After releasing the true name of the Noble Phantasm, Kiyohime, who was dressed in a white kimono, suddenly transformed into a big snake with glazed flames wrapped around its body - no, it should be said that a dragon is more suitable.

That is not a real dragon, because she has no entity, it seems to be just a collection of flames, the embodiment of some kind of insatiable obsession with the man who lied to him - in other words, it is conceptual. dragon.

Although it is not a real dragon, the conceptual dragon transformed by Qing Ji is also extremely powerful.

——Turn around and fire will give rise to samadhi.

It is an EX-level Noble Phantasm. It is the embodiment of Seihime's own legend. It is precisely the obsession she holds. If you release this Noble Phantasm, you can release a dragon's breath in just one turn. Amazing attack!

The glazed conceptual dragon twisted its body and faced the dragon's breath falling from the sky!

"Boom boom boom boom boom-!!!"

The unprecedented collision of dragon breaths seemed to turn into the roar of heavenly fire, roaring and making the heaven and earth become muddy, making a deafening roar, as if a natural disaster had occurred in which a flash flood destroyed the city and destroyed the world.

Although it was only a short round, the dragon Qing Ji transformed into did block the terrifying dragon breath, allowing Bai Ye to rise to a sufficient height.

Seeing the collision between the fires below, Bai Ye clicked his tongue fiercely, then withdrew his attention and looked directly at the evil dragon in the sky.

At this moment, because he saw Bai Ye rushing up, the evil dragon, who had been taught a lesson, was already very vigilant, and his huge beast pupils were full of alertness.

Bai Ye grinned and said nothing, but a strong golden color suddenly bloomed in his pupils!

At this moment, Bai Ye put most of his mental energy on the project of 'embodiing gravity'.


In just an instant, without knowing what was happening, Fafnir suddenly felt that his body became heavier, and the waving of his wings became laborious——

The huge evil dragon seemed to be flying unsteadily in the next moment, rolling downwards and falling.

Thanks to this, the dragon's breath in its mouth that had not yet been extinguished was like a huge sharp sword. As it rolled, it crisscrossed the battlefield below from south to north!

“Boom, boom, boom—!!!”

As if being sanctioned by the Sword of Damocles suspended in the universe, under Fafnir's dragon breath, the entire battlefield was divided into two halves with a giant flame trench as the edge. Zu Feilong was instantly burned to ashes by this mouthful of dragon breath. c

above the ground.

The Dragon of Glass fell back to the ground, and turned back into Kiyohime in white kimono amidst the fluorescence. She landed on the ground, and took three steps back as if she was unsteady. Then she was helped up by an arm. .

Just looking back, the expression on Qingji's face suddenly became bright, and two blushes appeared on her face.

"Ah, master, it is my Qingji's lifetime honor that you can take care of me like this. No matter when you want Qingji to breathe out fire, just say something and I can come to you at any time and contribute the flames!" "

The person supporting her was naturally Fujimaru Ritsuka, but when she heard Kiyohime's words, she trembled all over, "You must have said a very strange word just now! There must be something else in the word flame." something!”


Mashu's obviously aggravated tone came from behind, "It's almost time to deal with the evil dragon! I hope you can become serious!"

"Ahem!" Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly became energetic, let go of Kiyohime, coughed slightly, raised his head, and looked intently at the fight between Hakuno and Fafnir in the sky.

An obvious look of disappointment flashed across Qing Ji's face.

After using that extraordinary Noble Phantasm, the magic power in her body was almost completely exhausted, and her aura became much weaker. It might be difficult for her to take action again.

However, as long as Fafnir can be dealt with, there will be no time for her to take action.

In the sky.

Affected by the strong gravity, the huge evil dragon fell uncontrollably to the ground in an instant——


However, under the release of a majestic magic power that was not inferior to Bai Ye, the downward trend of the evil dragon actually slowed down for an instant and gradually slowed down!

Bai Ye frowned, but he wasn't too surprised.

In fact, after achieving the manifestation of his superior, the gravity and pulling force exerted by him can reach more than 500 tons, which is comparable to the weight of an airplane.

Hakuno's embodiment is about manifesting force, rather than controlling gravity, so instead of doubling gravity, it increases gravity. Therefore, instead of giving the same multiple of gravity to all objects, all objects are given the same amount of force. , therefore, the gravity he assigned is actually a fixed value.

For humans, even heroic spirits are a huge burden. They can be said to be unfavorable in dealing with humans. But for dragon species, this is not the case, especially for giant dragons whose weight is not much different from that of an airplane. , then you can only pull it a little. As long as you take it seriously, there is basically no big obstacle.

Therefore, of course, if you want to bring it down, you must use other means.

Bai Ye stepped forward, finally leaped up, reached the sky above Fafnir, and kicked him down.

Again? !

Fafnir's beast eyes glared fiercely. Last time it was kicked down by him unexpectedly. He wanted to repeat the same trick this time?

Raising its head and aiming at Bai Ye, Fafnir opened its huge mouth, scorching waves of fire brewed in its mouth, and a fierce light appeared in its dragon eyes.

"Haha, you actually took the initiative to open your mouth in front of my eyes...Should I manifest a bunch of grain reincarnation things and send them to your mouth?"

Such a scene must be very beautiful (sad) and good (sick).

Although I thought so,... Hakuno did the same thing.

However, what he manifested was not the reincarnation of grains, but a corrosive chemical substance - fluorantibonic acid, which Hakuno checked from the Saigonbo database when he was in Academy City. The most corrosive chemical known to man.

Chapter 419 All the opponents found

No matter how tough it is on the outside, it must be soft on the inside.

Even dragons are no exception to this point.

The large amount of thick liquid that suddenly appeared in its mouth corroded the oral membrane in its mouth with a desperate corrosiveness. Fafnir instantly felt severe pain and involuntarily dispersed the liquid in his mouth. Dragon Breath.

One can only imagine how sour and refreshing the most powerful corrosive substance known to be, which was discovered in Academy City and surpassed the scientific and technological level of the outside world for 20 or 30 years, was.

Bai Ye's fantasy can be realized, but as long as he knows the existence of that material and has such an impression, he can realize it.


The pain-filled roar coming from Fafnir's mouth instantly echoed throughout the battlefield.

The huge dragon pupils even overflowed with tears.

Seeing Fafnir almost rolling in pain in the air, Bai Ye grinned and activated the fantasy materialization again. This time, it was used to increase his own power.

Nitrogen armor, physical force, and the condensed almost substantial wind... all three converged at his feet, covering his body and making him look like a god.

Immediately, he fell down with all his strength and kicked Fafnir in the back!


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