"Is that guest so important? He didn't even say 'goodbye' to me..." Erica muttered twice.

If it were any other willful king, she would certainly not say that, but if it were the new king who was very kind and polite, it would be a bit strange to hang up the phone without even saying hello to her. .

"However, with the king's strength, there shouldn't be any problem. I will quickly take down the Gorgon Stone and take it to Japan... Ah, by the way, we can't forget that mission..."

Thinking of this, Erica had a teasing smile on her face, dialed another number and got through to the other party.

"It's been such a long time, Lily..."

"You bitch...!" came another girl's guarded voice from the other end of the phone, as if she was guarding against a class enemy.

Chapter 527 The goddess as bright as the silver moon

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye put the phone back into his pocket, turned his eyes to the front of him again, and saw a bright and petite figure there.

Bai Ye had a helpless or amusing smile on his face, and said with a smile: "This is really an incredible encounter. I didn't expect that I could run into the goddess just for a casual run. I am really lucky! "

Standing not far in front of Bai Ye is a very petite girl figure. She looks like she is only twelve or thirteen years old. She is very young and has an angelic face.

She was wearing a student uniform that she found somewhere, a thin sweater on the upper body, a mini skirt and knee-high socks on the lower body, and a knitted hat on her head, but the shape of cat ears was faintly exposed.

What flows out like moonlight from under the knitted hat is a head of silver hair like a bright moon, neither long nor short, just reaching the shoulders. The dark pupils are full of mystery like the endless night.

If you only look at the appearance, she must be a very cute and attractive legal loli, but if you are a person with magical powers, you will definitely be able to feel the terrifying presence and faint brewing released from the girl. You will understand the huge amount of magic power coming from you immediately.

——That's a goddess.

Like Veleslana and Mekar, he is a pillar of the God of Disobedience, a walking disaster that ran out of the courtyard of myth!

The girl standing in front of Bai Ye was a goddess.

At this moment, the young goddess was looking deeply at Bai Ye with her dark pupils, her eyes seemed to be filled with doubts. Then, the goddess spoke.

"Godslayer, I can feel the breath of my own family from your body. Is this your deception?"


Bai Ye immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled clearly, "I see, is this the reason why you appear here? You followed the aura of 'your retinue' in me, so you came to Japan with me... "

"However, I can tell you with certainty that it is by no means a deception. After all, there is no need for me to use such clumsy means!"

Bai Ye shrugged and said very calmly: "Some time ago, there was a disobedient god who said that I have the aura of a god!"

The aura of the gods, that refers to Bai Ye’s ‘divine nature’

But the dependents of this goddess are


"So, where did the 'dragon' in you, God Killer, come from?" The goddess's eyes flashed slightly, and then she asked.

Yes, in this world of God-killers, creatures like dragons are the dependents of this goddess. That is related to the other party's extremely special godhead——

"There's no need to tell you, right?" However, when faced with the other party's question, Bai Ye refused to answer it directly.

The aura of the dragon on his body... that undoubtedly refers to Hakuno's 'Cage Hands of the Red Dragon Emperor' and 'Light Wings of the White Dragon Emperor', which were made from the body of Er Tianlong. This god-killing tool has a very strong 'dragon' aura.

After all, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor are both dragons in the Heavenly Dragon Realm! It was so powerful that the three warring parties of angels, fallen angels, and demons had to join forces to eliminate it.

Such two God-killing tools reside in Bai Ye's body, which naturally makes the aura of dragon on Bai Ye's body become very strong, so that this goddess has traveled thousands of miles and traveled across the ocean from Europe to Europe. Asia, followed him to Japan.

It can also be seen from this point that this goddess attaches great importance to her dependents.

Facing Bai Ye's seemingly ignorant answer, the goddess's pupils shrank into snake pupils for an instant, but she quickly relaxed.

"Indeed, as a God-killer, even if you are connected with my family, in the final analysis, you and I are still natural enemies. Of course, there is no need to say it..."

Saying this, the goddess looked at Bai Ye with eyes as cold as a snake, "The 'snake' too, will fall into your hands soon, right?"

She had already heard the phone call just now...

Hakuno received Erica's call when she came to him, and immediately asked Erica to take down the Gorgon Stone and send it to Japan...

This means that Bai Ye knows the identity of this goddess and is aware of her origin.

And if the other party still wants to send the Gorgon Stone over despite knowing her identity... then there is only one answer!

"Okay, then, in three days, I will come to you again and have a showdown with you!"

The silver-haired petite goddess threw away all the hesitations she had when facing her dependents just now, and looked at Bai Ye with indifferent eyes as if she were looking at an enemy, "Let's see whether it is you who defeats me and gains my power, or I I will defeat the Demon King myself and return to the form of the Trinity!"

If you want to perfectly obtain the power of a god, it is necessary to restore the god to its complete form.

Only by defeating a complete God of Disobedience can one be sure to obtain the power of the God without fail.

In the heart of this young 1.8 silver-haired goddess, Hakuno sent the Gorgon Stone to Japan just to defeat her completely and gain her power...

In view of this, she naturally regarded Bai Ye as an enemy.

After just leaving these words, she disappeared in the darkness and left Bai Ye's sight.

"Well, I do want her power..."

Bai Ye shrugged, but did not deny the goddess's guess.

In this park on the roadside where cars were coming and going, Bai Ye glanced in a certain direction behind him very indifferently and said calmly: "You are here and you are still not coming out. Do you want me to pull you out? "

Chapter 528 Of course there are more important things to do

In this deserted park, only Shiro Ye's voice echoed under the soft lights on the roadside at night.


Immediately, the sound of footsteps sounded, and a middle-aged male figure appeared in Bai Ye's sight.

"I'm really ashamed of myself for bothering the king to take action! I'm coming out right now."

Walking out of the forest with a seemingly frightened, but actually extremely leisurely attitude, was a middle-aged man wearing a dark green suit, black-rimmed glasses, and a slight stubble on his chin, squinting. His eyes looked frightened.

"I am Touma Amakasu, a member of the Japan Official History Compilation Committee, and I have met the king!" Touma Amakasu bowed to Hakuno and said with a smile.

"You have been following me for such a long time. You must have seen the scene just now, right?"

Baiye looked at the traffic on the road, waiting for the green light on the sidewalk, and casually asked Touma Amakasu.

"Well, it can't be considered too long, right? After all, it's been less than an hour since you landed on the coast of our country... However, I did see the confrontation between you and the goddess just now!" Amakasu Touma smiled. He nodded, still using the attitude that looked very frightened, but was actually extremely calm.

"Has anyone ever said you deserve a beating when you smile like this?"

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