Chapter 40 The man who once stood at the top of the world

The first thing I saw was a huge test tube-like device made of tempered glass with a diameter of more than four meters and a length of ten meters.

It was filled with red liquid.

And in the liquid was a man hanging upside down.

Wearing a green surgical gown, his head and feet are floating in the device. His long silver hair looks like countless threads floating in the liquid. He looks like a man, but a bit feminine. There is no emotion in his eyes. He looks like a saint who has nothing to do with the world, but he also looks like a sinner who regards human life as nothing.

Bai Ye looked at the man in front of him who acted strangely everywhere, feeling wary.

This man is none other than the creator and controller of Academy City. He once stood at the pinnacle of the magical world and now stands at the pinnacle of the scientific world. His name is Aleister Crowley.

The device in front of me is actually Aleister's life support device.

Because his whole body has long been scrapped, all life activities of the body have been terminated, and even most of the brain activities have mechanical agents.

That's why he hung upside down in this device and couldn't get out - because he couldn't get out.

But although he can't come out, it doesn't mean that he has no means.

As his guardian angel, Aiwass is his guardian. He doesn't know how strong he is, and his combat power is a mystery.

There are basically only two things that make Aleister the most feared.

One is that he does not treat people as human beings. No matter who they are, living, dead, close, innocent...even himself, they can be used as a chess piece. This kind of rational madness is exactly what he wants. This is the most taboo thing about him.

Not only that, but on this basis, he also possesses a higher level of intelligence than ordinary people. This is simply like a criminal getting a machine gun as a deterrent!

One is Aiwass.

Everything is a mystery to Aiwass.

Based on these two points alone, it is no exaggeration to say that he is one of the most difficult characters in the fantasy world.

For such an existence, Bai Ye did not want to contact him immediately.

But if this matter was a foregone conclusion, he would have to use his head to think about the current situation.

Bai Ye was not surprised when Aleister revealed his identity, "Sure enough, it was exposed early on!"

"Oh? You don't seem surprised at all?"

Aleister's calm voice came from a sound transmission device somewhere.

But although the tone was calm, it was inexplicably stressful.

"Of course, no matter what, the name Kanzaki can explain a lot of things." Bai Ye said.

"It seems that you have been prepared to be exposed for a long time, right?"

"So, what is your purpose? You don't want to think that the broken jade is the reason why you sneaked into this science side as a person from the magic side, right?"

Bai Ye suddenly smiled, "If I say that, do you believe it?"

"The possibility is small, but not impossible."

"Rationally speaking, the possibility that you would do this is too low, but if that piece of jade is really something that you want to get even if you don't care about your life, it is indeed possible..."

After saying that, Aleister paused for a moment, and then continued in an unchanging tone: "There are really very few things that I don't know. What is it? I wonder if you are willing to answer my questions. ?”

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Are you planning to let me go?"

"...Haha" Aleister was silent for a moment, then suddenly let out a low laugh.

"Are you worried about your situation? Or is this a test for me?"

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, but then he lowered his head and hid his eyes under his peaked cap.

As Aleister said, his purpose in asking this question was indeed to test his approach to him.

I knew he had a high IQ, but I didn't expect to be seen through right away...

"Yeah, yeah, this is really a huge misunderstanding. I don't want to provoke unnecessary disputes..."

A seemingly gentle smile appeared on Aleister's face, and he smiled and said: "So, you can rest assured that from the beginning, I had no intention of doing anything to you."

"So, can you answer my question? Does that broken jade have any special meaning?"

Bai Ye was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"That is something that has an unusual relationship with me... But, believe it or not, that power can enhance me, but even I don't know how to use it!"

This is the truth, so what Bai Ye said is very confident.

This small confrontation was regarded as a courtesy exchange. Aleister explained that he would not do anything to him, and he also informed him of the information he could tell... Anyway, he was telling the truth. He really had no way to deal with the broken jade!

As for whether Aleister would lie to him... Although it was possible, Hakuno chose to believe in his own sense of perception.

In his perception, Aleister indeed had no intention of touching him.

No matter which time it was, his sense of predicting the future had never disappointed him. This time, he was willing to believe so.

"...I understand, how about we drop the topic of broken jade for now?"

"I couldn't agree more."

"So, what are your plans? Do you want to stay here? Then you really have no position..."

Hakuno understood what Aleister meant almost instantly.

"It's my position, that's what I said... I still have good strength, and I still take advantage of the rough stones. Don't you think this is a good bridge?"

Opposite him, Aleister had a faint smile on his face soaked in liquid.

"You are right, then, I hope we can have a happy cooperation, Kanzaki Hakuno-san."

"I think so!"

It was unclear on Bai Ye's face whether he succeeded or failed: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Chairman!"

Jiebiao Danxi used her power again to bring Bai Ye out of the building.

Although she looked uncomfortable and looked like she was going to vomit at any moment.

Chapter 41 Small Failures and Successes

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