You know, if their research institute can produce a rough stone ability user who has advanced from Level 4 to Level 5, it will mean that fame, money... will come rolling in. By then, it will be difficult to even think about not being developed.

All of this is based on the fact that Bai Ye's ability to manipulate elements can improve.

Because it’s hard to tell what abilities a person with raw stone abilities has, and maybe they will have extremely high development potential.

In order to achieve the goal, the institute has to put a lot of thought into Bai Ye.

Even Terestina beside her couldn't help but secretly smile with satisfaction.

This result was not in vain for the hard work she had spent on getting this rough stone in her spare time.

Terestina has been very idle recently. The topic she submitted has never been approved by the superiors. She was angry and wanted to find something to do to change her mood.

Therefore, during the meeting to compete for the new rough stone, relying on the energy of the Kihara clan, he easily took over.

Hakuno's abilities have caused quite a stir in Academy City. The ability to manipulate elements is completely different from the previous system classification of superpowers in Academy City. He can use both the electromagnetic system, the aerodynamic system, and the water flow system... It took a lot of effort for him to fight over it.

But I originally thought it was just for fun, but I didn’t expect that I seemed to have a good toy...

Terestina thought maliciously in her heart, with a bright smile on her face, and applauded to celebrate Bai Ye.

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