Therefore, as long as the corresponding technology is available, it is not difficult to transform her appearance. The original Chaldea will definitely not be a problem, but now, it is really difficult to say.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Bai Ye threw the Seventh Sacred Scripture into the corner of the room, lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.

Although the few battles in Fuyuki were not of great scale, I was still mentally exhausted and needed to rest when I needed to.

I don’t know how many hours later.


A sudden voice woke up Bai Ye from his deep sleep, "Bai Ye, come to the central management office. I have something to discuss with you!"

Doctor Roman's voice came from the light screen that appeared, making Bai Ye nod in response.

In the central management room.

When Bai Ye came here, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were already standing here.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, "You guys got here really fast!"

"No, that's not the case. In fact, senior just woke up from his deep sleep and we are all here, so Dr. Roman informed Mr. Bai Ye to come here..." Mashu explained.

Different from the previous state when she transformed into a Servant, Matthew is now wearing ordinary clothes, a white jacket, a black skirt and stockings, which makes her whole body exude a soft aura that is completely different from that in the Servant state.

"Good evening... By the way, is it night now?" Fujimaru Ritsuka on the side blinked and said with some uncertainty.

"Yes, senior, from the perspective of the earth's rotation and the prime meridian as the standard, it is now eight o'clock in the afternoon, which is exactly the night in the general concept!" Matthew said again.

At this time, the mechanical door opened automatically, and Dr. Roman's figure came out of the door, "Sorry, Bai Ye, I called you over at this time, did it disturb you to take a rest?"

"It's okay, I just happened to have almost rested!" Bai Ye shook his head.

His recovery power is extremely strong. Even if he fights against the blood-sucking Arquitect, he will be healed the next day. This kind of fatigue is nothing at all.

"That's great. Then, let's start gathering information and discussing it as we said!" Roman said to several people with a serious expression.

Because the series of events were very sudden, only now did they have time to summarize what happened. It could also be said to be Chaldea's first combat meeting.

There are three topics in total.

First of all, regarding the current Chaldea, due to the explosion, many facilities in Chaldea are in a state of paralysis, and it will take some time to repair all functions of Chaldea.

Secondly, regarding this human rights relief ‘Grand Order’.

"After Fuyuki's singularity disappeared, seven new singularities appeared in human history. According to the existing information, it is likely that there was a Holy Grail in those eras, which caused human history to deviate from the planned trajectory... The mission named after the highest level in the magic world, Grand Order, is to use the spirit transfer system to go to these seven eras and recover or destroy the Holy Grail scattered there, so as to achieve the purpose of repairing human history!"

"There is only one ultimate goal, and that is to regain human history and save humanity!"

Roman said solemnly: "Fujimaru Ritsuka, let me ask you one last time, are you willing to take on this important task and restore human history to its normal trajectory?"

"It's impossible to back down now, of course!" Fujimaru Ritsuka cheered up and agreed simply.

"So, Mr. Bai Ye, even though you said that, I still want to confirm it. As a person from another world, do you really want to step into this unprecedented vortex that has nothing to do with yourself?" Roman Asked Bai Ye.

"Of course, this is a decision made based on my own will. There is absolutely no moisture in it. You can safely include me in the team to save humanity!" Bai Ye shrugged and said with a slight smile.

"That's great. To be honest, your joining has really helped us a lot!" Roman was very relieved.

"Although I can only do some logistics and other work, if you have anything, please don't hesitate to ask. We will definitely not refuse anything we can do!"

When Bai Ye heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and laughed, "That's really one thing!"

Chapter 384 The Omnipotent Man Leonardo Da Vinci

"The last topic is about the existence of the first singularity. Among the seven singularities, I chose the one with the least impact on human history as your first mission location. It was in Europe in 1431, a century after Britain and France. The time of war!”

Roman said: "However, because all the data from that era have to be tested to ensure the safety of the transfer of souls, you can still have a good rest for the time being..."

Although Olga Marie, the director, was not present, Roman's command was still orderly and convincing.

After the combat meeting, Mashu accompanied Fujimaru Ritsuka and left the management room first, while Hakuno followed Roman in a certain direction.

"Chaldea really can't spare any extra manpower now, and there's no one among them who is proficient in modifying weapons, so the usual methods can't help you!"

Roman smiled and said: "Fortunately, we have a special adviser in Chaldea. With that person, no matter what problem we have, we can easily solve it!"

"Really?" Bai Ye couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"This is it. Let me remind you first, don't be shocked when you enter!"

Stopping at the door of a certain room, Roman pretended to be mysterious and said to Bai Ye, then opened the door and led Bai Ye in.

This is a quite messy room. There are many strange things placed in front of the table and on the cabinets. Most of them are research facilities. Flasks and other things are very conspicuously placed on the table. There are also many things that cannot be named. Things were placed around the room, making the overall appearance quite chaotic.

"Oh, isn't this Romani? Aren't you busy restoring the functions of Chaldea and the adjustment of Sheba, forgetting sleep and food? Why are you coming here to me?"

From the room full of equipment, a voice came out, and then a beautiful figure came out from somewhere in the room.

"I'm sorry Leonardo, but since I'm here at this time, there must be something important."

Roman introduced this figure: "This is the person who came to help us from the parallel world. He has a weapon that he wants you to help transform!"

"Oh? People from parallel worlds? That's really interesting!"

With that said, the other party finally came to the two of them and looked at Bai Ye up and down.

Thanks to this, Bai Ye also clearly saw this person's appearance and appearance.

That was a woman. If I had to describe it, the word "beautiful" would definitely be the most appropriate. She had long black hair parted on both sides, dark pupils, and was very energetic. She was wearing a red and blue dress, holding a hand in her hand. Strange staff.

"Hello, as you can see, I am the omnipotent and all-around man during the Renaissance in history, Leonardo da Vinci!"

This extremely beautiful woman looked at Bai Ye with a polite yet elegant smile that she always maintained, and said with a smile: "Of course, you can also call me Da Vinci to kiss me!"

——Da Vinci dear.

Bai Ye looked at this woman and finally came to a realization, and became seriously aware of it.

People who know FGO basically know that this Da Vinci relative is very active in Chaldea as a profiteer, selling all kinds of strange props and magic gifts, so that the master needs to nourish and protect his liver with liver for a long time... …

In history, as she introduced herself, she was indeed a 'universal and versatile person' who had outstanding achievements in countless fields such as mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, geography, and even water conservancy, painting, sculpture, etc. A man of great achievements, his masterpiece is the world-famous painting 'Mona Lisa'.

"I love the Mona Lisa and want to use her look until she comes. This kind of persistence is really incomprehensible." Roman said from the side, watching Da Vinci kiss, but he was very helpless and speechless.

Da Vinci was clearly recorded as a male in history, but now he appears in front of Bai Ye as a female. As Roman said, when she came as a heroic spirit, she transformed her body into If you look into the reason for this appearance——

"What's wrong with this? My highest pursuit in life is beauty, and the Mona Lisa is the ultimate beauty. Transforming myself into this beautiful posture is my most satisfying decision!" Leonardo da Vinci was still smiling. road.

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