Listening to Erica's unabashed words of appreciation, even Bai Ye felt a little embarrassed.

"Then, I will not interfere with the reconstruction here. I originally wanted to give some money as compensation, but that was the situation before. But now that I have taken on the 'King's Responsibility', the losses caused will also be caused by Please help pay!" Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully and said.

Erica choked suddenly, seemingly a little shocked, and then she showed a slightly understanding smile, "I obey, King!"

"That's quite reasonable!" Bai Ye couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this, smiled softly, and said: "I thought you would ask me to help pay for some losses..."

"I won't go too far on this kind of thing!" Erica rolled her eyes and spread her hands: "This is a natural sharing of responsibilities. It would be really unwise for anyone to make such a shameless request to you. !”


Although Bai Ye became a 'king' for the first time, it didn't mean that he didn't know how to be a 'king'.

In the final analysis, the existence of 'king' has both responsibilities that must be fulfilled and rights that must be enjoyed.

Compared to the disobedient god who symbolizes disaster, what is a little loss? Since Baiye has sent Mekar and Veleslana back to Shinhwa, it is the greatest favor to the people. If he is still asked to help compensate, it is really unwise and a rational person will never do it. This choice.

Of course, the reason why Bai Ye said those words was not that he didn't want to make amends. It was just that he was a 'king' who ruled over the land, not a 'slave' of the people.

If he had to take action even for this matter, then not only would he be too useless as a 'king', but even the ministers who serve him would be useless!

It was precisely because of seeing this that Erica agreed so tacitly without saying anything more.

From a certain perspective, Erica is indeed an extremely smart servant... Of course, Erica, and even all the magic societies in Italy, are not his servants.

The reason why I am so respectful to him is just because he is also a king. After all, a being like the God Killer will be treated with respect wherever he goes.

"Let's not talk about these things for now. There is something I have to discuss with's about the King of Swords!"

I don't know what she remembered, but Erica suddenly stopped her feet, and the expression on her face became extremely solemn, "The King of Swords... looks like he will arrive at Sardinia this afternoon!"

This didn't sound like earth-shattering news, but the moment he heard the news, Bai Ye's steps stopped.

"That king, after knowing your existence, was much more excited than knowing that two god-king-level disobedient gods were coming! With that prince's personality, I'm afraid he will do some earth-shattering things again. ...For example, discussing with the new king..."

Erica said in an almost groan-like tone with great regret: "If I had known you had such strength, I shouldn't have informed that gentleman at all!"

——The King of Swords, Salvatore Toni.

That was Hakuno's previous God-Slayer, now the sixth king.

Unlike many other kings, he is an 'idiot who is only interested in swords'! He is keen on sword dueling with all kinds of beings. Even if it is a disobedient god, he will only treat it as a prey that he wants to sword fight with, rather than an object to usurp power.

In the original plot, not two days after Kusanagi Godou became the God-Slayer, he ran to Sardinia and had a big battle with him. While destroying the entire coast, he was also seriously injured by Hakuba's flames and was defeated. .

Chapter 511 Are you interested in the little girl?

"'Hahahaha! If my new compatriot is born, how can I not go and see it?'... He said so himself." Erica said, imitating the King of Swords.

Hakuno knew something about the character of the King of Swords. Although he didn't know the details, he could tell what a troublesome guy he was even just by listening to Erica's explanation.

You don't need to think about the opponent's intentions. The King of Swords, Salvatore Tony, must have become excited after learning about the birth of Hakuno, the seventh king, and he couldn't wait to have a showdown with him.

That guy has such a fighting personality. As long as he is an opponent who can fight, he will have no problem with anyone, let alone Bai Ye, the newly born king.

Erica took a deep breath, her eyes gradually became serious, and she spoke to Bai Ye sincerely.

"For Sardinia, which has just experienced the battle between you and the two disobedient gods, it is almost foreseeable how serious the consequences will be when there is a battle between the God-killers. Therefore, although some It’s transgression, but I, Erica Browntree, still want to request you, please do not agree to that gentleman’s proposal, it is best not to even meet his people!”

It seems that the King of Swords has brought a lot of trouble to Italy, which made Erica say things that might make the God-Slayer angry.

Hearing this, Bai Ye thought for a moment in silence, then nodded and said, "Okay, then please help me book a ticket to the East!"

"Eh? Is it really possible?" Erica was surprised when she heard this.

"Don't treat me as a fighting maniac!" Bai Ye shrugged and said quite casually: "If it is a battle that is bound to come, I will never escape, but this kind of meaningless battle, to be honest, I don’t have the slightest interest in it!”

What's more, according to Bai Ye's memory, the King of Swords is a candy-like guy... If he really defeats him, he will definitely find ways to harass him.

"That's great!" A look of joy appeared on Erica's face, and then she asked: "As for Dongfang, is it going to China? Which city is the ticket for?"

When Bai Ye heard this, he shook his head, "No, go to the island country of Tokyo!"

Not long after returning to the hotel, Erica delivered the ticket.

In the room, after putting away the ticket, Bai Ye looked at Erica and looked up and down.

Erica frowned under his gaze, smiled softly, and said charmingly: "What? Could it be that the king is very interested in the little girl, so he is reluctant to leave? This is really an honor!"

"...Erica, since I am the king, it is not too much to take something from you, right?" Bai Ye narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of a joking smile in his eyes.

"From me? What?" Erica couldn't help being stunned when she heard this.

But the next moment, before she could agree, Bai Ye took two steps forward with a smile on his face, and stretched his hand to the neckline of the long skirt under her neck——

That gesture seemed like he wanted to untie her clothes.

The smile on Erica's face instantly became extremely far-fetched, and the confidence that always bloomed in the past shrank back like a cringe.

"Could it be that... that very responsible king... actually has such... lewd interests?" Erica said with a forced smile on her face, and her tone seemed extremely unnatural.

Hearing this, a bright smile bloomed on Bai Ye's face, and then he reached out unceremoniously and pulled off the white tie from Erica's neck!


When the tie was pulled off, Erica's white collarbone was immediately exposed, and she immediately made a very cute sound——

However, contrary to her expectations, the next move did not come, and her clothes were still intact.

"Okay, give it back to you!"

Bai Ye took off a green jade piece as big as a fingernail from the tie, and then threw the tie that retained her body temperature back to her as if he was disgusted.


A tic-tac-toe instantly appeared on Erica's forehead. Although she was thankful that nothing strange was done to her, the look on the other person's face that said, "Stop being so sentimental" made her very angry!

She, Erica Browntree, is very famous in Italy. Her graceful figure, beautiful face, seductive eyes, etc. have even been spread to foreign countries... Hakuno's expression is simply... What an insult to her charm!


"Erica, do you know who else has such a piece of jade?" Bai Ye asked calmly, ignoring her annoyance.

Although she was furious, after hearing Bai Ye's question, Erica still held back her anger and said with a forced smile: "Well, of course I know! It's my childhood sweetheart, owned by a very outstanding knight. !”

Erica deliberately blurred the gender of her childhood sweetheart and said these words in a very proud tone. Erica gently lifted her slightly messy long hair. While full of charm, she also looked at him with a provocative expression. Bai Ye.

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