Silent astonishment filled the hall.

"No, it can't be?! Is this a Noble Phantasm that reverses cause and effect?!"

Only Dr. Roman's stammering words, as if he was deeply shocked, rang out in the hall.

"Ouch! Ooooh ooh ooh ooh ooh -!!! Damn it! Damn it!"

ˇSeeing that the fatal blow was blocked, @caster finally became furious, looking at the mountain of flesh covered by sea demons with his wide eyes, and roared like a curse.

"You guy, how far are you going to stop me?!"

"Bear bear bear——!"

Along with his roar, a strong fire finally lit up from the center of the sea demon, burning all the dozens of sea demons around him, causing the heat wave to spread wantonly in the hall. .

"That's my line, you incomprehensible amphibian!"

The young man who emerged from the fire took a deep breath, and then looked at the other person with a look of disgust, "You can't see the reality clearly. The battle is obviously over, but you are stupid again!"


When Bai Ye came out of the flames, he lowered his head and saw that the white T-shirt on his body had become tattered again. He clicked his tongue in displeasure, stretched out his hand, and tore it off again. Thrown into the fire.

Although he had previously used the Backlight Sword to save Ritsuka Fujimaru, he was also covered by countless sea demons. Although the attacks of the sea demons could not break through the defense of the Twelve Trials, his clothes were torn again. , and the feeling of being covered by tentacles is not good at all...

"You should be praised for being able to achieve this level!" Bai Ye sneered and looked at Caster Gill, "What other means are there, use them to your heart's content!"

The appearance of the Phantom of the Opera was indeed very sudden. Even he did not expect that the Assassin, who was not a mad servant, actually became a subordinate of Black Joan.

So much so that when he appeared using his aura to block it, even he was shocked for a moment, and then relied on his intellect to counterattack in time.

It would be completely meaningless to wait for the Phantom of the Opera to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka before using the Backlight Sword.

And the backlight sword——

It is a famous mythical weapon in Celtic mythology. It has the effect of "last strike, first come". No matter how fast the opponent's attack is, as long as the backlight sword is used here, it must be faster - that does not mean that the backlight sword is faster. It's not fast in the physical sense, but it reverses the cause and effect, making your attack 'absolutely first'.

Originally, this should be a noble phantom, and its official name should be 'Sword that Slashes the God of War'. Although he didn't know its specific grade, Hakuno guessed that it would never be weaker than A grade.

The current Backlight Sword is a fake version made by Bazett, who has inherited the technology of making this weapon. It is only a one-time consumable and the level is not high, so Hakuno has made many of them for thousands of years. In the city, it has never been used before.

After all, although "Last Strike, First Come" is powerful, it has extremely harsh conditions for its use, that is, it must wait for the opponent to use its "ace".

In other words, only when the opponent uses a trump card, such as a Noble Phantasm, can Hakuno activate the Backlight Sword and use the 'last come first come' effect.

Moreover, the attack power of the Backlight Sword is not strong, it is only at the level of a magic bullet. For many beings with extraordinary defense, even if they strike first, it is difficult to achieve anything.

Therefore, although this magic gift is very powerful, it is not very versatile and can only be piled in the warehouse and only used when needed.

With the end of this sudden attack, Fujimaru Ritsuka was freed from the critical situation, the suffocating fear dissipated, and he began to breathe heavily.

If she had no real sense of her own safety before, now, she deeply feels the difficulty of being the last Master in the world.

As a weakness among Servants, she cannot escape this fate.

With her heart trembling, the girl raised her head, only to see the face of Matthew who was even more frightened than her, causing her to subconsciously reveal a very forced smile.

"I am okay……"

Although she wanted to comfort Matthew, she didn't know how ugly her face was at the moment. It was so ugly that Matthew looked even more guilty.

Chapter 428 Roar, my anger! ! !

"Stop looking down on me!!!"

The murder plan was cracked, and the man who stole his Joan of Arc's heart mocked him with disdain, which completely burned away Caster Gil's remaining sanity.

The next moment, he raised his hands high, and strong golden light radiated above his head.

"Holy Grail! Listen to my wish! Give me enough power to kill that man...!!!"

The golden cup appeared in his raised hands, showing incomparable holiness, releasing a wave of magic that was like a prison and a sea, enough to suffocate any magician.

"Holy Grail——!"

At this moment, whether it was Hakuno who was facing Caster Gil, or Mashu and others who were mired in inner self-blame, they all set their sights on the Holy Grail that exuded golden light.


And at the top of the hall, in a place that several people subconsciously ignored, Black Joan's expression became extremely complicated. She looked at Caster holding the Holy Grail in his hand and tightened the black flag in his hand...

And here, after taking out the Holy Grail, as if in response to his wish, Caster Gil suddenly released a majestic magic power that was far greater than before. The fluctuation of that magic power was almost the same as that of Bai Ye. How much, even he was moved!

"This is my lament! My resentment! God! Lord! I want to redeem this land that has lost faith! Redeem this world - 8a}!!!!!!"

The human-skin book automatically floated in front of him, and an extremely evil aura emanated from the book. The next moment, it was like an earthquake, and the castle shook violently!

An evil aura like the arrival of an ancient evil god came out of this castle!

"Boom, boom, boom-!!!"

The moment the incomparably huge body appeared, the entire castle immediately fell apart. The walls all swayed, shattered, and fell downwards.


Mashu was startled for a moment and quickly stood in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka with a shield on his head to help him resist the falling boulder.

But, very suddenly, a huge tentacle several feet long suddenly came from nowhere. Like a huge whip, it hit Mashu's shield. The huge power made her expression change instantly. They were all knocked away, and the tentacle even chased after them reluctantly——


At the critical moment, Joan of Arc finally stood up and without hesitation raised the white flag, letting it flutter, revealing the iris pattern in it.

"My flag, protect my compatriots——!"

The flag exuded an extremely holy light. Joan of Arc waved it vigorously and unfolded the flag in front of her, "——Luminosite Eternelle (My Lord is here)!"

“Boom, boom—!!!”

The castle fell apart in the blink of an eye, making an earth-shattering roar that attracted the attention of the servants fighting on the battlefield outside the city.

"What happened?" Camilla was stunned.

"Don't be distracted during the battle! - Báthory Erzsébet (Blood Demon Lady)!" A strong sound wave struck instantly, causing an unwary Camilla to be seriously injured instantly.

Among the ruins of that castle.

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