"It's so direct—"

Bai Ye whispered to himself softly, and then made a virtual fist in his hand.

The silver sword disappeared from his hand, and the golden holy sword appeared.

"Then let's respond to this power with all our strength!"


The majestic magic power gathered, countless light spots converged from the earth and the forest, and a huge sword of light took shape in Bai Ye's hands.


The golden torrent of light surged out like a huge surging wave, and collided with the Tarask that crashed in like a meteorite——

"Boom boom boom——!!!"

Violent roars resounded across the plain, spreading in all directions.

The sacred golden light rose from the ground to the sky, and was seen by countless people, shocking their hearts.

After an unknown amount of time, the tremor from the air finally disappeared and everything became quiet.

On the ground, the black burning traces spread far away before disappearing.

On this plain, the giant dragon also disappeared.

"Is it over? It's such a beautiful light..." Not far away, Mary said with emotion.

"Well, the light is indeed beautiful, but the sound is a bit hurtful to the ears." Amadeus nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I thought the treasure phantom would definitely defeat you, but you actually took out that holy sword? What an incomprehensible guy..."

Martha stood there, shaking her head, "But there is nothing we can do, so let's do it... Finally, I would like to warn you, although I don't know if it will be useful, but if you want to deal with that evil dragon, you can go to Lyon Go there... Really, so why let the saint come to kill..."

Just after saying these words, her body completely turned into starlight and dissipated. However, until the end, she still maintained a divine smile on her face.

Chapter 402 Must have a gentle heart (End of Chapter 4)

Watching Martha turn into starlight and dissipate, everyone on Mashu's side was a little silent.

Tarask knew that he was not worthy of the Holy Sword, so he put all his strength on defending against the torrent of light, and wanted to help Marda with her attack. However, even so, the brilliance of the Holy Sword still failed. Martha returned to the Seat of Heroes, but it was just a little delayed.

This time the enemy, whether it was Saint Martha or Tarasque, although they were defeated, this time it was an unlucky victory.

Mary and Amadeus were approaching.

"The fighting here will definitely attract the opponent's attention. Let's leave here first." Bai Ye said to several people.

Several people had no objections, and immediately left the battlefield. By the time someone was attracted, they were already far away from here.

There were some feelings brewing in Matthew's heart, not intense feelings, but silence and thinking.

Beside her, Joan saw the silent expression on her face, thought for a moment, and came closer, "Are you thinking about something?"

Matthew came back from his thoughts and saw Jeanne next to him. He hesitated to explain, "Yes... Regarding the saint Martha, she is so holy, but she clearly doesn't want to be that black Jeanne. Germany's revenge is a tool of the country. Originally, it should be able to become a partner."

"That's impossible. That saint, in the final analysis, is the servant of the black Joan of Arc. She can only obey her orders." Joan of Arc shook her head and denied.

"Of course I know about this. I was just thinking that the battlefield is really cruel. Even people who don't want to be enemies will have to confront each other with swords due to various circumstances..." Matthew said clearly. Somewhat moody.

Jeanne fell silent immediately after hearing this.

As someone who had fought hard on the battlefield for two years, she naturally had a profound say in the cruelty of the battlefield.

In fact, her hands were stained with the blood of countless lives.

"...There is one thing, although I don't know if you have thought about it, but I think it is necessary to explain it to you!"

Joan of Arc was silent for a moment, and then her eyes became very serious, "Matthew, have you ever thought about it? The road to saving humanity is long, and you will probably meet all kinds of followers in the future... …But if the servant who helped you in the past is on the enemy's side next time, what will you do?"


Matthew's expression suddenly became extremely shocked, "...Such a thing...I have never thought of it!"

"Yeah, I guess that's it—"

As if she had guessed Matthew's reaction, Joan of Arc said with a genuine expression: "This is the same as today's situation, Matthew!"

"Even if you don't want to, it is a fact that you have become an enemy... Since you are an enemy, the only way is to defeat him! The battlefield is a cruel place, and it is not enough to just learn to fight, you must be mentally aware! "Jane explained to Matthew with very realistic words that could break all illusions.

"How to face an enemy you don't want to face? In this regard, I think Bai Ye's mood is the same as yours."

Joan of Arc looked at the back in front of her, smiled slightly, and said to Matthew: "Although I don't know him very well, after these few hours of contact, I also have some ideas. As for that person, I don't know if he can be considered an outstanding person. A warrior, but a person with a gentle personality."

"You have to know that sometimes, giving death to your opponent on the battlefield is also a kind of relief, and the person who clearly understands this must be a person with a gentle heart."

After saying this with admiration, Joan of Arc said to Matthew again: "So you don't have to be confused. Just wave your shield and knock down the enemies on the road one by one. It's enough!"

"...Is that so?" Mashu frowned and thought.

Facing this question, Joan of Arc smiled slightly, her eyes became long, and she didn't know what she was thinking of, "Well, that must be the case, you won't regret it!"

Yes, just like her, if it is to protect France, even if her hands are covered with the blood of the enemy and she becomes the executioner, she will never regret it.

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Mashu who was still deep in thought, smiled lightly, slowed down her pace, and walked to the end of the team, leaving Mashu to think alone.

"It's such an honor to be praised by Joan of Arc!"

However, when she came to the end of the line, she was startled by a sound that shouldn't have appeared. She turned around and found that Bai Ye had also reached the end of the line at some point.

"Why are you here? Don't you need to be wary of monsters that suddenly appear in the forest?" Jeanne rolled her eyes at him and said.

"I intuitively felt that you were discussing me, so I ran to the back to listen. It's just that you two seemed to be worried and didn't notice me..."

Bai Ye shrugged, and then said with a strange expression: "Besides, if I stay in the front, I always feel that I will become strange..."

Jeanne couldn't help but become confused after hearing this, and looked towards the front of the team.

"Vivela France!" Mary shouted happily.

"Vivela France!" Amadeus continued with a smile.

"Vivela France!" Dr. Roman in the light screen shouted loudly as if he was poisoned.

"Fuwu——!" Fufu seemed to want to shout like this.

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