Height and weight: 185cm·69kg

Properties: unknown

Strength: A+

Durability: A

Agility: A

Magic: EX

Lucky: A

Noble Phantasm: B

Class abilities:

Madness (B): A class ability that strengthens abilities as a price for losing rationality and gives Berserker characteristics. The ability possessed by the prototype servant and inherited by the current servant. Thanks to this, this skill has become an active skill. When activated at level B, all abilities will increase at the cost of losing most of your rationality.

Keep skills:

Combat continuation (A): A skill that allows people to fight even if they are critically injured, and the mortality rate of the injured will also be reduced.

Mind's Eye (True) (A): Insight developed through practice and exercise. The original level should be B, and it should be a pseudo-eye of mind, but because it has a good level of mind, after integrating this skill, it has evolved and has a prototype servant, even if it falls into madness. , can also be almost instinctive and effective' qualities. Using this mind's eye, you can easily deal with attacks even if you cannot see them visually.

Bravery (B): Use a brave and courageous spirit to neutralize mental interference such as pressure, confusion, and confusion. It should have been like this, but because it was too rational, it didn't play a big role. However, under certain mental conditions, it can produce A+ level effects.

Divinity (A): The ability inherited from the prototype servant who is the son of God and even becomes a god after death. It is also the highest level of divinity among the servants.

Possess a treasure:

Twelve Trials (GodHand)

Grade: B

Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

Attack distance: -

Maximum 213 effect: 1 person

Explanation: This is a Noble Phantasm representing immortality that is both a "blessing from God" and a "curse". It is a Noble Phantasm that does not have the appearance of a weapon or armor. If you insist on expressing it, the body itself can be said to be a Noble Phantasm.

"Twelve Trials (GodHand)" turns one's body into a tenacious armor, neutralizing all attacks below level B (including level B), regardless of physical means or magic.

It has the effect of automatically reviving the body after death, and because this resurrection is stored for 11 times, it will not be destroyed as long as it is not killed 12 times. In addition, if the magic power is enough, the reduced number of resuscitations can even be restored.

In addition to "reviving" and "invalidating attacks", the Noble Phantasm "Twelve Trials" also has a third effect, which is "Facing an attack once, it will increase a huge resistance the second time"; for example, when receiving fire damage After being cured, the defense against fire will increase dramatically. And you don't need to die once to gain resistance.


Explanation: It seems that due to the influence of the prototype servant not owning this Noble Phantasm due to job placement, he does not own this Noble Phantasm. "

Chapter 367 Obtaining the power of the Servant and becoming a Servant

This is the servant template derived from Hakuno after he obtained the power of the heroic spirit Hercules.

On the basis of his own abilities, he inherited the power of the great hero, causing the texture of this template to change.

Not only the magic power and luck have increased, but even the skills have become much different.

"In other words, you just came to this world and became a sub-server?" Bai Ye clenched his fists and felt the surging power in his body, and said with emotion.

Servants are the souls of heroes who have been elevated to a transcendent existence after death. They are called "heroic spirits". They are summoned to the living world through rituals and become beings that can be used. They are called "Servants".

And in very special circumstances, if sufficient preparations are made to allow the descending Servant to hand over its power to humans for use, that would be a 'sub-Servant'.

It should be noted that the concepts of 'sub-servant' and 'mimic servant' are not exactly the same. Although humans use the abilities of servants, there is a big difference.

The so-called 'similar followers' refer to some heroic spirits that cannot appear in the world through normal summoning methods. By choosing a human being who is compatible with them, they bring their consciousness to this human being, so that the two wills coexist. It can be said that he is a follower.

As for the sub-server, it does not exist in the normal heroic spirit system. It is an inhumane experiment. Through the method of possession, the heroic spirit that descends into the human body gives power to the human being, and the heroic spirit itself will turn back. Temple, purely a means of using heroic spirits as props, is a sub-server.

There may be many similar Servants, but it is very difficult to give birth to just one Sub-Servant.

And Hakuye is now given power by Hercules, but it is not fused or possessed. Compared with these, Hakuye's situation is more like 'plundering' Hercules' power, and will The part that belonged to Hercules was eliminated and became something completely his own.

Although he is a Sub-Servant, he is quite different from the Sub-Servant who is dependent on him. Therefore, unlike the Sub-Servant who is between Servants and humans, he is actually closer to the human side in terms of his nature as a Servant. Rather less.

However, despite this, it is a fact that he is a sub-servant.

"How is it possible! He actually got the power of that berserker and became a servant?!"

In the forest not far away, a dark figure squatting lightly on a tree branch said to himself in an extremely surprised tone: "What a puzzling human being!"

This figure was wearing a black cloak and a creepy white bone mask on his face. What was even more surprising was that his right arm completely looked like a rod-shaped alien.

At this moment, he was squatting on the branch, and the breath in his whole body was restrained, without any leakage. His whole body was like a ball of air.

"To deal with him, we must kill him with one strike before he has adapted to this power!"

Thinking like this, Assassin immediately jumped off the branch, and with the highest level of agility, he quickly and directly ran towards the ruins, only fifty meters away from the boy!

During this process, his feet did not make any sound, and his breath was also restrained.

Only when he reaches within ten meters of the opponent, the aura on his body is released in one go, and he waves his stick-shaped arm, and the magic power gathers on the arm, strengthening the power several times -


However, just when he had such a judgment in his heart, he saw that the young man standing there calmly turned his head very abruptly, with a half-smile on his face.

"Is that so, Hassan the cursed wrist?"


The feeling of heart palpitations was instantly felt in the heart of Cursed Wrist Hassan, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string and he had no choice but to shoot. Although he was frightened, he still waved his arms and grabbed Bai Ye's heart——

Facing the opponent's attacking arm, Bai Ye did not dodge, he directly raised his fist and punched it violently!



An overwhelming force came from his arm, causing Hassan the Cursed Arm to groan suddenly and fly backwards in an instant!

"When it breaks, it breaks. It is indeed the best judgment to take action as quickly as possible. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid you would have been hit by you just now..."

Bai Ye retracted his fist with a smile and continued: "But I am different. Before becoming a servant, I have experienced many battlefields, large and small. Although with this body, even if I am hit by you, I will not It’s only half useful.”

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