The glorious sword like a tall building was swung out amid this low roar!


The magic cannon of light that looked like the sun was released from the sword, forming a pillar of radiance that reached the sky and the earth. It drained the surrounding atmosphere in an instant, causing the space to vibrate inexplicably, causing the sky, earth, buildings, and everything else to tremble. Everything is dyed with the color of gold, and everyone's vision is attracted and obsessed by the huge brilliance——

The Magic Cannon of Light rose from the ground and blasted straight towards the sky. In just a moment, it collided with the falling vermilion moon!


In the high altitude, even the air was evaporated in an instant, and the extremely low buzzing sound made people's eardrums tremble!

A strong shock wave was transmitted from high altitude, forming a wind wave like a tsunami. Even the earth was affected by the aftermath——


At this moment, Erquette's eyes were completely occupied by the color of gold.

Chapter 360 Just a dabbler

The power of the Noble Phantasm is calculated in terms of numerical values. Level E is 10, level D is 20, level C and B are 30 and 40, and the highest level A is 50.

The number of plus signs after it represents how many times it can be doubled in an instant, and ++ means it can be doubled twice.

The power of the Holy Sword, an A++ Noble Phantasm, is 150, so it can be said to be one of the most exceptional Noble Phantasms.

The EX above this is beyond the specifications and cannot be calculated with common sense. The power may be 0, or it may reach thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

After being strengthened by the Cage of the Sekiryuutei, the power of the Sword of Oath has been increased countless times. It is definitely the strongest method Hakuno has ever seen so far——

But even so, Bai Ye has no confidence in whether he can stop Yue Luo.

"Victory or defeat all depends on this time!"

With such a determination in his heart, Bai Ye originally thought that this confrontation might last for a long time, but he never expected——


In just a moment, Zhu Yue, who was bombarded by the radiant magic cannon, suddenly lost her power. The magic cannon immediately took over and crushed it quickly!

Under the low roar, the vermilion demon moon was instantly covered by the light beam, hiding its figure, and gradually disappeared into the light.


The violent bright light exploded, causing everyone watching to close their eyes involuntarily.

When all the storms are over and people open their eyes, all they see is the rain of light particles falling from the sky——

"It's so easy - win?"

Although a moment of doubt flashed through his mind, Bai Ye's mind relaxed violently after seeing Zhu Yue disappear. With this thought, the suppressed fatigue and injuries suddenly came one after another, leaving him for a moment His eyes flashed, and the dragon armor on his body was immediately untied, and he fell to the ground very weakly.

But just when he was about to land, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, stretched out his arms, and caught him firmly.

·The familiar blouse and skirt, as well as the blood-red pores and golden hair, made Baiye laugh immediately, "Are you finally back, Elquette?"

Arquette remained silent when he heard the words, but there were all kinds of emotions emerging in his blood-stained eyes.

"I'm's my fault that you became like this——"


When Bai Ye saw this, he couldn't help but paused. He was silent for a moment, and then he said indifferently: "Compared with this, Erquette, I think I need treatment now——"

"give it to me!"

Before they finished speaking, a voice came from not far away. At the same time, the blue-haired girl Hiyer appeared in front of the two of them. She looked at Bai Ye with the same complicated eyes and said without forgetting. : "As for healing magic, I still know a thing or two."

With that said, she dropped the pile she was holding on the ground and came to Elquet, "Put him down, the princess of the True Ancestor."

If it were in the past, Erquette would definitely talk back to her, but at this moment, she just bit her lip and put Bai Ye on the ground without saying a word.

Hiyer's magic attainments are quite high. Even the magic of healing is still beyond Baiye's level of "knowing a little bit".

After just a moment, she stopped her hand and looked at Bai Ye with a strange look, "That's enough. Your body has very strong recovery power. Even if I don't need to take action, you can recover in a day or two... "

It seemed that she was very surprised by this kind of resilience that surpassed common sense, but she consciously did not ask out loud. After hearing what she said, Elquet's eyes moved and he breathed a sigh of relief.


The next moment, from the ground aside, the lump that was thrown down by Hiyer suddenly made a hesitant sound, causing several people to cast their gazes. Then, after seeing the true form of the lump clearly, , all showing eyes full of indifference and murderous intent.

That shapeless thing was none other than Roya, the ancestor of the Dead Apostles who was previously restrained by Bai Ye.

·It’s just that at this moment, Roja is simply out of shape. Apart from the necessary organs, there is basically nothing left on his body. It seems that the person who did this to him knew his vital points very well and avoided him, and carried out the attack. Like inhuman ravage.

This made Bai Ye glance at Hiyer with some palpitations. This girl was worthy of being the seventh person to bury the organization. Her methods were indeed not justified...

As for Arquette, needless to say, she was staring at him with eyes that could cut him to pieces with a thousand knives, not even looking away, and her eyes were full of explicit hatred.

"Hmph, cough hehe... He is obviously a human being, at most he is suspected to be a true ancestor, but actually——!"

Roja used his last breath to speak to Bai Ye almost resentfully, "I'm not willing to accept it. I've obviously been favored by fate and have the legendary magic eye. Why does it still turn out like this!"

However, there were only two holes left on Roja's face at this moment, and the eyes had been artificially gouged out.

On the side, Hiyer showed a cold and disapproving expression, wondering who did this.

On the ground, Bai Ye stood up with his arms and casually snatched the huge iron block that Hiyer was carrying——

"Wait a minute -" Hiyer was stunned for a moment, and then immediately wanted to stop him.

"The legendary magic eye? The favor of fate?"

Bai Ye walked up to him holding the Seventh Holy Scripture and sneered twice, "The so-called Demonic Eye of Direct Death can see the death of all things, not only life, but also non-living things, even corpses. Everyone can see that 'death', and what do you see?"

"What——?!" Bai Ye's words instantly shocked Roja, and he suddenly became stunned.

That's right, what Roja can see is only the 'death line' of life, and does not include the death line of non-life——

"In other words, what you get is just a half-hearted death!"

Bai Ye said this, and then looked at him with extremely indifferent eyes, "You should be able to rest in peace now, right? Go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the huge iron block in his hand without hesitation, and indifferently thrust it into Roja's remaining body——

PS1: I haven’t recovered from my cold, and I took medicine at noon. I feel drowsy and angry, so I barely coded two chapters.

PS2: Invite book friends with the nickname ‘liyilin’ to join the group and receive 50 exclusive red envelopes. Although what you said is not very accurate, at least it is correct. In the absence of a more accurate answer, it is you. Group number: 458725448.

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